Sunday, December 4, 2022


 Post by Doris McCraw aka Angela Raines

Do you ever ask yourself why you are a writer or why you do anything on the creative spectrum? As the year closes out, perhaps it's time for reflection.

When I take the time to review my year, my whys, and my accomplishments it allows me to take stock of my creative life.

My goal this year had been to put out four pieces of work. I managed to get out three. By taking a look at how I was able to get done what I got done and what kept me from finishing my goal is a way for me to see what I need to change for next year.

I didn't do as much marketing as I've done in the past yet with the publications I managed to stay ahead of the curve.

Now you may ask why do I take the time to do this? I made the goal I just didn't finish it. Now here is where the WHY comes in. Why do I even write? Why did I leave music and theater where I was with other people to take up a solitary profession? All of this plays into the answers.

Photo property of the author.

Although I do love music and theater as time has passed I found that I enjoy my alone time more than I used to. At the same time, I have to be creative, it's a part of my DNA. Additionally, income does play a part in it. I made good money in the theater arts. The thing about the theatrical arts is it's not necessarily consistent jobs and incomes. As an author, I can make up a little bit of the difference in consistency by being responsible for my own output.

This takes us back to why I review my year. The 2022 review has pointed out the following:

1. Putting out four publications a year will keep my name in front of readers.

2. More focus needs to be put on marketing.

3. I will continue to add nonfiction work to my novel and short-story works.

4. Scheduling more time to share not only my work but the work of others is something that is important to me.

5. I still have a lot of stories I want to tell.

Do you know your WHY? Do you review your year? What are your end-of-year processes? I'd love to know.

Until 2023, have a wonderful rest of your year, enjoy the Holidays and keep on writing.

Doris McCraw


  1. Happy Holidays and happy 2023 to you, Doris! Your thoughtful, reflective blog really makes me think. I wish you continued creativity and success with your writing.
    I write to tell stories.

    1. Thank you. Telling stories is so fabulous. I tend to get reflctive this time of year. Doris

  2. Every good wish of the season to you, Doris. Thanks for this lovely, thoughtful piece. You have helped focus me on finishing my new series next year. I have scheduled blog posts through to July so I can dedicate my time to it. I look forward to seeing everyone else's output.

    1. Thank you, and I wish you the same. You made my day. I look forward to the next series. 2023 should be a great year. Doris

  3. Wishing you a happy and productive 2023. Thanks for sharing your review process.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes. Also, glad you found the post useful. Doris
