Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Dance Scenes in Historically-Set Movies – November – Pride and Prejudice #prairierosepubs #moviedancescenes

For the last ten blogging months, I’ve shared a series of dance scene from historically-set movies. It’s now November, and we’ve come to my Number 2 favorite movie with a dance scene.

As a recap, here are links to the movies to this point:

January – Cat Ballou
February – The King and I
March – Easy Virtue
April – Shakespeare in Love
May – Chocolat
June – Beauty and the Beast
July – Dirty Dancing
August – Cinderella
September – The Mask of Zorro
October – Gone with the Wind


Name of Movie: Pride and Prejudice (2005) Kiera Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen
AND Pride and Prejudice (1995) Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle
Historical Time Period: Regency Period
Location: England
Occasion/Purpose: Socializing, Courting, Courtship Ritual
Types of Dances: English Country Dancing aka Contra Dancing


I love the 2005 theatrical film and the 1995 television mini-series of Pride and Prejudice equally well.

Kiera Knightly as the independent thinking and ‘everyone woman’ Elizabeth Bennett appeals to my admiration for that type of portrayal of Elizabeth Bennett. Ms. Knightly’s Elizabeth Bennett appears in clothing indicative of a family of somewhat modest means. The family’s house shows signs of wear and disrepair. The sight of the pig walking through the house suggests the family lives in somewhat of an earthy we-do-what-we-must-to-get-by life, yet, we don’t have the impression they are poor. They live a modest, but never-without, existence that stays true throughout the movie.

Contrast that Elizabeth Bennett with the one portrayed by Jennifer Ehle in the mini-series. This Elizabeth is a more refined, socially proper Elizabeth Bennett. There is an overall impression of greater wealth and privilege within the Bennett family (in clothing, household furnishings, etc.), which is evident throughout the movie.

Matthew Macfadyen and Colin Firth each took aspects of Mr. Darcy’s character and made the character their own. For that, I admire them both equally.

I will say that Colin Firth’s dip into the pond and subsequent wet-shirt walk toward his house is not a scene in the book, but who cares. I don’t. Colin Firth dripping wet is a sight to savor.


Matthew Macfadyen’s scene at the end of the movie as he walks across the foggy pasture at daylight toward Elizabeth and then his proposal is not to be missed. In fact, watch that scene on repeat.


I digressed. Onward to the dancing…

The movie dance scene for November is not a particular dance scene. It is the dance itself. Consequently, extracting one scene from the movie to illustrate how the filmmakers showed us the relationship between two characters in a manner that is more effective than simple dialogue is an impossible task. Everything about dancing is wrapped around the heart of this story.

Without dancing, there is no story. Dancing is so critical to the story, that we are treated to the first dance within a few minutes. Ballroom dancing wasn’t called ballroom dancing at the time. People attended Balls (private parties) and Assemblies (public parties), where they danced to a variety of popular English Country Dances. At the time, dancing was the only way to spend time with members of the opposite sex. Passing touches, occasional hand-holding, and speaking to that special someone without an adult listening to every word was exciting.

“Dance” in Pride and Prejudice is its own character . Dance personifies the societal mores of the time:

  • the physical act of dancing (knowing the steps and performing them correctly)
  • thinking about dancing
  • talking about dancing
  • preparing for a dancing
  • reminiscing about dancing
  • following the etiquette of dancing
  • the purpose of dancing (courtship, courtship ritual)

To be fond of dancing was a certain step toward falling in love. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Dancing, whether attending a lavish ball or a more intimate, private dance, served several purposes during this time. A refusal or reluctance to dance showed that person’s lack of good/acceptable character. The characters in the story reveal their true natures during these social events. In addition, a person’s worth was on display via their individual performance on the dance floor.

Sir William Lucas explains, “I consider dancing as one of the first refinements of polished societies.”

