Sunday, July 3, 2022

For a Change of Pace

 Post by Doris McCraw aka Angela Raines

Photo Property of the Author

I thought I'd change the pace a bit for fun since I've been celebrating another year around the sun. I've been reading W. B. (Bat) Masterson's book, "Famous Gunfighters of the Western Frontier". One thing is clear, you can tell who he likes and who he doesn't. 

In his write-up about Doc Holliday, he clearly does not like the man. Has his opinion, written in 1907, influenced the way we see the man? I don't know, but I thought it would be fun to dig up some titles where the good Doctor plays a big part in the story. So for fun, here are a few:

Mike Resnick wrote steampunk books in which Doc Holliday was featured. There were four books, three of which featured Doc Holliday:

  1. The Doctor and the Kid (2011)
  2. The Doctor and the Rough Rider (2012)
  3. The Doctor and the Dinosaurs (2013)

M.M. Crumley has written a series of books with Doc Holliday as the main character:

Then we have 'regular' stories about Holliday:

Mary Doria Russell has one, and Victoria Wilcox has a three-book series.

What is it about Doc Holliday? What is it about the Old West and the people who lived then? One thing, stories are the product of our imaginations, and as you can see, they can take you anywhere. Have you taken a well-known story or person and given them 'another' life? 

I still remember reading Cheryl Pierson's "The Keepers of Camelot" and being so engrossed in how she took a well-known story and made it fresh and new in the Old West. If you get a chance, check it out.

So, for a change of pace, how can you take something old and make it new? Give it a try.

y Reading and Writing.

Doris McCraw


  1. Thanks for these recommends, Doris. One of the things I enjoy most about historicalfiction is how real-life characters can be shown in so many different ways.

    1. My pleasure, Lindsay. There are so many stories with Doc that I had to limit my list. I will say, if you haven't read Cheryl's story, check it out. Doris

  2. It's a great idea to take a well-known character or trope and place them in a completely different situation. It certainly gets the creative juices flowing. Interesting to hear that Bat Masterson didn't like Doc Holliday, too. I'm willing to bet that many real famous people from the past would be totally different to their reputations if we met them in real life.

    1. I will include well-known, but I've yet to create a whole story with them as a main character. It's on the list. LOL

      The Masterson book has been pretty eye-opening.He lived and interacted with most of the men he writes about, and he is opinionated. I also agree with how different they would be if you met them.

      Oh, how fun these stories would be to read and write. Doris

  3. Read "On Borrowed Time" by Jacklin Kimkris. It's a very different take on Doc Holliday. Here's the link..... (I didn't relaize amazon's links were as long as a CVS receipt). It's a good read. The writer studied Doc and Tombstone in detail....

  4. It's always interesting to see real people worked into stories, whether as main or secondary characters. Thanks for the recommendations. I'm going to look into Bat Masterson's book.

    1. It is an interesting read. He is very clear about his likes and dislikes. I'm enjoying it.
      LIke you, interweaving or having real people in stories is fascinating, especially when done well.
