Sunday, October 1, 2023

Have You Seen This One? Frontier Doctor

Post by Doris McCraw

aka Angela Raines

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

The nights are getting longer and the days shorter. Of course, this means that the year is coming to an end. Counting this post there are three more months left year of 2023 and three more old Western TV shows to explore.

This month I will be taking a look at "Frontier Doctor".

This syndicated show ran from September 1958 to June 1959. It stared Rex Allen as Dr. Bill Baxter, a turn-of-the-century physician in a small town in Arizona. He traveled in a horse and buggy treating patients and sometimes dealing justice. The show had 39 episodes and was a half-hour show.

Allen, who was known as 'The Arizona Cowboy' had been the star, as himself, in a number of Western films in the 1950s. He was also a rodeo cowboy, and singer/songwriter, in addition to acting. His later career saw him as the voice of a number of Disney nature films along with numerous other voice-over works.

Allen and his horse Koko
Photo from Wikipedia.

If you get the chance try to catch some of his films. Since singing cowboys were popular, Allen's voice fit the genre perfectly.

Born on a ranch in Arizona on December 31, 1920, he passed away on December 17, 1999, in Tucson, Arizona.

Here is a sample of a song from one of his movies: The Colorado Trail

Check out this episode from the series: Crooked Circle

For a look at the other posts in this series:

The Tall Man

The Adventures of Jim Bowie

"Overland Trail" - YouTube

Trackdown - Self-Defense

Cimarron City

Whispering Smith

Until Next Time: Stay safe, Stay happy, and Stay healthy. 



  1. Another one that escaped my attention totally, so I went down that online rabbit hole. So this man had the mellifluous tones that accompanied The Wonderful World of Disney? And he narrated the now-infamous episode that supposedly showed the lemmings committing suicide? That's a claim to fame right there, apart from anything else he did in his career.

    1. For someone who has dimmed from the limelight, he did a lot. I'd forgotten the lemmings episode. (SIgh). Hope the rabbit hole was a nice trip. (LOL).
      Thanks for the comment. I was reminded of something I'd forgotten. Doris

  2. Another interesting-sounding western I never saw. Sigh! I do remember the infamous lemmings, however. He had a very nice voice.

    1. I think there were a lot that got missed for some folk didn't get all three networks or some syndication. He did have a nice voice. Thanks for stopping by. Doris

  3. I vaguely remember my parents watching Frontier Doctor. I haven't thought of it in ages. I will remedy that. ha I am also in the dark about C.A.'s 'narrating suicidal lemmings' comment. I'm intrigued. I will be looking that up, too. ha Great information, as always, Doris. ;-)

    1. Enjoy the shows. Then, of course, you can check out his movies. Lemmings, who'd have thought. Doris
