Friday, September 11, 2015


I wanted to talk a bit about my single author anthology, DARK TRAIL RISING that will be making its debut today! Dark Trail Rising is a collection of four of my short stories, The Keepers of Camelot, The Kindness of Strangers, Shot for a Dog, and Hidden Trails.

These are all historical western stories with no romance except for Hidden Trails. Oh, shoot. How can I say any story that has Guinevere, Arthur, and Lancelot as characters ISN’T romantic? So I suppose in one sense of the word, The Keepers of Camelot has romance in it too, but not in the conventional way we think of when we think of western historical romance.

You know that question people always ask you about “Which one of these stories is your favorite?” In this case, I’d have to truly say they all are, but for different reasons.

The Keepers of Camelot was a favorite because it was so different. I love the concept of the three main characters of the Camelot legend meeting centuries later, and finally being able to understand that forgiveness will bring them peace. It’s a Christmas tale, but one of redemption, and keeping the legend of Camelot alive in a young boy who loves it –hundreds of years later—just as Arthur did in the beginning. The Keepers of Camelot was a finalist in the Western Fictioneers short story category in the 2013 Peacemaker Awards.

The Kindness of Strangers is a favorite because it’s the first one I wrote that had no romance in it. A man is searching for the raiders who killed his wife and daughters. But when he finds them…will revenge keep him from saving three children who need him now that their parents are dead? This story was my first submission to a Western Fictioneers anthology—another reason it’s special to me.

Shot for a Dog…you know, this one was one of those stories that just came to me—you know the type. You try to put it off, say “Let me finish this other one first…” But it just won’t leave you alone until you give it what it wants—to be written! So I did, and it really was one of those that just twisted me up inside and wouldn’t let go. Lucas is jealous of his younger brother to the point of madness. Once he goes over the edge, he doesn’t know if he’s got hydrophobia or if he’s going insane.

Hidden Trails is the “true” romance of the bunch. It’s one I had thought I would put in the Valentine anthology last year…but sometimes, a story just gets out of hand and won’t let you end it where you’d thought you might. It’s got a lot of twists and turns in it, and I really loved the way it turned out for everyone.

What I’m really happy about is that these were all single sells or in other anthologies, but this is the first time they’re all together and IN PRINT!

Release day is today, and I’m giving away an e-copy to a lucky commenter!

Here are the blurbs to whet your appetite for more!

These four incredible western tales with a twist by Cheryl Pierson won’t let you rest until you’ve read the entire single author collection. DARK TRAIL RISING is an anthology of old west stories that will keep you wondering and thinking long after you read the last line.

THE KEEPERS OF CAMELOT—When King Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot are again united on the 1880’s western frontier, can forgiveness bring them the peace that has eluded them for centuries? It’s an unforgettable Christmas brought about through one young boy’s steadfast belief in rekindling the glorious hope of the greatest legend of all time. THE KEEPERS OF CAMELOT was a 2013 Western Fictioneers Peacemaker Award finalist in the short story category.

THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS—Jericho Dean has one thing on his mind: revenge for the murders of his wife and two little girls. As he closes in on the ruthless gang of Comancheros responsible for the crime, he is joined by an odd cowboy, Freeman Hart, who possesses some powerful magic. The two men come upon the outlaw band as they are attacking another homestead, and Jericho must make a decision. Will the relentless pursuit of vengeance destroy him, or will he find redemption and a reason to live in the eyes of three orphans who are left with no one to care for them but him?

SHOT FOR A DOG—At sixteen, Lucas Marshal is eight years older than his half-brother, Jeremiah. His hatred and jealousy of Jeremiah is all-consuming, until one dark day, it gets the best of him. Luke does the unthinkable, and shoots the family dog, Shadow. In trying to prevent it, Jeremiah is killed, as well. Forced to leave home by what he has done, Luke finds he has a companion he didn’t count on, and can’t get rid of. A river runs with blood, he hears voices—does he have hydrophobia, or is he losing his mind? The doctor is his only chance. But when he gets to town, somehow, the townspeople already have learned what he’s done—and the sheriff has a terrible secret of his own that may, indeed, be the death of Lucas Marshal.

HIDDEN TRAILS—Levi Connor has never run from anything in his life, and he doesn’t intend to start now. Wounded and riding through a blinding February snowstorm, he discovers a reason to exist when a beautiful mixed-blood girl takes him in and heals him. Valentine Reneau lives in fear that her father will find her someday. Time runs out when a stranger shows up on her land with two hired guns—and the devil in his plans. Will Levi kill for a woman he barely knows? The chips are down, the guns blaze, and everything finally comes clear along these HIDDEN TRAILS…but who’ll be left alive?

Now if you just can’t wait to see if you won a copy, here are the links to jump over and snap one up! Thanks to everyone for stopping by today!

Buy Links         Barnes and Noble Nook         Smashwords         Kobo


  1. I would love to read this. It sounds amazing.

    1. Thanks, Debby. Each one of these stories really is different and they mean a lot to me in their own ways. A very different journey for "the writer" (and the reader) each time around! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Cheryl, I am thrilled that these great stories are all in one place. Your fans can now have a print copy of any they might have in ebook form. Oh yes, I love ebooks, but to hold a book, especially one like this...priceless. Best to you on this release and thank you for doing so. Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris. I'm like you--I love e-books--what a miracle! But I still love to hold a print book in my hands. Thanks so much for coming by and commenting today!

  3. Okie, these are some of your best work, IMO. I'm glad to see them all in one place! Single-author anthologies are just right for finishing a complete story in a single sitting, and this one is bargain-priced, to boot!

    Have I mentioned how much I love that cover? Livia is a cover magician.