Dancing, as an acceptable and approved social activity, was a means of public and appropriate courting, and it was expected that those who traveled in certain social circles would attend balls and parties for the ultimate goal of showing themselves as suitable dancing partners, which suggested they were also suitable for courting, and then, presumably, mutual satisfaction in marriage would follow.

For a man to dance with a woman more than once in the evening was a sign of his romantic, and presumably marriageable, interest in the lady. Mrs. Bennet says of her eldest daughter, Jane, “Only think of that my dear; he actually danced with her twice; and she was the only creature in the room that he asked a second time.”

It is impossible to adequately explain how critical dancing is to this story. So, please, if you’ve never read Pride and Prejudice, I urge you to do so. It is doubly a delightful reading experience and a study of human nature. At the very least, treat yourself to watching both the 1995 miniseries and the 2005 theatrical movie. The mini-series stays fairly true to the story, while also including more of the book. While the 2005 movie truncates the story, as it must due to time constraints, it stays true t the story and it is an exceptionally well-done and well-crafted version. I am not at all disappointed in the two-hour movie experience over the mini-series version of five and a half hours.

However, because I’ve included a dance scene in all of the other movies in this series, I’ve chosen the one scene that captures a moment so exquisitely, so perfectly that, if you blink, you’ll miss it. This is the moment that Mr. Darcy sees Elizabeth Bennett at a dance. We know in that instant that Elizabeth has ‘bewitched him body and soul…’

This clip also serves the purposes of showing us the Bennett sisters talking about the men at the dance, getting a feel for the dance as a social event, enjoying the visual pleasure of seeing the period costumes and the historical setting, and offering us a glimpse of the dances of the time. Mr. Darcy is introduced to the movie at this point. We can tell by his surly demeanor, his stern expression, and his stiff body language that he does not want to be there.

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth see each other face-to-face for the first time in this clip. Watch closely from 0:48 to 0:53 for ‘The Moment’ that changes Mr. Darcy forever.


So, here I am in November with one more movie dance scene to go in this year-long series. The December movie dance scene is my favorite. Any guesses?

Until we meet again,
Kaye Spencer
writing through history one romance upon a time


  1. This is a lovely series, Kaye! I agree that in P and P dancing is crucial, as you say, revealing so much re character and intentions and social mores. I can't guess regarding your favourite and look forward to your December blog!

    1. Thank you, Lindsay. This article was by far the most challenging of the series to write, because of the dance aspect of the story is so important to understanding the time period. They lived and breathed everything about dancing.

  2. Another brilliant choice. Austin was so good at showing us how important dances were for social interaction, social introductions, and for seduction. And I'm with you on the swim scene. Who cares if it wasn't in the book?

    1. Thanks!. Doing justice to the importance of attending these parties as a means of improving or, at the very least, changing, one's social standing was challenging to write about. There's a meme that goes something like this: Matthew Macfadyen's photo is beside Colin Firth's. The caption says, "He (Matthew) may be Darcy, but I (Colin) was Darcy Firth." hahah

  3. I really do love Kiera Knightley in just everything she is in. This is a great scene. I watched this last February with my daughter (Feb. 2022, should've said) after she had some surgery done and we were just "lying about" trying to entertain ourselves. This was "the key" for us. We really did enjoy it. I think she had it memorized but I had not ever seen it. I'm loving this blog series of yours!

    1. I love Keira Knightly, too. I'm glad you've enjoyed this series. I looking forward to posting the December dance scene. I love it sooooo much. ;-)

  4. Believe it or not, I've never liked Pride & Prejudice, despite having done the stage play in high school. Having said that, the actors in both productions are fabulous. However, my favories are Lily James and Sam Riley in the "Pride Prejudice and Zombies" film. Doris

    1. I believe you, because I didn't watch the Colin Firth tv mini-series until last summer. I'd watched the Knightly/Macfadyen version years ago and liked it because of them. My confession is I didn't read the book until this past summer, either. In fact, Pride and Prejudice is the only Regency era book I've ever read and it's the only Regency era movie I've watched. So there we are. hahaha
