Long before dukes and earls rode
in fancy carriages through London ’s Hyde Park, and
long before the Norman-French claimed victory at Hastings ,
Romans established the city of Londinium .
Julius Caesar first visited Britain in 55 B.C., but it wasn’t until A.D. 43
that Emperor Claudius decided the Thames was a favorable shipping route from
the North Sea and established a town in the area just east of present day Westminster .

Of course, local Celtic tribes did
not welcome the Roman invasion any more than Native Americans did white
settlers. Inceni Queen Boudicca of East Anglia led a revolt against the Romans and
destroyed their cities of Camulodunum (Colchester), Verulamium (St. Albans ) and Londinium.
Perhaps she was the first, true
Women’s Libber! In any case, she was
indeed a Warrior Woman whom men followed into war. A statue of her driving her chariot stands at
the corner of today’s Westminster Bridge and Victoria ’s
Embankment, right across from Parliament.
The Romans, however, were not
known for accepting defeat. They rebuilt
Londinium, including a stone wall to protect from future attacks. London Wall
(between Bishopsgate and Aldersgate marks where the Roman wall once stood. Portions of it can also be seen on the
grounds of the Tower of London as well as beneath St. Brides Church on Fleet
Street and at the Museum
of London .
A gladiatorial ampi-theatre was
built on the North Bank of the Thames off Gresham Street
where the Guildhall now stands. A Forum was added near present-day Cornhill and
Gracechurch Streets. Close to Cheapside and Queen Street, a Roman-style
bathhouse with hypocausts provided the traditional three-chamber method of
bathing—soaking in the caldarium
(hot, steamy water), then into the tepidarium
(tepid temperature) and dipping into the frigidarium
(very cold water) for the finish.
A number of temples to Roman gods
and goddesses were also erected through the first two centuries. When
Christianity emerged in the early 4th century, Romans did in Britain what they did across the
Continent…they simply replaced Pagan holidays with Christian ones. The Celtic Imbolc (February 1) became
Candlemas, spring Beltane became
Easter, the Summer Solstice of Litha
became St. John’s Day, autumn Samhain became All Hallows Eve, and the Winter
Solstice festival of Yule became Christmas (celebrating the Christ’s Mass).
The Romans abruptly abandoned Britain in the
early 5th century to return to the Continent and defend their empire
from Eastern invaders, but many remnants of their culture remains, if one knows
where to look.
Another point of interest within
the old Roman walls is the circular Temple
Church built by the
Templars in 1185. Not only is it still standing, but it’s in regular use for
Sunday services and special events.
That was a mighty outstanding article about Britain and the Romans way-way back before Christ even. That some of these markers of history still exist is amazing considering all the bombings during World War II and the passing of time. I enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you, Cynthia.
ReplyDeleteWonderful overview. Thank you.
I get a little giddy when I come across archaeological articles about the latest discoveries in the British Isles, and particularly what is unearthed in and around London. Don't you love the way "Londinium" flows off your tongue? *grin*
Queen Boudicca was certainly a woman ahead of her time, but hers was a violent and tragic story, too.
This is the kind of history I love. The feet on the ground. Thank you for the 'walking' tour. The clash of cultures and resulting peices left for the future adventurer are priceless to me. Thank you. Doris