Sunday, January 1, 2023


Post by Doris McCraw aka Angela Raines

Photo property of the Author

Have you ever heard of the AdAMan club? It had its beginnings in 1922 when the "frozen five" decided to climb Pike's Peak and set off fireworks on New Year's Eve. From that first climb, they have added one person every year since. Now if you can imagine climbing from about 7000 feet to over 14,000 feet in the middle of winter carrying gear and fireworks that's what these folks do.

So, you may ask, what has this to do with 'What's Next?' It's the idea of building upon something that you have created. For many of us that is a writing career. So what are we going to be building in 2023?

New Year's is a time of resolutions, which I think are a waste of time, but people still write them down with the intent of making all these changes for the coming year. Maybe, we might want to think about taking what has worked and building upon that, much like the climb to the top of Pike's Peak in 1922.

Taking off in 2023
Photo Property of the Author

Taking a look at 2022, I spent some time with a couple of online conferences. There were online genealogy classes and other learning options. Growing that idea, I've created a 'living' document that I use to add classes, conferences, marketing options, etc. Now that it is started, I can add to it when something comes up. Once a week I look at the document to choose what I may want to add to my calendar.  

I am also all about supporting, sharing, and creating in ways that not only benefit me but also others. As we continue to carve out our careers looking at what we can do and build upon may be the best 'What's Next?'

Lastly, do I want to keep my website or transition to using a blog as a website or maybe even a Linktree option? Looks like more studying.

Of course, research, writing, and other creative endeavors will remain and grow. 

So I wish you all a wonderful 2023 and a glorious'What's Next?' 

For fun, some 'old' music as you plan your year.

Auld Lang Syne - Home Free

Let's Start the New Year Right - Bing Crosby

Happy New Year - The McGuire Sisters

Doris McCraw


  1. Good luck with your writing goals, Angela/Doris! May you and yours have a wonderful 2023!
    Love the story of Pike's Peak and that stunning photo of the birds

    1. Thank you, I wish the same for you. The AdAMan Club is such a cool thing. They really did the fireworks justice last night in honor of their 100 years. Doris.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful tradition on Pike's Peak. They must have quite a crowd going up there by now, if they add someone every year. Good luck with all your writing and other goals. I look froward to seeing your next book. Happy New Year.

    1. It is a great tradition and the display was fabulous last night, and we had fairly clear skies. It is a pretty good size group. On of our volunteers went up with them one year. Happy New Year to you also. Doris

  3. Loved reading about the Pike's Peak tradition. Also enjoyed learning about your list of learning options and your considerations for 2023.

    1. Thank you so much. New Years are part past traditions and New Year dreams. Doris
