Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Creativity (An 8-Part Series): Part VIII - Magic and Wrap-Up

By Kristy McCaffrey

Don't miss
Part I   - Imagination
Part III - Shape-Shifting
Part VII - Synchronicity

Magic is the art of reaching into a deeper reality and bringing gifts into the ordinary realm.

We have the power to remake our world, not just in a small and intimate sense but the world-at-large as well. It's up to us, however, to take our passion and direct it into creative projects. When writing a story and becoming completely immersed in the project, the very laws of time and space are changed. That is the power of creationthe power of each human being to hone something from nothing. It's magic.

What's your calling? Whatever it is, everything that isn't a part of it must fall away. To fulfill one's life work, there must be focus and follow-through in creating an environment for it to thrive. Everything must be aligned around this foundation—100% devotion is required; half measures won't work. As the inner life becomes more complex, the outer life becomes simpler.

"...our job is to make choices that create the right conditions for [our calling] to flourish. The Gift is indestructible. It is a seed. We are not required to be God. We are not required to create the seed. Only to plant it wisely and well." ~ Stephen Cope

Magic is any mysterious power that produces extraordinary results. Each one of us possesses that power. How will you add magic to the world?

"...we each...have feminine spiritual superpowers, such as touching, knowing, feeling, relating, expressing our true voice(s), visioning, healing..." ~ Sera Beak

Works Cited

Beak, Sera. Red Hot & Holy: A Heretic's Love Story. Sounds True, Inc., 2013.

Beck, Martha. Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life you Want. Free Press, 2012.

Cope, Stephen. The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling. Bantam Books, 2012.

Moss, Robert. The Three "Only" Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence & Imagination. New World Library, 2007.

Wrap Up

Thank you for traversing the wilds of creativity with me these past eight months. I hope something here ignited a spark for you—of knowing, of inspiration, of simply having a way to express a longing that won't let you go.

Now, go forth and perform your work. The world needs it, and only you can do it.

Connect with Kristy


  1. Kristy, I love all the images you've used throughout this series--those alone take me on a "journey" aside from the excellent text you wrote. This has just been a wonderful, wonderful series, and I'm so glad you decided to do this--that's one of YOUR true gifts--to bring this kind of enlightenment and recognition to each of us about what we are capable of DOING. Thank you!

    1. Cheryl, I'm so glad it was helpful. Something pushed me to pull this together, so just doing it was helpful to me. I'm glad I was able to make it readable and accessible. I read so many books on the subject of self-help and the interior journey that it was a little overwhelming at first. :-) But in the end, it was great fun. I hope others had fun with it, too.

  2. Kristy, I previously read one or two parts of the series and had to go back and read what I missed. It was so interesting I decided just to read it all again from the beginning. Even some of the discussion made in the comment sections were fun to read. I love thinking/ learning about human energy and the possibilities in our imaginations. When I read about looking through the eyes of a animal, I wanted to tell you— this was my favorite part. But then the crone— no wait— the sacred prositiute. Each blog inspiring and made me want to reach deeper into my memories and dreams. I do believe that a story chooses us for the telling. Well done.

    1. Cindy, Thank you so much! I'm glad different parts of it spoke to you. It's interesting, but as we change and grow, our perspective will as well. Sometimes we identify with one aspect and years later it will be a different one. That's why it can be beneficial to periodically jump start the creative juices.

  3. I have really enjoyed this series. It has been enlightening, thought-provoking, and uplifting. Thank you for putting these philosophical reflections together.

    1. C.A., thank you so much for the kind words. :-) Cheers!

  4. Kristy, what an awesome series you've put together. I've read only the previous two, but look forward to reading all of them. To coin a cookie commercial kinda....You make good cookies...uh stories.

    1. Elizabeth, LOL I like cookies and I like stories. Sounds good to me! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. This is such a fabulous series--thanks so much for gifting it to us!

  6. I'm so sorry to see this series end. It has been a joyous journey and I thank you. I know I will refer back to these posts time and time again. Doris

    1. Thank you, Doris! I'm kind of sad it's over too LOL.

  7. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this series. Very thought provoking and what you said spoke to me in so many ways. It helps to have someone keep nudging you in the right direction, and this series did that for me.

    1. Thanks, Patti! It's always good to have a nudge sometimes. :-)

  8. What a beautiful and enlightening blog. I loved the quotes. I haven't read the complete series, but I certainly want to go back and catch up. Did you publish this series into a book? If you did, I missed it.

    1. Sarah Thank you! I hope you enjoy it. I didn't put this into a book. It was a series I wrote for my own blog a few years ago, and I updated it a bit when I posted it here at PRP.

  9. Kristy,

    Thank you for offering this series. I've enjoyed each article immensely. I also appreciate that you included your references, as I've pursued each one for further reading. I've discovered new authors and new books. *hugs*

    1. Kaye,
      The source material goes into everything far more in-depth and is worth having a look at if you want to delve deeper. Thanks for your support!
