Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Sarah McNeal is a multi-published author of several genres including time travel, paranormal, western, contemporary and historical fiction. Sarah is a retired critical care/ER nurse who lives in North Carolina with her four-legged children, Lily and Liberty. Besides her devotion to writing, she also has a great love of music and plays several instruments including violin, bagpipes, guitar and harmonica. Her books and short stories may be found at Publishing by Rebecca Vickery, Victory Tales Press, Western Trail Blazer and Prairie Rose Publications. She welcomes you to her website at  

New Beginnings

I am thrilled and privileged to be the first blogger on the Prairie Rose Publishing blog and I also get to kick off the New Year. Of course, it makes me a little nervous, too. I feel a lot of pressure to write a good blog to honor the occasion. So, here goes…

Remember how the world was supposed to end on December 26, 2012? Well, that turned out to be a bunch of hooey like all the other doomsday predictions. Maybe escaping these perilous predictions is good for us. It makes us take stock of our lives, what’s really important and fills us with gratitude that we have another chance to set things right. Truth is we really don’t know how long we’ll be here on Mother Earth or where the new year will take us. Last year may have been a hard year to get through for me with my battle to survive cancer, but here I am. We are all survivors and we made it through 2013—alive and maybe just a little bit wiser. Here we are at the beginning of a new year, a fresh start and a clean slate. We have wonderful things to look forward to.

It’s also the beginning of a new publishing company—Prairie Rose Publications cooked up and offered to us by Cheryl Pierson and Livia Washburn for women who write westerns. It’s imprints of Painted Pony Books for young adults and new adults who love westerns, Tornado Publishing for contemporary, fantasy and paranormal for young adults and Star for adults who love contemporary, fantasy, sci-fi and paranormal stories. I am so happy to be a part of this fledgling publishing company. My story, A Husband for Christmas, was part of the first publication in the Christmas anthology, Wishing for a Cowboy along with 7 other talented western writers.


A night of horror… a wish for a new life...and a secret love


Jane Pierpont and her son, Robin, survived the Titanic, but her husband went down with the ship and the emotional scars of that night have kept her and her son locked into that frightening event years later . Robin is terrified of deep water and Jane has nightmares and survivor’s guilt. She yearns for a family, a loving husband and maybe another child, but she feels disloyal to Michael’s memory whenever Teekonka RedSky comes near her.

Teekonka RedSky loves Jane and her son, but all his efforts to help them past their painful memories of the night Michael Pierpont died have been unsuccessful. Unwilling to give up, can his Lakota beliefs help him bring peace to Robin and free Jane to love again? 

Coming up is the Valentine anthology, Hearts and Spurs, in which my story, Hollow Heart will appear. It’s a World War II era western.
(Cover is not finalized)


Love lost and the hope for possibilities


Madeline Andrews is a grown up orphan. Sam Wilding made her feel part of his life, his family and swore he’d come home to her when the war ended, but he didn’t return. With the Valentine’s Ball just days away, the Wildings encourage Madeline to move forward with her life and open her heart to the possibilities.  But Madeline is lost in old love letters and can’t seem to let go.

My excitement doesn’t end there. Also coming up in the New Year is another book in my Wildings of Wyoming series, Fly Away Heart. This story takes place in the Great Depression.


The Great Depression…Rum Runners and Old Fears…Love Against the Odds


Lilith Wilding can’t remember a time when she didn’t love the English born Robin Pierpont, but she knows he loves another so she hides her feelings beneath a hard veneer of self-protection.

Robin Pierpont dreams of flying airplanes and winning the heart of the one he loves, but when he gets involved in illegal rum running to help a friend, those dreams seem to turn into just a fantasy. When he is called upon to face his worst fear to save Lilith’s life, his fate may be sealed in death.

2014 promises to be a magnificent year filled with exciting and romantic books, prosperity and happiness. I wish for all of you the best year ever.

