Sunday, October 2, 2022


 Post by Doris McCraw aka Angela Raines

The author's motto: "keep on going".
photo property of the author.

A post about marketing. Hopefully the information I glean from the marketing department where I work, or other sources will be useful to some of you.

I am starting with what we call a content calendar. I try to begin with a calendar that lists holidays for that month. The one below was available online. I also note if the month has significance. For example, March is National Women's History Month. These pieces of information are the baseline I will use as I schedule the various posts, both blog, and other social media.

Once I print the below calendar, I fill in the days where blog posts are scheduled. Next, I will note the days for social media. If I have a bookversary or new release coming soon, I will tie those pieces in with the holidays for that month. 

I do not post 'marketing' pieces, ie. where I ask people to buy my book. Instead, I work to develop relationships or followers who like what I share. Most know my passion is history, women's history, Colorado History, the Old West, philosophy, and of course, Authors. Therefore, if it is an original post, it will usually be one of the above subjects.

I also started a newsletter where I share my thoughts, tips, quotes, and photos. I felt it was time as blog readings and posts have been ebbing lately. I don't worry, for everything is ebb and flow, but I wanted to have something that would be in addition to other social and blog platforms.

Hopefully some of the above will help you out. If you have ideas please share them in the comments.

Doris McCraw


  1. My goodness! I'm in awe of how organised you are. I struggle to combine writing with marketing as I'm not a 'sit and write a certain amount every day' writer. I write when the story catches me and carries me away. I need to look at your methods.

    1. I don't always write every day on my WIP, but I do the 'marketing' thing pretty much every day. Tying my social media posts to 'holidays' seems to help me vary what I post. Anything to get the ideas flowing. :) Doris

  2. Thanks for your insights on marketing. It's the part I struggle with the most.

    1. Me also. I find things that seen to work, plus I interact with the marketing dept. at work so I gleen some ideas from them also. It is a steady learning process for me. Since I'm already learning why not share? Doris

  3. Thanks for sharing these handy tips, especially regarding the Calendar. Marketing is such an important issue.

    1. You are welcome. As I find things I think might help, I like to share. Doris
