Friday, January 30, 2015


Celia in a secret location--oh, okay--it's Las Vegas.

Wish for the Moon is a story I thought no one would take. I was writing romance novels and romantic short stories, and I knew this book would not fit any guidelines of the romance publishers I knew...and had books with.

I held the complete manuscript for a year or more, wondering where and when I would try for publication.

After studying several epresses, I found one who had no major agenda. They only looked for stories they liked. I took a deep breath and submitted it.

After one week, I was offered a contract with the note that read, "This is a wonderful story."

This was all well and good, but the problem was selling it. The small publisher did nothing, and I did not have an audience who might like it. So, it sat four years, earning little pittance.

Enter Prairie Rose Publications.

After a while I knew they had the attitude I did.

"A good story is...a good story."   

Perhaps all authors have a story they've written they call "the book of my heart." I use this term to describe a story I would write even though I might not find a publisher for it, and even though not one person would ever read it.

Why? Because the setting and some characters came from my childhood memories that I hold dear in my heart.

The setting I use is a tiny North Texas community called Salesville, which lies eight miles north of Mineral Wells in Palo Pinto County. First off, it is my birthplace--in 1940, and yes, I'm that old--and in that decade and even later in time, some people lived then as their ancestors had in the Nineteenth Century.

An abandoned farm that reminds me a bit of my grandparents' home in North Texas.
The particular place in my story is the family farm of my paternal grandparents, those wonderful loving people I called Granny and Papa.

But I wanted the story to take place in 1901. No problem, because in the 1940s, their house had no running water and no indoor plumbing as if the year was 1901. They did have electricity because I remember one light bulb that hung from a cord in the center of each room. Still, they used a kerosene lantern much of the time at night.

So, I have the setting, my grandparents' rickety weather-beaten house, a rose garden to one side, a screened-in porch attached to the back of the house, a barn, a pasture, and a well.

The story centers around the baby of the family, sixteen-year-old Annie McGinnis and her relationship with others in her world as she becomes a woman:
Her family~~mother; father; handsome, smart brother Kyle; and her big slow-witted brother Clifford.
Max Landry~~a troubled, bereft young man who wanders to their farm and stays a short while.
Old Blind Jerral~~a blind man who lives on a small place behind the McGinnis farm with his elderly mother. (I used my uncle as  model for Jerral. My uncle was blinded as a young man and lived on the farm for a long time.)
Later in the story, Jerral will play a big role in Annie's life.
Two Texas Rangers.

At the dawn of the Twentieth Century, sixteen-year-old Annie McGinnis wishes for a chance to see more of the world, since all she’s ever known is the family farm in North Texas. A mysterious visitor arrives who will change not only her life, but her family’s as well. To save Max Landry from a bogus charge, she follows him and the Texas Rangers back to the coal-mining town one county over where a murder occurred. The short journey sets Annie on a path of discovery—new horizons, an inner strength, and quite possibly…love.

   She stood still and studied him, frightened, sorrowful. “Max?”
   “What, sweet Annie?”
   “Why did you kiss me?”
   Max looked into her eyes, shaking his head slightly, pausing before he said, “You know, I shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong of me. I do apologize.”
   Sudden anger rose in her breast. She jerked her hands from his and stepped back. “That is very cruel, Max Landry. Did you know that? Do you know what you’ve done? You’ve made me seem pathetic. Kissing me so sweetly and then taking it back. That’s not a kind thing to do. Suppose…suppose some girl fell in love with you, when…you did that to her. Don’t you see it would break her heart? If I were you, I would do some thinking on how you go about kissing girls all over the place!”
    She whirled away from him and began to walk, taking long, angry strides. He watched her for a moment; then took off after her. By the time they were about a couple of hundred yards from the back fence, he walked beside her, but neither spoke. All Annie wanted to do was to get home and go to her room for while. She needed to be alone.
    Their arrival was not how she envisioned it, however. Tied at the post at the side of the house were two horses. Both carried a rifle in a sheath on one side of the saddle. At that moment, Grover and Helen walked out the back door of the screened porch. Two men, dressed alike in brown Western-style pants, white shirts with black string ties, and tan Stetsons, walked out behind them.
   Even from this distance, Annie could see the silver circle-star badge of the Texas Rangers pinned to their shirts and imprinted on their big oval belt buckles.
I'll give away a free copy of Wish for the Moon. Leave a comment, please. And thank you one and all for visiting.