Sarah J. McNeal

I will give away a PDF copy of one of my books to one of my commentors. Winner’s choice of the following books:

WISHING FOR A COWBOY Christmas anthology (my contribution: A Husband for Christmas)

A night of horror… a wish for a new life...and a secret love

Jane Pierpont and her son, Robin, survived the Titanic, but her husband went down with the ship and the emotional scars of that night have kept her and her son locked into that frightening event years later . Robin is terrified of deep water and Jane has nightmares and survivor’s guilt. She yearns for a family, a loving husband and maybe another child, but she feels disloyal to Michael’s memory whenever Teekonka RedSky comes near her.

Teekonka RedSky loves Jane and her son, but all his efforts to help them past their painful memories of the night Michael Pierpont died have been unsuccessful. Unwilling to give up, can his Lakota beliefs help him bring peace to Robin and free Jane to love again? 


A haunted house, a trunk and a date with destiny.

Lola, a woman with a chaotic childhood and  longs for a better life, falls into the past and finds a man full of secrets and a dark history—and she’s married to him.


Deceit stands between Banjo Wilding’s love for Maggie O’Leary and his search for the father he never knew.

Banjo Wilding wears a borrowed name and bears the scars and reputation of a lurid past.  To earn the right to ask for Margaret O’Leary’s hand, he must find his father and make something of himself.

Margaret O’Leary has loved Banjo since she was ten years old but standing between her and Banjo is pride, Banjo’s mysterious father and the Great War.

Will either of them find happiness?



Loneliness...Mystery...A step through time

Genevieve dreams of him almost every night and has for most of her lonely life. Intrigued, she buys his violin and finds the remnants of his life and the mystery of his death in 1927 revealed within its case. Intrigued, she makes a decision, one that will change her life forever.


  1. I just want to say how happy I am that I got to kick off the Prairie Rose Blog on the very first day of the year. I hope we have a wonderful New Year.

    1. Sarah, this is a great blog--I loved it. New beginnings are always kind of scary but also exciting in so many ways. I think 2014 is going to be a wonderful year for all of us here at Prairie Rose. Livia and I are both looking forward to it so much, and to working with all of our wonderful authors! Happy New Year, dear friend! XOXOXOXO

  2. Sarah, we're very happy you kicked off the new year here. I can't wait to read FLY AWAY HEART.

  3. Wow Livia, you get up early.
    I hope you like Fly Away Heart. Although I am terrified of flying, I love to write about flying planes. I was researching for another story way back when and needed to write a scene about a plane going down. I went for a ride in a little Cessna with a doctor from the ER who promised to show me the instruments and teach me about flying. I probably dug holes in the back of his seat and the hand grip. Still, I did it and I was very proud of myself for having the courage to do something I was so afraid to do. I learned so much from that experience. I only intend to do it once though. LOL
    Thank you so much for your continued support of me and the other authors at PRP. I really appreciate it.

    1. I slept a little late this morning. I like the early hours. It's peaceful and I get to enjoy the beautiful colors of the sky as the sun rises.

      That was very brave of you flying in a Cessna. I have a major fear of heights, but I would love to learn to fly. If the ground was made of rubber, I might do that, but since it's hard and rocky it probably won't happen. I do admire you facing your fears.

    2. The first time Sonny asked me to fly with him I panicked and said "no". But when he asked me again he said, "You'll never know what it's really like to fly unless you experience it for yourself. Won't your writing reflect that?" Well he had me there. I thought what kind of writer am I if I turn down such a gift? I can tell you right now though that, even though I wrote about mountain climbing, I will never--and I do mean never go mountain climbing. I interviewed a doctor who did it and read 2 books instead.
      What program do you use to create covers? I want to make my own banners and bookmarks, but I don't know what program to use with Windows Vista.
      Thank you for my cover. After a few tweaks, it came out perfect.

