Isn’t it
interesting what a chance encounter can
lead to? Back in the 1990’s, a giant poster in a booth at the Medicine Hat
Exhibition & Stampede drew my attention and the lonely-looking author seated
at the table with a stack of her book. Most Stampede attendees are more
interested in buying cowboy hats or candy floss than a book to carry around on
the midway or while watching rodeo events. Being a writer myself, I had empathy
for her, stopped to chat, and bought her book—One Hundred Years of Grasslands. It
remains my favorite book of all my dozens of research books of Canadian
Marjorie Rohde
Mason was born and raised on a ranch in the Grasslands region of southern
Saskatchewan. The ranch has been in her family for over a hundred years and
thus she had heard lots of stories passed down about the lawless days of
horse-thieves and cattle rustlers in the Big Muddy badlands. The book is full
of history and reminisces by pioneers of the area. One quote speaks volumes: “Most of the time, you could not tell the colour
of the horses for mosquitos.” One chapter heading and photograph
particularly intrigued me: wolf caves. I had to visit them.
Nineteen years ago
we made that trip to celebrate the new
millennium. The day following our tour of the Chinese tunnels in Moose Jaw
(Part 1), we drove approximately 160 kilometers south to the hamlet of Coronach.
As luck would have it, we were the only ones who’d booked a tour that day, so
instead of being crammed in a passenger van with a dozen tourists, we had the guide all to ourselves
in the comfort of our van with her giving my husband directions. What a stroke
of luck that was having her undivided attention! I took lots of pictures and notes,
which I can’t find right now, so I’m
writing from nineteen-year-old memories, Marjorie’s book, and a little help
from Google for pictures.
Many of the places
our guide took us to were located on private land, under lock and key,
accessible only through her. We wandered around a one-room schoolhouse where we
saw old school desks, a pot-bellied
stove, lessons written on the blackboard
and breathed in the dusty air of the old building. In my mind I heard the children’s voices
reciting their lessons, imagined the teacher walking down the aisles checking
their arithmetic, and glanced out the tall fly-specked windows at the two
outhouses near the play area.
We visited an Indian
burial site and ceremonial circles that were fenced off. Two particularly interesting sites displayed effigies of a large turtle and also
a buffalo, each a pattern of carefully placed stones that have rested
undisturbed for decades. “Dakota Siksika
legends use turtles to represent wise and highly respected people. Buffalo were
the “staff of life” for Indigenous people and this (buffalo) effigy is believed
to be the only one in Canada if not North America.”

We drove a little
further, disembarked, and at last I gazed at the entrance to Sam Kelly’s caves.
One cave was used by the outlaws and the other held their horses to keep them hidden
from sight. The caves were originally occupied by wolves; outlaws enlarged them.
(For the safety of modern-day tourists, the caves have been reinforced with
wooden beams.)
I ducked inside the
bigger one used by the men and just stood there, eyes closed, and breathed in
the cloying smell of dirt walls all around me. Imagined two outlaws hunched
over a tiny fire, heating their coffee and beans while another outlaw kept
watch above on the high bluff for any sign of the red-coated North West Mounted
Police approaching. If so, he’d warn the others and they’d rush their stolen
horses across the narrow gully and up the slope of Peake's Butte and cross the International Boundary (49th
parallel) just a few yards away. There was also an escape tunnel in case the "Redcoats" were to close.
This memory was
used in the third book of my trilogy: Beneath A Desperado Moon which will be published
sometime next year by Prairie Rose Publications. Reliving these memories, I may
just want to go back and revisit that cave <grin>.

The discovery of gold in Montana enticed not only the gold-seekers but also the building of railroads to transport the ore—and ruthless outlaws who were happy to relieve them of their gold and money. The drought of 1883 caused tremendous cattle losses; the price of beef went down and many cowhands were let go accordingly. Unable to find work, many of them drifted into robbing banks and horse-stealing to survive. If you can buy or rent the movie, Monte Walsh played by Tom Selleck, here’s the trailer to give you a good idea of a cowboy’s life herding cattle: .
