Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Movie Kisses Series 5/8/2024 Quigley Down Under #prairierosepubs #moviekisses

Here we are at the fifth installment of my year-long look at The Kiss in historically-set movies.

 Recap of movie kisses so far:

January KissThe Phantom of the Opera 

February KissThe Princess Bride

March KissThe African Queen

April KissShakespeare in Love

The May movie kiss comes to you from the 1990 movie, Quigley Down Under. The casting is perfect:

Tom Selleck plays the American cowboy who travels to Australia in answer to an ad for a sharpshooter;

Laura San Giacomo plays “Crazy” Cora Cobb, a woman cruelly abandoned when her husband put her on a ship to Australia as punishment for the death of their baby;


Alan Rickman as Elliot Marston, the man who advertised for a sharpshooter and who is a nasty bit of goods.

We hope from the moment Quigley comes to Cora’s defense in the first minutes of the movie that they will end up together. We watch their feelings for each other develop during the trials and hardships they share as they survive the hardships of the Australian outback.

We experience a couple of ‘near kiss’ moments. When Quigley rides away from Cora near the end of the movie then stops and looks back at her, our hearts leap into our throats and our eyes mist over. We know he loves her, because he stops to look back. She knows it, too.

The business with Marston is unfinished, and both Quigley and Cora know he has to face down Marston, which is why Quigley leaves Cora behind. Right now, we’re a little nervous that they (and us) will be cheated out of their kiss.

But not to worry. They are reunited at the ship that will take them back to America. The kiss we’ve waited for doesn’t disappoint. It’s a happy, feel good moment, and we can’t stop smiling.

 See you next month for more kisses from the big screen.


  1. Ooh! I haven't seen this and I'm a huge Tom Selleck fan. This looks fantastic. Thank you!

    1. I really like this movie. The two movie taglines are pretty good: "There's a price on his head. A girl on his mind. And a twinkle in his eye" AND "The West was never this far west". There's delightful Tom Selleck witty humor. Alan Rickman as the villain. A heart-wrenching revelation from Cora. Did I mention Alan Rickman is a wildly fabulous villain? hahaha I often use two quotes from this movie, because they apply to so many situations.

  2. I really do love this movie and that's such a great ending for it! And like you, I love love love Alan Rickman! He's such a perfect villain!!!!

    1. It is the satisfying ending Cora and Quigley and all of us needed and would have felt cheated without it. ;-)

  3. You're correct, the casting was perfect and the performances sublime. The writing, filming, and editing help to lead to the kiss that takes your breath away. Thanks for this one. Doris

    1. Cora's story adds the depth this movie would lack otherwise. My gosh. What a heartbreaking situation she was in and then to have her husband abandon her. The moment when Quigley understands how she got the nickname "Crazy Cora'... the empathy he shows in just his facial expression is what acting is all about. I just love it.
