Monday, December 7, 2020



My New Release by Sarah J. McNeal

My new release on December 9 is actually 2 stories in one volume which finalizes the Legends of Winatuke series. 

PENNYTOOK is the first story, a short story about the Gypsy who has helped so many rid themselves of the Witch-Queen through his knowledge wisdom, and courage. In this short story, Pennytook finally finds love again.

PENNYTOOK, Legends of Winatuke book 4

Myths are supposed to be false…but some are terrifying and true.



Pennytook is a war weary Gypsy who longs for peace from the past and wants something meaningful in his life.

Esmeralda, a Gypsy trick rider, has harbored a deep affection for the chieftain, Pennytook, for many years. But her dark secret will never allow him into her life.

A mythological creature is about to unleash its horror and change the destinies of Esmeralda and Pennytook.

Pennytook and his horse, Noratuke as I imagine them


"Aye. That mare in the ring would be a good match." Sabo tilted his head in the direction of the performer. A crowd of Chergari and Djamba Gypsies had gathered around the riding ring where they stood, and cheered as the performer flipped backward and landed with her feet on the horse's back. When she did the same trick through a ring of fire, the crowd's cheers grew even more enthusiastic.

"Do you know that chi? I must make her an offer for her mare." Pennytook hoped his friend could introduce her to him, but not just to speak to her of horses. "I wonder that I have never seen her before—not even at the annual horse trading in Vel'ka Mulano or at one of the festivals in Valmora. Do you know her or where she comes from?"

A breeze ruffled the eagle's feathers. The creature cocked its head as if it listened to some far off sound. Sabo made a clicking sound with his tongue and the bird settled quietly on his arm. "Her name is Esmeralda Kanaluka."

Something about her seemed familiar, but Pennytook felt certain he had never seen her before. Perhaps she reminded him of his beloved wife. He had lost Anka when they were imprisoned on the Dark Isle so many years ago. The horror of her death haunted him still.

 PEREGRINE'S CURSE, Legends of Winatuke, book 5

The second story in the duet is a novella, PEREGRINE’S CURSE. This final story was the most challenging story I’ve written so far. Because the heroine is deaf, I had to find ways to make her communicate through sign language, lip reading, and her odd speech. She is also a dancer and I had to find unique ways for her to understand the patterns of music and move to them. Above all, this is a love story and there was nothing difficult about writing a romantic tale.

A musician who cannot love and a dancer who cannot hear …Can they find happiness?


Peregrine McKnight is a successful musician and composer who wants above all things to fall in love, marry a woman who understands him completely, and to have a family as close as the one in which he was raised. Though Peregrine is blessed with unusual music ability, he is cursed. After a foray into the dimension of Winatuke to save a prince from the witch-queen, Peregrine was thrown into the deadly Lake of Sorrows where he suffered a curse from the evil Navasi king who ruled there. He managed to survive the curse, but its shadow remains preventing him from falling in love.

Parisa Jahida Habuba, a Bedouin, survived the war in Syria along with her older brother after their parents and younger brother were killed in the conflict. Her aunt and uncle, who live near Wilmington, North Carolina, adopted Parisa and her brother when they were children and gave them sanctuary in America. Her Uncle Rahim is a Christian minister and her Aunt Alice raises a line of superior Arabian horses. Her brother, Ahmad formed a friendship with Falcon McKnight and Thomas Zoradia and, through them, she learns of a position for a dancer with the famous musician, Peregrine McKnight, Falcon’s younger brother. It may be her only chance to prove she can dance in spite of her hearing loss.

When she falls on stage in the middle of a performance, Parisa believes she has ruined her chance at dancing. But when Peregrine helped her up and began to dance with her as if it were part of the performance, something unexpected happened between them.

It might take a miracle for Peregrine and Parisa to find love. But, in Winatuke anything is possible.

Peregrine as I imagine him


Peregrine ran his gaze over the filled seats in the audience and grinned. This is what I love; playing my music and having people enjoy it. He placed his violin under his chin and signaled to the small band of musicians and the backup dancers. The audience cheered as Peregrine began to play. 

A couple of tunes into the show everything was going great. Peregrine felt confident that his new album was going to be a success. A glance back over his shoulder at the backup dancers told him Albert had done a terrific job on hiring the choreographer and dance company. The costumes were colorful, ruffled renditions of Gypsy dancers he remembered so fondly from that other dimension and his family’s secret world of Winatuke. He smiled to himself as he thought of his friends in that magical realm: Pennytook, the Gypsy chieftain, his brothers-in-law, Gabriel and Raphael Fionn, both princes in the kingdom of Valmora. The smile faded when he remembered the demon who threw him into the malignant Lake of Sorrows and the curse the Navasi king cast over him. With painful clarity, Peregrine remembered how the curse kept him from ever falling in love. He would never experience the most intimate relationship a human could have or ever hope for a family of his own. His music was all he had.

All of a sudden, the audience gasped, and Peregrine’s thoughts were swept away from Winatuke and his curse when he glanced back and saw one of the dancers had fallen. She glanced up and met his gaze with dark eyes filled with humiliation. He handed his violin over to another musician and signaled for them to keep playing. There’s only one thing I can do.

Peregrine walked casually over to the dancer and stretched out his hand to her. A cloud of confusion moved across her face as she took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet.

“Am I fired?” she asked in an odd slurred voice.

“My God, woman, are you drunk?” Peregrine wrapped one arm around her waist and held her other hand in his.

The woman shook her head. “No, of course not.”

“We’re going to dance the Samba and make it look like it’s part of the act. Can you do that?”

She nodded her head in the affirmative. Her eyes were wide and alert and she certainly didn’t dance like someone inebriated. The Samba suited this piece of music perfectly and Peregrine was relieved when the audience clapped and cheered as he and the dancer began to move into the sensual dance.


Sarah J. McNeal

Author of Heartwarming Stories




Amazon Author's Page





  1. Sounds brilliant, Sarah! Congratulations on your new release! Love the dancing excerpt! Your Peregrine is wonderfully fey!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Lindsay. I appreciate it.

  2. Congratulations on your new release. This sounds very goo, and it's great to see through the writer's eyes and have glimpse at the characters as you see them.

  3. Sarah,

    Congratulations on another release. How exciting to have two stories in one volume that bring closure to your series. I get a hint of Niccolo Paganini in Peregrine. ;-)

  4. Congratulations. You write such exciting and lovely stories and these two seem to be no exception. Doris

    1. I so appreciate your kind comment, Doris. Thank you.

  5. What wonderful imagination you have, Sarah. I so admire writers who can create a unique other world. I wish I had that kind of imagination. I see the entire scene clearly in my mind. Congratulations, my friend and I wish you much success with this release.

    1. Elizabeth, your comment really lifts me up. Thank you for your wonderful words. It's always good to see you.

  6. Sarah, I really have enjoyed your Winatuke series soooo much. Dare I say I enjoyed it just every bit as much as your Wildings? (I know how partial you are to the Wildings so I have to be careful!) LOL You've written two fantastic series and I have thoroughly enjoyed both of them. I'm so glad to see these final two stories come out and round out the set! Congratulations!

    1. Cheryl, thank you so much for your kind words. I miss those Wildings for sure. LOL The Legends of Winatuke series is very different from my Wildings, but I do have to say, I loved Pennytook and Peregrine throughout this series.
      I appreciate you taking the time to come over and comment.
