Thursday, January 2, 2014


Five short months ago, Livia J. Washburn and I decided to take a plunge and open our own publishing house. It was a dream come true for me because I definitely do not have the computer skills and savvy that Livia possesses! So I would never have undertaken this project on my own. My part of the partnership is publicizing, acquiring new manuscripts, and editing. It is a match made in heaven for both of us. May I share with you all what our “dream company” has done in only five months' time? Let’s start with our debut anthology WISHING FOR A COWBOY. We were so fortunate to have such wonderful contributors to this collection! Phyliss Miranda, Tanya Hanson, Sarah McNeal, our own Jacquie Rogers, Tracy Garrett, reviewer Kathleen Rice Adams, Livia and me. This short story grouping is western historical romance, in the sweet to sensual category. All the stories mention a certain holiday food, and the story is either built around the food or can just bring it up casually. The recipes will be included in the back of the book, so there'll be lots of great eating! Our next anthology, HEARTS AND SPURS, will be available on January 15, 2014, for Valentine’s Day gift-giving and reading for those who want to “self-gift.” We were thrilled to have every one of the above authors sign up once more for this anthology as well, and we added another author, Linda Broday! Also in the mix, one of our anthology contributors, Tanya Hanson, has a brand new inspirational historical western romance, CLAIMING HIS HEART, recently released, and we’re all very excited about this one…because she’s talking about a sequel! Kristy McCaffrey’s INTO THE LAND OF SHADOWS is available now, and Gail Jenner’s novel, ACROSS THE SWEET GRASS HILLS has also made its debut. Livia and I decided to “go for the gusto” when people began to ask about other submissions avenues—Do you publish contemporary or science fiction stories? Do you publish children’s westerns or historical? What about children’s contemporary stories? Well, what could we do? With that much support and those requests, we had to immediately branch out! We opened PAINTED PONY BOOKS, an imprint for youthful readers of historical/western stories with three levels of submissions/readership: Middle Grade readers (ages 9-12),Young Adult(ages 13-17)and New Adult(ages 18-24) TORNADO ALLEY PUBLICATIONS is the “sister” imprint for these same ages, but for the contemporary, futuristic, and fantasy categories. Finally, FIRE STAR PRESS is our imprint for contemporary, futuristic and fantasy categories for adults. Already, we have several unique and wonderful books and anthologies planned for these different companies that offer a wide variety of reading for all ages. While PRAIRIE ROSE PUBLICATIONS accepts submissions from women only, the other imprints are co-ed! If you know of anyone who might be looking for an honest publisher, please send them our way! We appreciate you spreading the word for us, and all the support and well wishes we’ve received in the short time we’ve been in business. We have a brand new website here: And here's a sneak peek at our soon-to-be-released anthology just in time for VALENTINE'S DAY! HEARTS AND SPURS will be out on January 15, with NINE wonderful stories of love in the west! We will give a big ol' shout out when it comes to life, so y'all stay tuned. Nope, I didn't forget--I wanted to do a giveaway today to celebrate our big kickoff of our new company. So I'm giving a copy of WISHING FOR A COWBOY to one commenter--not just any old copy--but a signed print copy of this fabulous Christmas book with all the scrumptious recipes included that are mentioned in the stories. Leave a comment, and be sure to check back to see if you are the lucky winner. Also, be sure to "follow" us while you're here visiting--we look forward to having you with us!


  1. I always enjoy reading about you and Livia starting PRP, and all the other imprints. I feel honored to have my book beside the others. And "Wishing For A Cowboy" was a great read!


    1. Thanks, Kristy! Livia and I have just had a ball with this, and we are enjoying meeting so many talented authors and having them on board with us here at PRP and soon, the other imprints! I'm so glad you enjoyed Wishing For a Cowboy, too--I'm now looking forward to Hearts and Spurs--it's gonna be a good one!

  2. Huuuuge congratulations on your newest endeavors, Cheryl & Livia. I wish you much success as you expand your oh-so-talented wings and fly.

    Warmest Regards,

    ~ Cindy Nord

    1. Aw, thanks so much Cindy. That means a lot coming from a dear friend like you!

  3. Congratulations, my friend. You can do it and with class and style. Happy new year to both of you. See you on Facebook.

