Thursday, November 15, 2018

New Release — KIDNAPPING KALLI by Cheryl Pierson

Texas Ranger Shiloh Barrett loses his hotheaded older brother to a gunfight over a hand of cards. Now the “winner”—a wealthy landowner who’s coveted the Barrett homestead—finally has what he wants. But could there be something Seamus O’Connor desires more than the Barretts’ land? 

O’Connor has not seen his beautiful daughter, Kalli, for thirteen years. He knows that she's living with her mother’s Cherokee people in northeastern Indian Territory. Determined to have her kidnapped and brought to him, Seamus uses the deed he holds to the Barrett homestead to get what he wants. Even though it goes against everything Shiloh Barrett believes is right, O’Connor’s blackmail cannot be ignored.

But beautiful Kalliroe White Dove O’Connor has some tricks up her sleeve as the handsome ex-ranger spirits her away into the nearby San Bois Mountains. The tables turn when Shiloh is bitten by a rattlesnake their first day on the trail. Though Kalli tells herself she has no other choice but to stay with Shiloh—and she does want to reunite with her father—deep down, she knows there is another reason she can’t leave the handsome lawman. Could it be she’s falling in love with him? 

In a final showdown with a cutthroat outlaw gang, Shiloh heads straight into the pit of vipers to buy some time for the man he despises—Kalli’s father. No matter how this all plays out, KIDNAPPING KALLI has been the best thing Shiloh Barrett’s ever done—if he only lives to see it through…


     Kidnapping Kalliroe White Dove O’Connor had been easier than Shiloh Barrett had believed possible. And he was glad of it. He’d never been one to take ‘dirty’ jobs—and this one barely bordered being just that.

     But, he figured, right was right. Kalliroe had two parents—a Cherokee mother and an Irish father—and her father had as much right to her as her mama did. Mama had had her for thirteen of the last eighteen years, now—all to herself. Papa just wanted a fair shake before the girl ended up getting herself married or—something.
     The pay had been good—and vital, in many ways. Shiloh hadn’t made that much money for one single job such as this in quite some time. Yeah, taking Miss Kalliroe had been the easy part—but she was not, by any means, going to cooperate, now that he had her.


  1. Congratulations! I'm sure it'll be a huge success. I knwo people have already put it on their must-have list.

    1. Oh, that makes my day, Christine! Thank you! I had fun with this story, trying to figure out how in the world Shiloh, a former Texas Ranger, was going to reconcile actually kidnapping someone, no matter how good the reason was. LOL Thanks for stopping in.

  2. Congratulations, Cheryl! Looks a great read and a fascinating romance!

  3. Started it list night, but had to stop (dang it) to get some sleep. This work thing...*Sigh* Doris

    1. LOL I KNOW! Gotta put food on the table, though, right? So glad you're enjoying it!

  4. Sounds good is it ever going to be available on Kindle unlimited

    1. It's available on Kindle now, since it's a novella! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Will definitely be ordering this one! I love your take on these kind of stories and the tales you weave. And right now, I am definitely in need of something that ends happily ever after.

    1. Aw, KIT! That means the world to me! I'm appreciate that so much. You know, after I wrote this I got to thinking...I'd like to expand this story! LOL These characters really grabbed me, with the predicaments they were all in. So glad you came by today!

  6. Cheryl,

    WOO HOO! Congratulations! I'm tickled for you that you've revisited and expanded this story.

    1. Kaye, I'd love to take these characters into "novel-land" but when? LOL Time is always at such a premium, I don't know if I'll ever have time to do that. Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ann! I love it, too! So glad to see you here!

  8. Congratulations, Cheryl! I'm looking forward to this.

    1. Thanks, Tracy! This is one of my favorite couples!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, I sure had fun with making it all come out like it should.

  10. Squeeeeeeee!!! This is such an awesome story!! ♥️♥️♥️ And I'm so excited for others to get to fall in love with them too! And that cover. .. I'm still swooning!

    1. WHOOHOO!!! Thanks Michelle! I love it too, and that cover just gets me every time.

  11. Congratulations, Cheryl. It is always a good day to have a new release. With all your other duties it must be hard for you to find time to write. I totally understand the pull to expand the story when you have such good characters.

    1. Hi Jerry! YES, it is very hard to find time for everything. LOL These characters linger, though...and I am still thinking about what I could do with Shiloh's younger brother, Asher. LOL Thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. I love the blurb, Cheryl! It sounds like a really great story. It definitely "hooked" me and I always enjoy your writing.


    1. Aw, thanks for those very kind words, Steph! That means a lot to me! Thanks for stopping by!