The Wild Bunch outlaws
were excellent horsemen and accomplished horse thieves. Although they were most
noted for their bank and train robberies, one branch of the gang concentrated
on stealing as many as 200 horses and driving them across the border, selling
them, stealing them back and fleeing into Montana and North Dakota where they’d
resell them again. The Nelson-Jones Gang, reportedly a part of The Wild Bunch,
and Dutch Henry were known to do this quite successfully.
In my book, Beneath A Horse-Thief Moon, the Billy Cranston Gang was inspired by the Nelson-Jones Gang that raided the border ranches, causing a lot of grief and hardship. Nelson was a tall, skinny red-haired, red-bearded man described as having sharp eyes as “cold as fish”.
In my book, Beneath A Horse-Thief Moon, the Billy Cranston Gang was inspired by the Nelson-Jones Gang that raided the border ranches, causing a lot of grief and hardship. Nelson was a tall, skinny red-haired, red-bearded man described as having sharp eyes as “cold as fish”.
In Montana, Nelson
was known as a rustler and a killer and was never without a gun. One of the
stories about him involved him boldly breaking a gang member, Trotter, and
another prisoner out of a Montana jail in 1894. Seffick promptly joined the outlaws.
Nelson’s gang created so much trouble that ranchers banded together and posted
a $1500 reward each for Nelson and Carlyle, an ex-mountie turned outlaw, and
lesser amounts for several other outlaws.
Charles "Red" Nelson (also known
as Sam Kelly) eventually gave himself up in Plentywood, Montana, but due to
insufficient evidence and because most shootings were considered self-defense, he
was released. He (ironically) bought a ranch in the Big Muddy area and it was
rumored he was periodically visited by former gang members. I love this little
tidbit: “If the rain barrel was tipped a
certain way it was a signal to visitors that it was not safe to be in the area.”
He supposedly died in 1954.
Another outlaw in
my novel is French Henri, whom I mentioned in my author’s notes as being
patterned after Dutch Henry, an excellent horseman and bronc buster, but best
known for being a horse thief in the Big Muddy area. After being kicked out of
Dodge by Wyatt Earp, Dutch hooked up with a trail drive to Montana and
proceeded to swindle his boss, eventually causing the man to go bankrupt. Dutch
and his men would haze as many as 400 horses across the border, selling, re-stealing
and reselling just like certain members of the Wild Bunch. His gang had some
interesting names: Bloody Knife, Pigeon-Toed Kid, James McNab, Duffy, and
Birch. With names like the first two, no wonder they were feared by the border
There are
conflicting accounts of Dutch Henry’s death. One story is that he was killed in
Canada by the North West Mounted Police—twice! Another account says he was
found dead in the Minnesota brush, yet a third report claims he was hanged in
Mexico. Or did he marry and live peacefully in Minnesota until he died of a
gunshot wound? This has stimulated some history buffs to play detective to
solve the mystery. Check out this link for a little more history on Dutch
The Big Muddy Badlands
is an amazing narrow valley about a two hours’ drive south-west from Regina,
Saskatchewan. It has amazing scenery, created by the Ice Age traveling through
the area millions of years ago and melt
water creating all kinds of formations. Wind and rain also play a part in
erosion of the cliffs and buttes. They also provide great hiding places for
outlaw activity. On our last day we did some exploring on our own.
We traveled off
the main roads onto a trail across the prairie to see Castle Butte, an amazing
large sandstone and clay hill pockmarked with caves—perhaps wolf caves in the
It stands 200 feet high and is a one-quarter of a mile around the base. We didn’t climb it, but I saw all kinds of possibilities for this in a book. Apparently, some of the caves are narrow and deep so you take a risk exploring them. Years ago, when lost, people used the landmark to get their bearings again.
It stands 200 feet high and is a one-quarter of a mile around the base. We didn’t climb it, but I saw all kinds of possibilities for this in a book. Apparently, some of the caves are narrow and deep so you take a risk exploring them. Years ago, when lost, people used the landmark to get their bearings again.
On our way home to
Alberta, we headed west toward Eastend, south of the Cypress Hills to visit a
friend. Along the way near Wood Mountain, we came across a small North West
Mounted Police Museum but sadly after the Labor Day weekend, it was open only
on weekends so we couldn’t go inside. Perhaps we’ll see it on our next trip.
