Monday, February 15, 2021

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming . . . .

 I've missed my scheduled blog spot for the past few months -- a semester ended, with all that entails, and another one began.  So, here I am, ready or not!

It's been a rough year, folks.  I'm pleased and delighted for those among us who've been able to double down during these strange times, to read and write and create more than usual.  I'm not one of them.  Concentration's been tough, research is limited by the closure or limitations of the libraries and museums I'd be visiting, and my day job's got all sorts of new complications.  When I teach my classes, I stand in front of a room, wearing a mask, and some students are there in person, and others are beaming into class online, and there's been lots of new technology enabling this to happen.The tutoring program I run has moved from fully in person to fully online for the duration, and is likely to settle into a mixed format when we reach the other side of this. Writing is getting done, and reading, and etc., but not at the pace I'd like.

So have this fabulous poster that one of our department administrators made for a talk I'm giving to my department this Wednesday.  I'll be back next month to post about it.   (And yes, my pen name's pretty much an easier-to-spell version of my real name.  Now you know.  😉 )



  1. Love that poster and hoping I can get on to listen. It has been such a strange year, and I've definitely been under-productive too.

    1. I hope you can, too!

      Yes, I've heard it called "doomscrolling" which is what I feel like I'm doing a whole lot -- just looking and looking and looking at the news over this past year. Here's hoping to more productivity for us both!

  2. First, bless you for doing your job amid this trying time. Second, I feel your pain with research. I am missing my time at the libraries, etc. Third, love the poster and would love to be a fly on the wall for your talk. All the best. Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris! I feel terrible for my first years especially, losing so much from their senior year and now first year of college is nothing like expected.

      It is supposed to be recorded - if I can, I'll post the link in next month's blog post.

  3. Hope the coming 2021 year is much better for you, Cate.

  4. Thanks, Lindsay! I've been doing some short form things to try and get back on track, and after the talk, I'm planning to jump back in.

  5. Cool poster. Sounds like an interesting talk. Hope 2021 is a better year for you.

    1. Thanks, Ann! Just finished it and it went quite well.

      I think it will be -- I'm getting revved back up!