    3. When someone tells me I need to experience it to write about it, I remind them I write murder mysteries.

      I use Print Shop 23.1. It's simple and easy to use. When I get through layering, cutting, and adjusting, I can then export it as a jpg and tweak it more in Microsoft Office Picture Manager. The Print Shop I use is for Windows 7, but they have one for Vista, because I had one. I had to buy a different one for Windows 7.

    4. Good one, Livia. LOL
      Thanks for answering my qiestion about the program you use. Windows Vista is such a pain.

  4. Good morning, Sarah! It's so early here, but I wanted to be the first one to comment--other than Livia.
    As the author of the first Prairie Rose Blog, I will say you did a splendid job. PR is off to a great start, and with authors like you in the mix, I'm certain it will be a success.
    Your books are so heartfelt--I love your story in Wishing for a Cowboy. Congratulations to all of you, and here's wishing for a grand 2014.

  5. Boy Celia, you really did get up the crack of dawn there in Texas.
    Thank you so much for your very kind words and compliments. You're always so positive and supportive. I am so glad you came.
    I hope 2014 is going to be happy and prosperous for you. You deserve the best life has to offer.

  6. Sarah, what a lovely -- and inspiring -- kickoff for the Prairie Rose blog. You are a strong, courageous lady, my dear. No matter what our fears are -- flying, cancer, or any of a million other things that may seem small to other others but loom large for us -- staring those fears in the face and refusing to back down teaches us something, I think. Bravo to you for facing two of your big fears and surmounting them!

    I'm looking forward to reading at least two more Wilding stories this year: "Hollow Heart" in HEARTS AND SPURS and FLY AWAY HEART. I'm so glad Robin, the little boy from "A Husband for Christmas," gets his own story! He was such a charmer.

    HUGS to you, sweetie, and Happy New Year!

    1. Kathleen, I remember once taking part in a 6 week workshop from the book, The Artist's Way, by Julie Cameron. In the workshop we were to write 5 things we would like do for a living other than our actual careers. Bush Pilot was second on my list (becoming a published writer was first and that one soon became true.) I even remember when I was four dreaming that I could fly. I ran downstairs and threw myself on the dining room floor trying to make myself rise into the air. My mother asked me what I was doing and, when I told her I could fly, she didn't laugh or scoff; she said, "call out when you start to fly and I'll come and watch." God love her. I have no idea why I wanted to do the very thing that scared me. My brain must be wired wrong.
      Thank you so much for all the nice things you said about my Wilding stories. It's so much fun writing about these Wildings when they grow up and having a little look at what the other characters are doing--like little updates.
      Thank you so much for coming by. I hope you have a bright and cheerful New Year, Tex.

  7. Loved your blog, Sarah! Great start to welcome the new year. I'm new to your stories but I already know I'll be a big fan. My goal for this year is to become more acquainted with the Prairie Rose authors and their work. I don't often find a lot of time to read because I spend so much time writing my own stories but I always like to wind up the day in a book right before bed.

    Wishing you tons of success in 2014!

    1. Linda, I'm so happy to learn that you want to become more aquainted with the authors at Prairie Rose Publications. I read every day even if it's just for a few minutes. Like you, I usually get quiet with a book at bedtime. I feel very positive about the success of Prairie Rose.
      Do you write westerns? Although Prairie Rose is for female western writers, they also have imprints for YA westerns (Painted Pony Books), YA fantasy and other genres (Tornado Books) and Adult stories both male and female for all other genres (Star Books). Just thought I'd mention that in case you were considering submitting your work. I'd love to have you join us.
      Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment for me. Have a wonderful New Year.

  8. Sarah, I forgot to say how much I love your cover for FLY AWAY HEART! Livia did a splendid job on it--so eye-catching and very appealing. LOVE IT!

    1. Cheryl, Livia worked hard on the cover for Fly Away Heart. She came up with several renditions before she created the final cover. I love it. The cover absolutely captures the heart of the story. Thank you so much for mentioning it.
      Are you celebrating the New Year with a traditional dish or are you heading for that Mexican Restaurant you love? Do they have a traditional New Year meal there?
      Thank you so much for your continuous and kind support.

