Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Queen of the Moment – How do you celebrate “The Call”? by Kaye Spencer

If you’ve watched the 2002 movie version of The Count of Monte Cristo, you’ll recall a phrase that Edmund Dantés and Fernand Mondego say to each other, “King’s to you”. The king is a chess piece they pass back and forth according to which one has a personal achievement to celebrate. The one celebrating becomes king of the moment.

I liked the idea of king of the moment, of giving a well-deserved nod of "good job" to the accomplishments, regardless of importance, that we achieve in our daily lives. I tucked this away in my mental filing cabinet.

Now, from 2002, let’s move forward a few years.

In my quest to learn the ropes of romance writing in preparation for submitting my first novel for publication, I busied myself with entering writing contests and attending writing conferences. In early March of 2006, I traveled to Louisiana to accept a writing award. One of the guest speakers at this conference shared her story of receiving The Call from a NY publishing house that they wanted her book. Although I’ve forgotten the speaker’s name and the details of her story, I do remember her message.

When you get The Call, how will you celebrate?
How will you make every call that follows as special as the first one?

I took her words to heart, so when my call arrived three weeks later, I was ready with sparklers and champagne. My call was actually The E-mail. We’d like to offer a contract for your manuscript…  Wow! My clichéd dream come true was coming true.

My sparklers and champagne may seem an insignificant celebration in proportion to the time and effort that goes into writing a story, but for me, it’s just right—inexpensive, simple, and my family can share it with me.  For those few minutes, while I’m twirling sparklers and sipping champagne, I look at my little chess piece and remind myself that I’m Queen of the Moment, and it feels great.

Until next time,



  1. Kaye, I love the little chess piece idea! What if you rewarded yourself with a new queen every time you published a book? Wouldn't that be fun? (Keep the champagne and sparklers, though. Those are decidedly celebratory.)

    Every time I see one of my short stories or novels published, I buy a new charm for my charm bracelet -- something that reminds me of the story in some way. I added a cowboy hat for Peaches, a star for Second-Best Ranger, a six-shooter for Prodigal Gun... The list continues (I hope!). Of course, I never wear the bracelet. :-D

    1. Kathleen,

      A new queen each time is a fabulous idea. ;-) Since all those books that I'd already published and held my little celebration are temporarily "out-of-publication" while they undergo 2nd edition revision, I can re-celebrate.

      I like your charm tradition, too, and I wouldn't wear it, either, for fear of losing it. lol

    2. Kathleen,
      I love this idea. What a great way to commemorate your writing achievements!

  2. Such great ideas Kathleen and Kaye. For me what comes to mind when I have a new book released...It is much like launching a ship...My two older daughters Michelle and Mindy and my husband Don and I all make a toast to the book with champagne.

    1. Barb,

      Launching a ship <<< made me laugh. ;-) Thank goodness you drink the champagne and don't smash it over the bow of the... hmmm... Over the Kindle or computer if the book is in e-print? Or over the paper-print book? muhahahaha! You'd have to seal them in a plastic bag first. *grin*

  3. Queen's to you, Kaye! Enjoy your moment. I know you'll have plenty more moments to celebrate. You'll have a trunk full of Queen chess pieces.
    I had forgotten that part of The Count of Monte Crisco. I think it's pretty cool.
    I wish you continued success, Kaye.

    1. Well, thanks, Sarah. You are so supportive. *hugs*

  4. What a bunch of great ideas to do to celebrate! I must say, when I had my first novel published, I made Gary take me out to a very nice dinner. Sometimes men are so dense about that kind of thing...I would have been the one to say, "OH MY GOSH! We have to go celebrate." But he was like, "Wow. Cool. What's for supper tonight?" LOL

    I wish I had started a tradition of my own--Kathleen, I have a charm bracelet, too--I should do the charm thing.

    Kaye, I love the chess piece and the sparkers. Great ideas!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well, good grief. I had to delete the comment because the edit function wouldn't let me correct a goofy error. *sigh*

      Anyway, this is what I had intended to write:


      My hubby's reaction was just about the same as yours. *grin* Even now, he just smiles and nods when I talk about my writing endeavors. He's supportive, but not all that interested. Oh well, I guess it goes both ways. He's worked in a bank for years as a loan officer, and I don't get all that excited about his job, either. lololol

      On the Queen of the Moment topic... I think as a group (the female species), we don't give ourselves nearly enough pats on the back when we deserve them. So even a little emotional boost can go a long ways to keep our spirits up.

    2. Ain't that the truth! Even the smallest celebration is good for the soul. :-)

      (Next time you need to edit a comment, Kaye, you can do it in the back end -- the same place you enter your post. :-) )

    3. Good to know about how to edit. Thanks. :-)

  6. Queens to you Kaye! When my short stories were published, I made little bookmark Shepard hooks with bangles and a photo of the bookcover. I just made my fourth, for Passage.

    Like Kathleen, each bookmark has a special charm. Yay us!

    1. Connie,

      Yes!! Yay us!!! I'd love to see a picture of your bookmarks.

  7. The first comment didn't seem to take, so here it is again...GRRR

    I love your celebration and queen chess piece. For me, I have to tell myself, just because you've done it once, doesn't mean you shouldn't try again. (I have interesting conversations with myself all the time. The cats have learned to ignore me. )

    Here are to many more "CALLS" and "CELEBRATIONS"
    Doris McCraw/Angela Raines.

  8. Doris,

    Lifting my coffee cup to you.. Absolutely! Here's to many more Calls and Celebrations.

    I do know what you mean about trying again. I play the what-ifs and second-guesses head game with myself each time I submit a manuscript. *sigh* Sometimes (well, most times), I'm my own worst enemy.

    1. Kaye, I know I'm my own worst critic. But I do love your work, so "write on!", cause I want to keep reading the great stories. Doris

  9. Kaye,
    Usually my husband takes me to lunch, then it's back to work. :-) I've often thought of hanging pictures of my bookcovers in my office, but have never gotten around to it. Now you've got me thinking--I need to come up with something that's meaningful to me. Great food for thought. Thanks for posting this!

  10. Kristy,

    Another way I commemorate my books/stories is with ceramic tiles (4" x 4") with the book cover on them. I get them through Café Press for under $10 each.
