Thursday, November 5, 2020

New Release -- The Viking and the Pictish Princess: The Rose and the Sword by Lindsay Townsend


Eithne’s cruel father sold her mother into slavery and gave her away. Despised by her siblings as a bastard, beautiful Eithne has lost everything, including her name.

Now called Bindweed, the illegitimate daughter of King Giric has made a life for herself on Maiden Isle as a respected wise-woman. She is determined to hold fast to that position and her little home, no matter what—or who—may come to try to steal it.

But when a fleeing Norseman appears dripping from the loch to seek shelter on Maiden Isle, Bindweed traps him – is he friend or foe? What is his purpose here on her isle? When ruthless raiding Gaels invade, Bindweed and Olaf must unite and fight together, if they plan to survive.

Can The Viking and a Pictish Princess work together to save the last people of the Black Broch before a harsh winter and more devastating raids destroy them?


The lone figure rose silently from the loch. Emerging from the grey shimmer of a winter morning with water sheeting off his body, he glided over the submerged boulders onto the shore of her island. Bindweed scrambled into a holly tree and dropped to the parched ground. She gritted her teeth against the shout surging up her dry throat, old fears from the past made real.


He was big, this invader, big as a king stag of the forest, tanned, barrel chested and with arms thicker than her legs. His black hair, dark as December pinecones, matted itself to his skull in long streamers of shadow and eyes, the colour of storm clouds, were quick and piercing.

“Black Norse,” Bindweed muttered, not daring to stir as that fierce grey gaze swept over her hiding place. His thick gold collar and armlets flashed when he strode by, arrogant as a lord. He moved with the swift, quiet grace of a warrior, the low winter sun illuminating his leather tunic and trews, the long dagger strapped to one thigh, his sword on the other.

Spy or assassin, Bindweed wondered, watching his retreating back. He made for her cave-house as if he had walked the path a hundred times, though she doubted he sought her skill in herb-lore. Still, she did not stir.

The first snare on the trail he avoided with a snort of humour, the second, set below a seeming bed of innocent pine needles, swallowed him whole. Bindweed was out of the holly and sprinting before the Viking had stopped his bellow of surprise. A quick jerk of the rope hidden by ivy had the nets and timber unravelling and the trap closed. She quickly pinned it down, panting hard as she rolled the lock-stone in place.


  1. Lindsay, what a wonderful story! I just loved it. I always love your characters so much, and of course, I wonder how in the heck they are going to survive, but somehow, they always do--and come out to the GOOD. LOL Congratulations!

  2. This looks like a winner, Lindsay! I love the premise and the excerpt is very enticing--trapping a black-haired, dripping wet Viking, wow! Good luck with your new release.

  3. Oh wow, I'm overdue for reading a great Viking tale. Love the excerpt. Congratulations on your release.

  4. Congrats on your release. Love the excerpt!

  5. Oooh, looks so good! And the picts have always fascinated me. Congratulations, Lindsay. The excerpt is both sensual and chilling.

  6. Many thanks, Christine, Deborah, Elizabeth, Patti and Cheryl!
    Hope all who read it enjoy it!
    And it was released on Bonfire Night here in the UK - very apt!

  7. Congratulations, Lindsay! Your stories are always page-turners. ;-)

  8. Congratulations on this new release, Lindsay. I enjoy every story you write.

  9. That is so exciting, Lindsay. Congratulations! Doris