The mounted police had a base at Wood Mountain and had their hands full with whiskey
smugglers and outlaws whipping in from Montana, stealing cattle and horses and
escaping across the border again and avoid prosecution. All they could hope was
to catch them in the act in Canada and incarcerate them.
There are lots of interesting, historic places to visit in western Canada that give you glimpses of our pioneer days, the difficult task the police force had to control the whiskey trade, horse-stealing and cattle rustling. I could only touch on a bit of that history. I’m glad you came along for the brief outing.
Link for Castle
Butte and pictures;aggregationId=101&albumid=101&filter=7&ff=329947225
All of those adventures were mentioned in her book? That's a whole bunch of places to see and it was a lucky thing that, because of her, you had access to places others don't ordinarily get to see. All of this because you saw an author in need and befriended her. You have certainly been rewarded, Elizabeth. I hope you find your pictures and notes. You are quite the historian.
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you, Elizabeth.
Her book gave a history of the area and lots of pictures. It was the pic of a wolf caves that intrigued me and although my first book is not set in the Big Muddy area, but further north and west in the Cypress Hills, I was influenced by the outlaw activity and it fired up my imagination. I couldn't believe our luck in having a tour guide all to ourselves instead of having to share her with a dozen tourists. If we ever go again, I'd pay extra to have that privilege again. Thanks for stopping by, Sarah.
DeleteThere are no chance encounters! Don't you find that? What an amazing trip you had and I love how you were able to stand in the cave and soak it all in. There really are some special places like that. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSounds like an incredible trip. And now, I want to visit Canada!!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the trip is still so strong in my mind, and part of my trilogy, it definitely was an incredible trip. Please do visit's a beautiful country with lots of history. Just recently binge-watched two seasons of Frontier and I tell you, there sure was lots of treachery in the Hudson Bay fur trading days in the 1700's.I'm eager to see the third season hopefully sometime this fall. I hope you'll get a chance to come explore our beautiful country. I've written several books set in various provinces, but other than New Brunswick, so far all my stories are in the West. Thanks for stopping by, Kristy.
DeleteHow interesting, Elizabeth. What a great post. Lucky for us as well as you that you found that author.
ReplyDeleteI so agree, Caroline. If I hadn't gone to the Stampede, wandered through the exhibition hall and met Marjorie and bought her book, well, I might never have gone to Moose Jaw, stayed in my first B&B, toured the Chinese tunnels and gone on to book a tour to see the wolf is truly a string of encounters like Patti mentioned above. Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteGreat post, Elizabeth. I'm reading BENEATH A HORSE-THIEF MOON and this makes the area and the people come alive and the area becomes another character. I think I told you I had spent some time in Alberta, but it has been 35 years. I know we stayed in a small town and the people were wonderful. We worked our way from Alberta to British Columbia. An amazing trip. Am looking forward to the rest of the books in your trilogy. Best of luck with them.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Agnes, for liking my post. And I'm tickled to death that you're reading my book and "feeling" the location. Please visit my website my son created for me. He took all the wonderful pictures of Fort Walsh and glimpses of life in the day of a N.W.M.P. constable back in the 1875 onward when they reached the Cypress Hills where my trilogy is set. The Big Muddy badlands are about three hours' drive further east. I'd love to hear about your time in our beautiful province....and please let me know what you thought of my "children" when you finish reading my book. The second book, Beneath A Fugitive Moon will be published by PRP on June 27th. Thanks for dropping by, Agnes.
DeleteIsn't it wonderful to walk the ground where so much history took place. Thank you for taking us along on the trip. It was a good one. Doris
ReplyDeleteYou're always so kind, Doris. That trip nineteen years ago is still so memorable. And absolutely something to be said about walking where history took place. I still remember the dusty, cloying smell of those dirt walls and it will probably stay with me for a long time. I think that's why I had trouble with my Colorado story because I've never been there, although I've spent many vacations in the Rocky Mountains when we've vacationed in Banff and Jasper. That's why all my novel settings so far have always been in places I've actually visited/stayed. Thanks for stopping by and so glad you enjoyed the trip