Sunday, January 7, 2024

Experience & Assumptions


Post by Doris McCraw

aka Angela Raines

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

We are starting a new year. It's a time of goals and resolutions. It's also true that many of us need to remember or follow through. This year instead of the usual, I use the word experience. 

I choose to experience writing about the Civil War veterans and their wives/families, who are buried in the cemeteries here in the Pikes Peak Region. This can be tricky for there are many assumptions about veterans that I will need to be aware of.

Some of those assumptions may deal with which side of the conflict they served on. So many of us make choices we may or may not regret, yet, those choices do not define us unless we let them. There are at least two who not only served with the South, but when they moved out here after the conflict, they left a positive mark on the region. Their wives, who sometimes are forgotten, will be the focus of most of these posts.

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

What will be your choice of experiences in 2024? What is something that has been waiting to experience? What is holding you back?

As we head into the coming twelve months let's take joy in being alive, and follow the dreams you thought couldn't happen. They won't unless you grab hold and start in.

Wishing you all the best and enjoy those experiences. 


Until Next Time: Stay safe, Stay happy, and Stay healthy. 



  1. A powerful message, Angela. Wishing you many happy experiences for 2024

  2. How interesting to focus on the wives, so often overlooked. I look forward to this series of posts. Happy New Year.

    1. I hope to find more than expected. Wish me luck. Happy New Year to you. May it be a great one. Doris

  3. Ooh... This is a great topic to write about. I'm all 'eyes' and anticipation to read what you share with us.

    1. It should be a fun (I say with a grin) to try and find the stories of these women. I do hope people will find it interesting. Doris
