Saturday, January 1, 2022

And The Word For 2022 Is

 Post by Doris McCraw

writing as Angela Raines

Photo Property of the Author

A number of years ago a couple of friends and I would get together around the beginning of the new year. We would decide what our word of the year would be.

Fast forward to about a month ago, and I get this email that had the question 'Your word for the year'. Not only did it bring back lovely memories, but it also had some added questions.  As this new year begins, it seemed an opportune time to share the concept with others.

So what would your word for the year be? For me, the first one to pop up and stay was 'Joy'. So how does this work? Well, whenever I am looking to do something or have been asked to participate, I will take it through the filter of will it bring me joy.

Photo Property of the Author

What was exciting was the pairing of the word for the year with making a list of things that you plan to include during the year. Not a resolution but what will fulfill your life and dreams.

So, what would your list look like, be it ten or more dreams? 

My list would include:

1. Finish hiking the trails in Garden of the Gods that I physically can.

2. Share my photography in ways that bring joy and some income

3. Start officiating weddings (Yes, I can do that, but ...)

4. Make up for the lack of published works by doubling down this year.

You get the idea. The above all sounds like fun to me.

We all have ways we plan out the new. As you head into the next phase of your year, what would your word be? What would be on your list?  

Until next time, have a pleasant journey through the following days, and all the best for your 2022.

Doris Gardner-McCraw -
Author, Speaker, Historian-specializing in
Colorado and Women's History
Angela Raines FaceBook: Click Here


  1. Happy New Year, Angela/Doris!! I hope it is one of Joy.
    Super, apt piece for the start of 2022.
    May you be successful in all your goals.

    1. Thank you. The resolution thing never worked, but a word for the year seems to do the trick. May your 2022 be a joyful and productve one also. Doris

  2. Happy New Year, Doris! I love this concept of Joy as a word of the year. Much better than a resolution. I find joy in the fact that you can officiate at weddings, and totally agree that I need to double down and finish the works I've been editing for a year!

    1. And to you. A word for the year just works better for me and I thought maybe it might for others also.

      Like you, I've a lot of editing to finish. Here's to a Joyful 2022. Doris

  3. Good post, Doris. Harmony is what I hope for in 2022.

    1. Sarah, what a wonderful word. My wish is that all your days and interactions be harmonious. Also, thank you for the kind words. Doris

  4. Fun post. I have a friend who does the word of the year, but she doesn't do the list. I will share your post with her, Wishing you much joy in 2022.

    1. Let me know what she thinks. I find it keeps me on track for doing things that are fun instead of just having my nose to the grindstone. (Smile).

      I wish you the same in 2022 and beyond. Doris

  5. What a lovely post. Such a good idea of combining a list with the word joy. The word itself is such a wonderful word and immediately invites images of joyful memories. I've stopped making resolutions because I always fail. Thus, my word for 2022 is procrastination, as in stop procrastinating. So far, I have been very successful at procrastinating as over half the month has flown by. But today is Monday, a new week....

    1. I love procrastination. It is my 'think' time. Of course, at some point I do have to put it down.

      For me, if something comes up and I run it through the 'joy' spectrum I usually come out ahead.

      Thanks for stopping and and sharing your word for 2022. (Smile) Doris