    1. Thank you, Pamela! So glad we got to know each other and I'm glad we're able to talk on FB. Take care, and thanks for stopping by!

  4. What a huge undertaking, Cheryl, but one I know you and Livia are quite capable of accomplishing. I am so honored and happy to be a part of this company. I feel like I'm on a star ship about to take off on an exciting adventure.

    1. That's a great way to put it, Sarah! I feel the same way--this is truly an adventure for all of us, and I'm so glad to have you all along with us. We couldn't be happier with the way things are working out!
      Hugs, dear friend!

  5. Cheryl, I'm so excited to be a part of Prairie Rose Publications! Congratulations to you and Livia on your rapidly expanding venture!

    1. Thanks, Tracy, and we are sure glad you are part of our Prairie Rose Publications team! We're looking forward to a fantastic 2014 all around.

  6. I think the blog ate my comment. If not and its hovering somewhere in cyberspace temporarily and lands back here, I apologize for the duplication.

    Congratulations to Cheryl and Livia for you many accomplishments. In five months you've managed to put out some impressive looking books and attracted some talent authors.

    Wishing you all the best! Maggie

    1. Thank you, Maggie! I know how busy you are right now--double thanks for stopping by today. Thanks for your very kind words, my friend!

  7. It just keeps getting better and better. Whoo-Hoo! I am so happy for everyone involved. Doris

    1. Thank you, Doris! And...are you working on that story????? Hugs, dear friend!

    2. Yes and boy has it taken some interesting turns. (Grin). Now that the holidays are over...

    3. GREAT! Amazing what the mind can come up with once it's freed from having to stress over the holidays, right?

  8. I loved WISHING FOR A COWBOY and look forward to more good books from Prairie Rose.

    1. Thank you, Caroline! We've got another one on the way in a couple of weeks--Hearts and Spurs! Just in time for Valentine's Day! Thanks so much for coming by today.

  9. Cheryl, your company is going great guns! I love the book covers and would love to win a copy of Wishing For A cowboy.

    1. Thank you, Lyn! I've got you entered--will draw sometime tomorrow evening--I'm leaving this post up for 2 days this time around to give everyone a chance to read and comment. Thanks so much for your kind words! Livia is a genius when it comes to covers.

  10. Sorry I'm so late getting over here. Cheryl you are amazing at getting the word out. Publicity and editing skills, and very nice on top of it. I couldn't ask for a better partner.

    1. Thanks, Livia! I feel the same--we make a great team, and I'm sure looking forward to 2014!

  11. Hi Cheryl,
    Congratulations to you and Livia, your books sound great and you have fabulous covers. I wish you all the very best in this exciting venture.



    1. Margaret! Thanks so much for stopping by today! I appreciate that! Livia does some fantastic covers, doesn't she? Thanks so much for your support, dear friend!

  12. congrats on your achievement - may you be blessed with honest & hardworking authors and enjoyment in your endeavors.

    1. Thank you, Chelle! We are open for submissions in all imprints! And believe me, we have been so very lucky with our authors that have come on board with us.

  13. I am sad to say this is my first exposure. IT looks perfect so I shall be exploring more.

    1. Great, Debby! We hope you will follow us and keep up with our webpage, too. We have so many wonderful things coming in the near future, the first one being the new Valentine anthology, Hearts and Spurs that'll be rolling out on the 15th if all goes as planned.

  14. Cheryl, Congratulations and best of luck with your new endeavor. You are very ambitious to take on such a challenge!

    Morgan Mandel

    1. Morgan, thank you--I tell you, there is no way I could have done it without Livia. We are a great team because I'm in no way as proficient on the computer as she is with everything from bookkeeping to making our awesome covers. We each stick to what we do best and it works out great--not to mention our awesome group of authors who have helped make this all come to fruition.

  15. Congratulations! I feel excited for you as your new company branches out. I wish you much success in the coming year.

    1. Thank you, Elaine! I think 2014 is going to be a wonderful year. We've already got so many good things lined up and more to come.

  16. Congratulations on your new imprints! I hope your company sees much success.

    1. Hey, lady! So good to see you here! Thanks so much for your well-wishes. I think 2014 is going to be wonderful. Lots of good things in the works.

    PAMELA WRAY BIRON!!!! Please email me at with your address, Pamela, so I can get your book in the mail!

