Thursday, March 12, 2015

#NewRelease -- Passage - Soul of the Witch: Book 1 by C. Marie Bowen -- Giveaway!

Leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a free ebook of C. Marie Bowen's PASSAGE.


After a car accident, Courtney Veau has a “near death” experience, and returns to her past-life in the post-Civil War west. When she wakes in a present-day hospital, Courtney realizes she’s returned to her own hollow existence. Heartbroken, she knows she left behind not only a family she loves, but life with the man who shares her soul, a man she’ll love forever, Merril Shilo.

A carriage accident nearly takes beautiful Nichole Harris’s life, stealing her memories completely.  Plagued by amnesia, she is confused by flashes of memory that are out of time with the world around her, and seem to belong to someone else. Only Nichole's own strong emotions remain to guide her—and as others try to take control of her life, she fights a desperate battle to survive. Merril Shilo is someone she should know, and though her memories fail her, she is stunned by her passion for him—and the remembered agony of a broken heart.

Merril Shilo is the love of Courtney’s life—no matter when that life might be. The memories and emotions of her life as ranch heiress Nichole Harris consume Courtney’s mind—and her heart. Courtney soon finds her desire for Merril threatens her sanity, as he beckons from a past she can no longer reach. Can she find the PASSAGE back to the soul-mate she left behind?

    The long shadows faded into twilight. She'd found what she came for—proof this house existed. There was no longer a reason to stay; and yet, just the possibility she might hear his voice again kept her waiting one more day.
    Outside the window, night took final possession of the day. A few porch lights came on down the block. Headlights swung around the corner as a car turned onto the street and illuminated the pavement. The headlights winked off and a car door slammed.
    Behind her, the room took on a familiar chill. She turned from the window and pressed her back against the heavy drapes as the echo of heavy boots pounded up the back stairs. She gasped when he raced into the room, vaguely luminescent in the darkness. He was dressed in denim trousers and cotton shirt, with a silk scarf tied loosely around his neck. Where's his hat? Had he lost it in the race up the stairs? That wide-brimmed cowboy hat was such a part of him he seemed naked without it. His hair had come loose from its binding, and he shoved it out of his face with a familiar motion. She stood close enough to read the emotion play across his face, a mixture of fear and bewilderment. His breath was labored, and his anxiety tangible as he stopped and looked right at her. Her mouth fell open in surprise and her heart tightened in her chest. Does he see me?
    He took a hesitant step toward her. “Nichole?” His voice filled with horror, he whispered her name from another life.
    “Yes! Merril, it's me.” Courtney stepped toward the specter.
    His head turned. His attention called away from her open arms. “Oh, sweet Jesus.” Merril fell to his knees and reached for something no longer there. “Nicki, please don't go. Stay with me.”
    “Merril, I'm here.” Her heart ached for him and for herself, but her plea went unheard.
    Sobs shook his wide shoulders.
    Her heart clenched to witness his despair. She longed to comfort him, to assure him she was there, but could not. In defeat, she sank to her knees beside the grieving apparition.
    “Nicki, don't leave me. Look at me—” His hushed voice, choked and broken.
    “I'm right here, my love,” she whispered, but the room grew warm and Merril Shilo faded back into the past. Courtney hung her head in the darkness and fought back tears. One question was answered, at least for now.

BUY LINKS         Barnes and Noble Nook          Smashwords



  1. Congrats on your big release! I've been looking forward to reading this story for a long time. Love to win a copy, but will be reading it no matter what.

    1. Alisa, Thank you! It is in much better shape than when you helped me with the start of the story. I've had so many wonderful writers offer advice and critiques, as well as an exceptional Editor at PRP. Let me know how you like the final copy. Thanks for posting!

  2. Congrats on the release. It sounds amazing and I would love to know if she finds the passage.

    1. Hi Debby - I hope you enjoy Courtney's search, and the time she spends as a cattle heiress in her previous life. It was great fun to write about Courtney and Nichole - and of course, Merril Shilo. Thanks for posting!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Pardon my relocation on Alisa's response. I'm on my first cuppa coffee, and still rubbing my eyes. Good Morning!

      I want everyone to know that I will be in "Airplane Mode" later today as I travel to visit my sons in Chicago. I will check in as soon as I land this evening. What a great day!

  4. Connie, this book sounds wonderful!! Congrats on the release!! Woop woop.

    1. Thanks Kristy. It was fun to write, and very interesting to research.

  5. Connie, what a great excerpt. I'm in awe of the story you have conceived. Looking forward to what comes next. Thank you. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

  6. Thank you, Doris. This one was a lot if fun to research. NDE and past life stories fascinate me. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Wow Connie! What an awesome premise for a book. I love it! To be trapped between two worlds. The ghosts of the past mingling with those in the present. To be able to see your loved one, to see and feel the despair that person felt... I love past life stories also. Congratulations! I love the title and cover too.

  8. Connie,

    It is a great day for you, and I hope you get to celebrate your release with your sons. Congratulations. :-)

    1. Hi Kaye, It is a fantastic day for me. Woot! Waiting at the airport now. Thanks!

  9. Thanks Barb. This story, and the next two books, have been with me for awhile. Livia got into my head with the cover..and then improved it. Thanks for posting.

  10. I'm a bit late, but I wanted to wish you a very happy release day for Passage! I really did love this story and can't wait for Prophecy. You have a wonderful way of telling a great story, Connie! Congratulations, and I hope your day was wonderful yesterday!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I'm getting ready to draw a winner. Back in a sec.

  11. Congratulations on your new release, Connie. I wish you every success.

  12. I will announce the winner tomorrow morning. YAY!

  13. Congratulations on your new release, Connie. It sounds like a great story. I wish you the best.

    Robyn Echols writing as Zina Abbott

    1. Thanks, Robyn. I'm very excited about its release.

  14. Congratulations on the new release, Connie! Wishing you much success!

    1. Thanks you, Kirsten. I'm taking a couple weeks to visit my sons in Chicago,then I'm finishing the edit for book 2.

  15. Congratulations. The excerpt really pulled me in. Looking forward to reading the rest.

  16. Thanks, Agnes! I'm so glad you stopped by.

  17. A very huge congrats to you, mon amie. Looking forward to reading it and to our continued "collaboration". We do have fun, don't we? :)

    1. Lietta! I'm so glad you stopped by! Yes, book 2 had a lot of Hunter chapters. We have fun. :-)

  18. Congrats, Connie! Looks fantastic. :)

  19. My give away winner is Alisa Boisclair. I hope you enjoy PASSAGE !!