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Celia Yeary-Romance...and a little bit 'o Texas



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  1. Celia, I can't wait to read this novel. I've been a devoted fan of yours forever, not least because of the way you give extraordinary life, depth, and heart to everyday events and people. I hope to be reading Celia Yeary stories for a long, long time. :-)

    1. You're a wonderful friend and I soak up every word you say. I'm not sure how many more stories I have in me for certain, but there are some hovering. I enjoy the PRP authors so much--it's rare for the authors with a publisher to be so supportive of each other and have such a good time. Trust's a rare and precious thing.

  2. Celia, Annie has feelings for Max...."She's in Love with the boy!" sorry that song just came from out of nowhere as I read your excerpt. Now I understand why she was trying so hard to give him hope on your excerpt from yesterday. Such a great story line, one folks are going to love.

    1. Hey Barb--I Love that song! Oh, yes, she's in love but she and Max both have a hard row to hoe for some time. There're are several events, each one involving Annie--different people, different places, different dangers. I do hope you like it. Thank you!

  3. Well, Celia, you know I've told you how much I really loved this story. Jerral and his situation just touched my heart. I was glad to meet your uncle through your story. This is one of those books that I didn't want to end, but I knew it had to--Annie needed her happiness, and so did Max. I really, REALLY loved it.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm seeing more and more that the decision to ask if you would take this book was the exact perfect thing to do. The story has had practically no exposure, but, oh, look at it now. The pre-orders were pretty darn good...this was my first experience with preorders, and I wondered if anyone would.
      One thing I really appreciate is the amount of effort you and Livia put into promoting each and every book. This makes a big difference. I know it's tiring and time-consuming, but I'm so pleased you take this time with every author. Well done, my friend.

  4. Celia,

    I understand way down deep inside what you mean by "the book of your heart". The first book I wrote is that book for me. I, too, found a publisher to take it in 2006, and it languished there in *pittance land* for eight years. I've recently received the rights back on it.

    It's an exciting time to be a writer. The publishing world is our oyster. *grin*

    I have 'Wish for the Moon' on my Kindle, and I will read it at my first opportunity.

    1. Kaye--it's a shame, isn't it that one of our best books must struggle to be seen. I'm so glad you received the rights back on your special book. Thanks for getting WFTM on your Kindle. I do appreciate it.

  5. Celia, PRP has been a blessing for writers who just want to tell their special story. When I return home from work, onto the Kindle it goes. Doris

    1. Oh, Doris, thank you. I hope you like it--I truly hate to disappoint anyone. Happy Reading.

  6. Celia, I too know how disheartening to write that book from your heart and have it go no where. And you've given me the incentive to rebirth that book. Wish For The Moon sounds wonderful and I love that you used your family's connections and setting in it. Can't wait to read. I didn't want Kathleen to end and am sure I'll feel the same with this one. Wishing you and Wish For The Moon much success.

    1. Beverly--the best thing I heard was that you now have incentive to rebirth your special book. Please do! And I can't wait to see what it is. Thank you.

  7. Celia, you described my childhood in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I even remember oil lamps. I was in first grade when the power company first ran lines through the area so we could have electricity. When I walked home from school the first day it was turned on my mother had lights on in every room in the house. I can't wait to read your book.

    1. Agnes--you lifted my spirits even more. I'm very pleased we have a connection! Thank you so much.

  8. I can tell Wish for the Moon is going to be an exciting, heartfelt story. I loved how Annie gave Max what-for because he kissed her, then apologized and made her feel vulnerable. She is so unpretentious and brave. I liked how you ended the excerpt just as trouble comes walking out the door. Well, I liked it, but I wanted more--which made it perfect. I must be on a Celia Yeary roll right now. I finished Kathleen and loved it, and now I'm reading Lorelei and loving it. Your characters are like living, breathing human beings. And now you have Wish for the Moon calling to me.
    Your description of your grandparents' house takes me back into my own memories of my own grandparents. Those were the days, my friend. Kerosene lamps, outhouses, well water and the best fun ever.
    I'm so glad this book is no longer languishing on the shelf. It needs to be read and loved. Congratulations, Celia!

  9. I already have Wish for the Moon and look forward to reading it. I wish you the best. I look forward to reading more about a time period with which we are not as familiar.

    Robyn Echols writing as Zina Abbott

  10. It sounds like a wonderful story. So glad you found a home for it. Cher'ley

  11. It sounds like a wonderful story. So glad you found a home for it. Cher'ley

  12. Celia, how lucky you are to have such up close and personal memories of your grandparents' home! I bet they are looking down on you and smiling.

    Wish for the Moon sounds terrific! It's on my TBR list.

  13. Thank you, Lyn. I appreciate it so much. Talk later!
