Thursday, December 3, 2020

New Release -- Carrie’s Christmas Viking by Lindsay Townsend


Bound by golden chains, the old statue of Eric the Viking protector had belonged to Carrie’s grandfather, and his father before him. Eric had always been a part of Carrie’s life, though she’d wished through the years that he was real—not just a statue.

But Eric had been imprisoned by magic spell dealt him by one of Carrie’s ancestors—a punishment for his own greed—until he truly understood what he’d done.

When Carrie’s ex-husband shows an unnatural interest in her modest little home left to her by her grandfather, Eric finally gets his chance at freedom. Who else can save Carrie from the ancient, wicked forces at work against her?

But will his protection be enough against the powerful evil they face in this present time? It’s his only chance to prove himself worthy of release from his centuries of imprisonment. He vows to love and cherish Carrie in his heart forever—if he can save them both. Though the dangerous dark powers threaten them, Carrie has faith. For at Christmas, anything is possible—even magic!


Bound, shackled, he waited. Unable to stir or speak, he had, over the countless seasons since his capture, learned to listen. He was a long way now from self-pity. The Norns had judged and found him wanting. He had betrayed a kinsman. Big brute of a fellow, mangled by battle scars. A Viking in all but name, who went crusading, instead. What was he called?

“Magnus.” The captive mouthed, though he made no sound. Magnus his ugly cousin, with his pretty son, the little lad who he had tried to steal.

Chained, he could not twitch, though now, eons later, the Viking acknowledged his stupidity. Magnus had a wife, a witch-wife, and she had stopped his foolish scheme stone dead, as if he had been struck by a crossbow bolt.

What magic did she fashion? He did not know. Worse, he had never forgotten the dreams she had sent him, ever since he had been trapped by her enchantments.

“Release me!” he had bellowed in his nightmare, trying and failing to struggle in his chains. He could speak then, but the red-haired witch shook her head and laid two fingers on his rigid jaw. His lips tingled, then froze.


  1. Thank you again, Prairire Rose Publications!

  2. Congratulations on your new release. It looks great!

  3. Lindsay, I love this story so much. So glad Eric got his chance at redemption, and Carrie her chance at HAPPINESS!

  4. I see you have included 2 beloved characters from your stories as secondary characters in this story. Wonderful! I am familiar with your delightful Medieval tales, so I know I have to have this book as well.
    I wish you every success, Lindsay...

  5. Congratulations Lindsay! Sounds like a winner with an unusual plot. Loved the excerpt.

  6. You have a lovely "voice" for medievals, Lindsay. Congratulations on this release, just in time for a few quiet moments for reading.

  7. Many thanks, Patti and Elizabeth and Sarah and Cheryl. Once I explored the idea that Eric was trapped, I started to wonder "by what?" and then I had the story.
    This is a light tale and I hope people enjoy it as a quick Christmas read

  8. I haven't read this type of story in a while. Not sure why since I enjoy them. Another book for my wish list. I need more time to read.

  9. Congratulations. What an exciting excerpt. Doris

  10. Much appreciated, Doris! Thank you, Patricia. I hope you enjoy this quick-read story
