Thursday, October 15, 2020

New Release — Sisters by Lynna Banning


When Ellie Grenfell’s fiancé, Deputy Sheriff Jack Mallory, is wounded in the line of duty, she does what she’s done her entire life—she sends for her older sister!

Widowed Verity Varner returns to Smoke River, Oregon, to help Ellie and serve as her chaperone until the wedding takes place. But shortly after Verity’s arrival, she realizes Jack’s wound has become infected, and he loses part of his arm.

Over the months of Jack’s recuperation and learning how to cope with his disability, Ellie reveals her selfishness and disinterest in Jack’s daily struggle. Verity understands the obstacles Jack faces, offering sympathy and encouragement—and she also understands something else: Ellie is not the person Verity thought she was.

All her life, Verity has been a surrogate mother to Ellie, putting her sister’s needs before her own. But, now, the unthinkable has happened—Verity and Jack have fallen in love, even as his wedding to Ellie draws ever closer. How can Verity choose between her love for Jack and her loyalty to Ellie? Will she risk her chance for true love to preserve the bond between SISTERS?


Verity bent over the feverish private, a soldier she did not recognize, and dipped the scrap of muslin into the basin of water for what seemed like the hundredth time. An hour ago, the post doctor had dug an arrowhead out of the boy’s back, but because he’d ridden a day and a half before reaching the fort, his wound was now infected. She squeezed out the excess water and again bathed his bare back, then slid the cloth around to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Just as she drew the cooling fabric down his backbone, the door burst open and a burly orderly stepped inside. “Telegram, Miz Varner.” He waved a folded piece of yellowed paper at her.

“Thank you, Jasper.” She reached her free hand to take it from the grey-bearded man, slid it into the pocket of her canvas work apron, and continued sponging the boy’s back.

The orderly retreated and she heard his boots clump on down the hallway. Who on earth would be sending her a telegram? The only person who knew she was still here at Fort Hall was her sister, Ellie, and—

Her heart dropped into her stomach. Something has happened. She dropped the cloth into the basin and hurriedly scrabbled in her apron pocket for the telegram.



  1. I loved this story, Lynna. You really kept me turning the pages--so much that I forgot I needed to be editing. LOL I really loved the tension you created amongst all the characters--I know that is not easy to do and you did a great job of it! Congratulations on your new release! So glad to have you with us at PRP!

  2. Sisters? Now there's an obstacle to romance if ever I heard one. Congratulations on your new release, Lynna.

    1. The sisters who want the same man isn't the only obstacle... overcoming Jack's problem takes up a good portion of the book.

  3. Yeah, well, that's sisters for ya--love 'em and hate 'em. LOL
    I like that the hero has a flaw, an imperfection in his looks. Now the readers will want to pay attention to his character rather than just sigh over how handsome he is. I love the name Jack. Just sayin'. Amazingly, I have never written a hero with that name.
    I want to wish you all the best on your new release, Lynna. I like the premise for it and the cover is amazing.
    All the best to you...

    1. I'm glad you like the cover! Sisters can be problematic for sure; I myself have no sisters, but my mother's sister was a doozy, and much of the character of Ellie is based on my aunt (now deceased). Jack has more than an imperfection in his looks--he has a life-changing injury which forces him to reevaluate eveything in his life.
      I hope you enjoy the book!

  4. Very intriguing. Can't wait to read it. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you! This book was really a trial to write in some ways, as I had to learn so much about a man's having to deal with an impediment. Hope you like it.

  5. Nice cliff hanger at the end of your excerpt. :-) Congratulations on release day. :-)

  6. The cliff hanger lasts until the very last pages... I hope you enjoy reading this story!
