Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Some mail-order brides are more permanent than others

Kaye Spencer here today to share an excerpt (down the page) from my short story, A Permanent Woman, which has been recently released as a single sell...

 ...and to offer a recipe (on my hand-me-down Pinterest board - link below) for a picnic dessert that the children in this story are looking forward when they attend a summer celebration in their community:

an unlimited supply of homemade the ice cream.

A Permanent Woman first found its way into publication in the Lassoing a Mail-Order Bride anthology from Prairie Rose Publications.


“Excuse me. Mr. Perlman directed me here. I’m responding to an advertisement in the Matrimony Courier. Are you Simon Driscoll?”

Simon closed his eyes, fortifying himself to face another woman with a façade of interest. “Yes, I’m Simon Driscoll. Your name?”

“Tessa Morris.”

He opened his eyes, frowning as he mentally ticked off the names on the list. Still gazing out the window, he asked, “Did you send a letter under a different name? I don’t recall a Mrs. Morris.”

“Miss. Miss Morris. I’ve never been married and, no, I didn’t send a letter. In fact, I came across your advertisement but five days ago.”

Simon turned. “I’m sorry, but the deadline—” The words died on his lips. Ben was in the doorway, pointing to the woman and nodding.

“Mr. Driscoll, is something wrong?” She followed Simon’s stare and looked over her shoulder right as Ben stepped out of the doorway.

His insides went topsy-turvy. Ben had a way with people. He couldn’t leave him to talk to this woman alone.

No letter of introduction. He didn’t know anything about her, and he sure as hell didn’t know what to say.

“You’re quite pale, Mr. Driscoll. I think you should sit.”

He cut her a sidelong glance. She was close enough that he could feel her body heat, and the scent of her perfume made him a little lightheaded. When she took hold of his hand, the soft warmth of her touch made his heart leap into his throat. She led him to a chair and, situating herself beside him, positioned hers so their knees touched. His breath hitched, and he scooted his chair, which prompted her to move her chair even closer. He was too old for parlor games, and she seemed determined to make him uncomfortable with her casual familiarity. The other women had kept a safe, proper distance across the table barricade.

She filled a glass with water from the pitcher at hand and gave it to him. “Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”

Dumbly, he accepted the water, but she didn’t let go when he wrapped his big hand around the glass, trapping her fingers under his. It gave him a start, and he released his grasp like he’d been burned. That’s when he looked at her. Really looked.


 A Permanent Woman is available for $0.99.  Kindle | Nook | Smashwords | Kobo

For my Hand-Me-Down Family Recipes, click here > Pinterest < and you'll land on my recipe board.

Until next time,



  1. I'm happy this is a stand alone. The people in this story just worm their way into your heart. Best to you with this single release. Doris

    1. Doris,

      Thanks so much. You always know how to brighten my day. *grin*

  2. I haven't had a chance to read this one yet. Sounds good!!

    1. Kristy,

      Thanks for popping in. I know what you mean about having stories you want to read that you just can't get to yet. I'm way behind in my reading, too.

  3. A PERMANENT WOMAN is an absolutely charming story. Kaye, I enjoyed it very much, and found it easy to recommend in an article about the inherent conflicts for educated women in the 19th century. Female Physicians faced significant roadblocks. See:

    1. Kristin,

      It's nice to meet you, and I appreciate that you stopped in to comment. Thank you for directing me to your article and also for including my story in your suggested list of stories/books that portray females of the *olden days* who worked in professional roles generally filled by males

      Now that I've discovered your website, I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles. One of the books on your list is, "The Doctor Wore Petticoats". I have this book, and it provides a nice bit of insight and information into the lives of a few female doctors who didn't let attitudes or men stand in their way of their profession.

  4. Replies
    1. Sean,

      Well, thanks!! I'm glad you came by to say 'hi'.

  5. Howdy, Kaye, MoB stories are my favorite. Sigh. And this is one of my favorites of the favorites! Hugs...

  6. Sorry I'm late, Kaye. I have the anthology with your story , The Permanent Woman, in it. I haven't read any of the stories yet, but your excerpt certainly nudged me to get to them. I need some good reading time.
    I love that you got a picnic recipe from Pinterest. I enjoy going there and developing story boards from the pictures. It's so addictive, but I like the peacefulness of it.
    The cover for your single is simply beautiful. It's great to get those singles out for readers.
    I wish you every success and happiness.

    1. Sarah,

      You're not late stopping by. I haven't had Internet for two days, so I'm just now getting back here to check on comments.

      Yes, the cover is striking, isn't it? Livia's work, of course. *wink*

      Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the encouragement you always send my way.

  7. Kaye, I'm late too, but just wanted to say, when you first sent me this story, I was hooked from the minute I started reading it. I love that it is about an "older" couple (it pains me to say that! When I was 20, 40 seemed so old.) LOL Great plot and I just loved the entire thing. So glad it's out as a single now!

    1. Cheryl,

      As I mentioned to Sarah, you're not late at all, because I've been on the dark side of no Internet until a little while ago. grrrr

      *sigh* Alas, the *older* couple stories are becoming more and more attractive to me, too. lolol