    1. Listen, when I saw that cover, I was like...THAT'S IT! LOL So perfect for this collection. And you're right--it's great to have a book of short stories that you can just sit down and read a little at a time, finish one story and then if you don't have time for more, you can come back later on.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kathleen. You're a good friend, even if you do live south of the Red...


  4. Sounds great, Cheryl! Short fiction is a great place to experiment with new concepts, like your Camelot idea. Looking forward to checking these out!

    1. Thanks, Rich. I feel the same way. I actually have one of my short stories that's been picked up and is being made into a short movie--it's one of the contemporaries, and not a huge company, but it just goes to show what possibilities exist!

  5. Great idea to put your short stories together in one volume. These are great stories. I especially liked The Keepers of Camelot...but that's me, paranormal/time travel addict. LOL I know this anthology will be very successful.

    1. Sarah, I start to wonder about myself sometimes. Every one of these stories except Hidden Trails has some sort of paranormal twist to it--not anything like vampires, witches, etc., but just some king of odd thing. I love those kinds of stories. Thanks so much for stopping by today!

    2. All four sound amazing, but Shot for a Dog and The Keepers of Camelot both sound so intriguing, I'm putting Dark Trail Rising on my must-read list!

    3. Hey Patti! Good to see you here!

      I think you'll enjoy them all--like I say, they each have a special place in my heart because of the different plots of each one and "what happens next". If I HAD to pick a fave, I would say it would probably be The Keepers of Camelot, because it's so different and heart wrenching.

      Don't be a stranger!

    4. I'm very excited to read your book! I'm going to wait to see if I win it first ;-) though. Yes, keepers sounds so different! I'm very curious. And although I normally shy away from stories where I even suspect an animal is going to be killed (I get very tense if I suspect that is going to happen in a book), I love the hydrophobia vs madness angle. So unique. I hope I won't become a stranger! I'm busy working on another western now and having fun.

    5. Yes, Patti, I do understand. I'm HUGE into animal activism and that story was terribly emotional to write, but believe me, Luke will get exactly what he deserves. ( I have a big ol' evil grin on my face!)

    6. Well as you remember I did kill a horse and it wasn't an easy death I gave him either. Yes, hard to write, but I think harder to read! I know when I'm making stuff up!

    7. You writers can put such pictures in my head...

  6. Congrats!!! Sounds like a great by for readers!

    1. Deborah, thanks so much for your kind words on FB--for some reason, today FB is not allowing me to use my keys: a,s,c,g and h. This has happened before to me and to others. I don't know what's going on with them, but I left you a very cryptic response. LOL Thanks for stopping by today, I know you are very busy on "kitty watch" right now.


  7. How wonderful that they're all in one place. A keeper collection for sure!

    1. Thanks, Kristy. I was so thrilled to get them all together and have them in print in one place, too. That is going to help immensely!

  8. My mother likes to read the stories I have purchased from my local Guild writers, and books I've picked from the shelves at the local B&N. She removed your book from my desk and said, "Who is Cheryl Pierson?" Long story short- You have a new fan. Read any one of your books and your a fan for life. Congrats Cheryl.

    1. Aw, you just made my day, Cindy! Tell your mom thanks for reading--I appreciate it! And I'm so glad she's enjoying my stories. And thank you for those very kind words. That means a lot to me!

  9. You did a good thing, here, Cheryl. I remember some of these stories. They are perfect for a one-author anthology...or collection...whatever you call it. It's a wonderful group to put together and will keep readers up at night, savoring every word. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you, Celia! I sure hope so--it seemed like a good fit for all these stories and a way to be sure that they reached more readers, especially since we are able to offer them in print.

  10. Cheryl, congratulations on your today release. Yahoo! Don't know how you find the time to write so many books and do such a superb job of editing all the rest that fly at you, but somehow you seem to juggle it all and do it very well. Have read two of the four (and of course loved them) but can't wait to reread those and the two new ones. Wishing you much success with this anthology.

    1. Thank you, Bev. Livia, Kathleen and I all three meet ourselves coming and going, but we love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Glad to hear you've read and enjoyed a couple of these stories and I sure hope the other two "meet the standard" as well!
      Thanks for your kind words!

  11. I love the idea of stories that are outside the box. I have to admit I'm getting a bit jaded over the same old same old. Congrats on letting your muse have free rein.

    1. Vella, me too! It's time for something new from time to time, isn't it? I admit, I still go back to the old standards, but when I read Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer, that really opened my eyes and made me realize I'd not only been missing another wonderful author, but a time period (WWII) that I don't read much of. No, it's not a western, but it was really outside the box, as you mentioned, and so refreshing. I just loved that story.

  12. Cheryl,

    Happy release day ( a day late ) *grin*. These are all memorable stories, and it's great to have them all in one tidy volume now. Love Livia's handiwork on the cover, too.

    1. Thanks, Kaye! I love having them all in one place like this. And I love Livia's cover, too. She always knows just the "right thing" when it comes to covers!

  13. I'm late because I just home from visiting family out of town, but had to tell you this is a book I have to have. I pick up my granddaughter at school each day and sometimes there's a long wait. A short story is the perfect thing to have on hand. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Agnes. I hope you enjoy it. I remember when I picked up my kids from school, having to wait, and I always had a book to read and a notebook to write in, if I had enough time. I never wasted a minute. LOL

  14. AND the winner for DARK TRAIL RISING is....DEBBY! Debby, I don't have your contact info, so if you'll contact me at I will see that you get your prize! Thanks to everyone for stopping by and commenting!

  15. Congratulations Debby! Doris McCraw/Angela Raines-Author
