Thursday, January 29, 2015

New Release --- WISH FOR THE MOON by Celia Yeary -- Free Book Giveaway!

We will be giving away a free copy of WISH FOR THE MOON by Celia Yeary, so be sure an leave a comment to enter the drawing.

At the dawn of the Twentieth Century, sixteen-year-old Annie McGinnis wishes for a chance to see more of the world, since all she’s ever known is the family farm in North Texas. A mysterious visitor arrives who will change not only her life, but her family’s as well. To save Max Landry from a bogus charge, she follows him and the Texas Rangers back to the coal-mining town one county over where a murder occurred. The short journey sets Annie on a path of discovery—new horizons, an inner strength, and quite possibly…love.


    “I’ve never been anywhere, at least far away. Oh, how I would love to go to Paris, too, and New York. Other than Brazos City, I’ve only been over to Mineral Wells, once. Did you know they have the healing water baths there in two hotels? People come from all over. Anyway, we went to a fair and rode a Ferris wheel and a carousel, and ate hot dogs from a stand, and even had fairy fluff. I didn’t really care for that pink gooey junk, though. It was sort of disappointing, you know? What you saw was something awful pretty and it promised to be something outstanding, but when you bit into it, all you got was a mouthful of airy stuff that just disappeared in your mouth.”
    Max stopped in the field, took Annie’s arm, and turned her toward him. “Did you know, Annie McGinnis, you’ve just articulated how I feel much of the time?”
    “What…what do you mean, ar-ticu-lated?” she asked with widened eyes.
    Before he answered, he lowered the tote to the ground, and placed his hands low on his hips, gazing away from her. Words wouldn’t come exactly as he wanted, but she had expressed the convoluted thoughts he had in his head much of the time.
    He turned back and said very slowly, “Often I see something nice I might like to have, a big house, one of those new motor cars they’re making now, a new tailored suit with a hat to match, or…a family…” His voice trailed off as if he forgot what he wanted to say, but really, he just didn’t know how to express his feelings.
    “Go ahead, Max, say it,” she urged gently. “A family to come home to.”
    He shook his head. “But it could all disappear in an instant, right before your eyes. Don’t you see?     It’s not worth it in the end. You think you have something forever and bang, it’s all gone. Turned to nothing in your mouth when at first, it seemed so sweet.”
    Annie stepped closer to him and placed her hands on his upper arms. He stood still and looked at her, waiting for her to speak. His heart beat hard against his ribs, and the warmth from her small hands burned through his shirtsleeves, but he didn’t move and waited for her to speak.
    “Max,” she began very softly, “don’t you see? Life hurts sometimes, doesn’t it? Does that mean you hide away, and curl up and die because you’re afraid? Even animals don’t do that, Max. They move on, find another burrow, another place and maybe another family, but they start over somehow.     You can’t run forever, you know. Soon, you should stop, make a decision, and move on toward your goal. Wandering about like the hoboes that sometime sit under the trestle isn’t for you. You’re too smart and too good to give up on the life the Lord gave you. Wouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself? Stand up, Max, and move on. Find your place and live.”
    Max couldn’t move and he was even afraid to breathe. Before he could stop his emotions, a lone tear leaked out of the corner of one eye. Without thinking, he pulled Annie to him, and kissed her sweetly and sincerely on her soft lips.
    When he broke the kiss, she smiled at him like the angel she was. “Let’s keep moving, you think?” Max asked.
    “Yes,” she said, and smiled so brightly that he thought he might break down and really cry.
    “Come on, then,” he said. “Show me the way.”

B&N Nook           Smashwords


  1. Sounds like a suspenseful, exciting tale. Hope to read.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. Thanks for dropping by, Debby. I appreciate it.

  3. Congratulations on your book release Celia. The excerpt is so sweet. I remember being sixteen and my emotions so raw and hopeful. Back then I saw things in black and white. There was no gray area, things were either wrong or right. I think as we age we become a bit callous. Annie's voice is full of conviction and wanting to help Max find his way. I love the description of the kiss. A kiss shared by friends. Soft and sweet.

  4. Celia, your blurb and excerpt pulled me right in. I always enjoy your strong characters and the deep moving emotions you give us in all your stories. If this is half as good as Kathleen, it will be a knock out. Wishing you the best.

  5. Celia, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this story. It's so different, and one you won't forget once you read it. You have such a wonderful way of bringing these characters to life. I can't say enough good about it.

  6. What an emotional excerpt. And I love the title "Wish for the Moon." It's an expression I haven't heard much here lately, but I used to hear it all the time. It's nice to dream big though, to allow yourself to know what it is you really want. I think that's one of today's problems. Folks just think they need everything, when all they NEED is to feel love. I'm a true blue fan, Ms. Yeary! Maggie

    1. Oh, thank you, Maggie. I appreciate the support and the friendship. No, I don't hear this expression, either, much at all.

  7. Great excerpt--characters have strong voices!

    1. Erin--thank you. That's what I want to hear--that the characters come through loud and clear.

  8. Max and Annie are the perfect match: he doesn't trust good outcomes, and Annie believes in happy endings--charmingly naive. What a telling excerpt from the book. I see this story is going to run deep, Celia. I love it when that happens
    I have great memories of the county fair, the rides, the excitement, and that dang cotton candy that disappears in an instant. LOL
    Wish on the Moon is going to be a huge success. That's my prediction.
    All the best to your corner of the universe, Celia.

    1. Oh, I hope you're right, Sarah! Annie goes after a killer--did you know that? I'll be anxious to hear what readers say about the turn this book takes. Thank you!

  9. I meant Wish FOR the Moon. Messed up.

  10. Barb--you know, a 16 year old over a hundred years ago matured earlier than you or I did. They grew up too fast, I think, and married early--my grandmother was 13 when she married. The family photo after the marriage showed her holding a doll. Can you imagine? Everyone had to work in those days, and it makes me realize just how different we grew up than they did. Annie is grown in her mind, except she does show immaturity when she's in her little room pretending to be the pretty lady painted on the back of her hand mirror. This is why I take the story close to three years forward to show how Annie became something more than a housewife. Thank you for visiting!

  11. Beverly, you've made me very happy and humble with your comment. Wow, thanks so much.

  12. Cheryl--I am so pleased this book is safely at home at PRP. This is where it belongs. I'll probably never write another book such as this, but who knows...maybe I will!
    I can't thank you and Livia enough, and I certainly hope it earns you a little money! Love you.

  13. Celia. a soul satisfying excerpt. This book sounds wonderful. Placing it on the TBP and TBR list. Best to you with this story. Doris

  14. Congrats on the new book, Celia. It sounds fabulous.

  15. Love the excerpt, Celia! I also like your cover. This looks like a great read!

  16. Congrats. Wonderful cover and excerpt. I'm sure you have a big winner here.

  17. Congratulations on the new release, Celia! I hope it does well for you.

  18. First of all, congrats on your new book release, Celia.
    What a lovely excerpt... sweet and emotional. Love the cover... and the title - this is just perfect.