    2. We went out last night and had Mexican! We hadn't been for a while, and that made it all the better. I don't know what we're going to do tonight--good that you mentioned it--I better go take something out of the freezer. LOL

      Livia is a genius with covers and a lot of other things. I knew she'd come up with the perfect thing, and she sure did. I love the colors and the entire make-up of the cover. It DOES capture the heart of the story, as you said.

      So glad you are with us here at Prairie Rose Publications, Sarah! Your characters always strike a chord with me when I'm reading about them!

    3. We're having a family dinner with the traditional pork, saurkraut (which I hate) and mashed potatoes (which I love--naturally, 'cause they're loaded with carbs. LOL)
      I imagine one of the hardest things about covers is matching the people with the characters. I'm glad Livia did silhouettes. She found some great elements after changing a few things and came up with a river that had rapids with mountains in the background and, at the last minute, that beautiful yellow that brightened the whole cover. Great work.
      Thank you for that compliment about my characters. As writers we work in isolation and sometimes I'm just not certain I've written my characters the way I want them. What you said was so validating.

    4. Sarah, I don't think I even showed you the first 2 or 3. At that point I had very little information. It was sort of like drawing in the dark. Silhouettes were the only way to capture the characters. If I had enough money to hire models, buy costumes, etc., I could have so much fun with that. The real challenge on this cover was making the back cover match the front. It's actually the same mountain river image on front and back with a little cutting, flipping, redrawing, etc. Fun stuff. I do so love all of this. It's magic when it all comes together.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congratulations to all those involved in getting Prairie Rose Publications up and running - I wish you all much success and a Happy New Year!

    1. Shel, Livia Washburn and Cheryl Pierson are responsible for the brain child of Prairie Rose Publications. It was my lucky day to be invited to write for them.
      Thank you for coming by and wishing us success.

  10. Since I am a late riser, when I read this blog I realized how wonderful 2014 is when such a wonderful group of like minded women come together for the good of all. Your work and life are an inspiration. I wish you continued success Sarah, in all your endeavors. I know Prairie Rose will do well for they have a great team leading the way. To all "A blessed, prosperous and productive 2014 and beyond. Doris

    1. Doris, thank you so much for your delightfully kind words. I am so happy to be a part of this fledgling publication company. There's nothing like working with friends. I am looking forward to the year ahead and my experience with Prairie Rose yet to come.
      I hope you have a marvelous and joyful New Year. Thank you so much for coming by and sharing a comment.

  11. Happy New Year, Sarah! You've kicked off the blog in fine fashion.

    1. Tracy, thank you for that compliment. I hope the new year brings you wonderful opportunities, good health and happiness.

  12. Sarah, you did a great job! And congrats on the new book. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2014 to you! ♥

  13. Jacquie, thank you so much for dropping by and commenting and thank you for the New Year wish, too.

  14. THE WINNER OF MY PRIZE IS SHEL HARRINGTON! Congratulations, Shel. Please let me know what book you choose.

  15. Sorry I'm late getting here, Sarah. We had company yesterday. I love your post. You're a courageous, wonderful lady! Hugs, Lyn

  16. Sorry I'm late too--lovely blog, Sarah! Blessings to you for such a rough 2013 but here's to a great 2014. Loved your story in WFAC!

  17. Lyn, I hope you had a great time with your family yesterday. Thank you so much for coming by. It's always good to see you.

  18. It's never too late, Kristy.Thank you for your compliments about my blog and my story. Believe me, I want this to be a most excellent year for me and everyone else. I really appreciate you coming by and commenting.

  19. Shel Harrington is unable to accept her prize since she can't read books from her computer. I'll choose another winner tomorrow.

  20. I put the names left in a jar and drew one out. The new winner is Celia Yeary. Congratulations, Celia. I'll contact you soon to get your choice of my books.
