Saturday, November 17, 2018

Book Review: Kidnapping Kalli by Cheryl Pierson


Texas Ranger Shiloh Barrett loses his hotheaded older brother to a gunfight over a hand of cards. Now the “winner”—a wealthy landowner who’s coveted the Barrett homestead—finally has what he wants. But could there be something Seamus O’Connor desires more than the Barretts’ land?

O’Connor has not seen his beautiful daughter, Kalli, for thirteen years. He knows that she's living with her mother’s Cherokee people in northeastern Indian Territory. Determined to have her kidnapped and brought to him, Seamus uses the deed he holds to the Barrett homestead to get what he wants. Even though it goes against everything Shiloh Barrett believes is right, O’Connor’s blackmail cannot be ignored.

But beautiful Kalliroe White Dove O’Connor has some tricks up her sleeve as the handsome ex-ranger spirits her away into the nearby San Bois Mountains. The tables turn when Shiloh is bitten by a rattlesnake their first day on the trail. Though Kalli tells herself she has no other choice but to stay with Shiloh—and she does want to reunite with her father—deep down, she knows there is another reason she can’t leave the handsome lawman. Could it be she’s falling in love with him?

In a final showdown with a cutthroat outlaw gang, Shiloh heads straight into the pit of vipers to buy some time for the man he despises—Kalli’s father. No matter how this all plays out, KIDNAPPING KALLI has been the best thing Shiloh Barrett’s ever done—if he only lives to see it through…

My Review:  

Kidnapping Kalli is an adorably sweet Christmas story that warms your heart and gives you all the warm-fuzzy-feels. I love how Kalli and Shiloh meet under some rocky circumstances, and experiencing how quickly they come to depend on each other after some danger strikes. Their attraction grows and solidifies quickly, which is good considering what they have to face in their future. Shiloh proves himself to be just the man for Kalli, and Kalli is the perfect missing piece to fill a spot that Shiloh didn’t realize was empty.

Shiloh and Kalli’s story gives me all the adventure and sweet love story I love to read, all wrapped up in a short-escape-from-reality story. 

Purchase Link:


  1. Congratulations, Cheryl, on this lovely review for Kidnapping Kalli.
    All the best...

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I'm really happy about this review--it's the first one for this story!

  2. Michelle always finds the right words to describe a story and make the reader want to read the book. Congratulations on the great review and great book and cover, Cheryl. I look forward to eading it.

    1. Elizabeth, you're right about Michelle--she does know how to write a great review, and I'm so happy she did this for me with Kidnapping Kalli. Thanks so much for your very kind words!

  3. Michelle, thank you so much for this review! It's the first one, and I appreciate it so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed Shiloh and Kalli's story!

    1. You're so very welcome!! And woohoo for being first! haha! It really was a delight to read!

  4. What a wonderful review. Well deserved!

  5. Having just finished the story, I agree 100%. Doris

    1. Doris, thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it--I really loved these characters, and I'm thinking that younger brother needs a story.

  6. Sounds like an enjoyable story. I didn't realize this was a holiday story. They are the best kind. They seem to have a special magic of the season helping them along. Congratulations, Cheryl.
