Thursday, October 1, 2020

New Release — Beneath A Desperado Moon (Prairie Moon Trilogy Book 3) by Elizabeth Clements


Deputy U.S. Marshal Josh Hunter never believed he’d see beautiful Molly Malone again—but he’d recognize her saucy smile and cinnamon eyes anywhere. Trouble was, so would Buckshot Jones, the outlaw who holds a deadly grudge against her.

Molly has never forgotten that long-ago, bone-melting kiss she shared with Josh—a kiss that changed everything for her. But when she is kidnapped from the stagecoach by Buckshot’s gang of cutthroats, the handsome marshal with the green eyes and killer kisses isn’t around to rescue her.  Josh shows up in the nick of time, claiming that he and Molly are married, but will his claim be enough to hold off the others? 

When an old flame from England shows up to lay claim to Josh’s heart, Molly must fight for him. Can she face her tarnished past and keep his love BENEATH A DESPERADO MOON?

Praise for Beneath a Horse Thief Moon

This story delivered on all the emotions - laughter and swooning, sorrow and triumph.

Beneath a Fugitive Moon

Be prepared for twists to flip what you expect around.    —  Michelle Reed


Cripple Creek, Montana, September 1899

 “Well, well, well, lookie who we got here,” an ugly male voice snarled above the Saturday night din of conversation and laughter mingling with the tinkling notes of the piano in the smoke-hazed saloon.

Buckshot? Molly Malone stiffened, nearly dropping the mug the bartender handed her. Beer sloshed onto her wrist, dribbled down her green gown and puddled on the sawdust floor. A suffocating dread filled her chest. She was in trouble. Deep outlaw trouble by the name of Buckshot Jones.

Why hadn’t she changed her name when she came here? Could she convince him he was mistaken?

Mother Mary help me. Mustering a smile, she willed her shaking legs to turn and wished she could crash the beer mug over his head like she’d done with the chamber pot a month ago up in Canada.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Doris. This book was so much fun to write.

  2. What a wonderful story. I have loved every one of these books in your trilogy, Elizabeth. They are just fab! Congratulations on your new release! XO

    1. A big thanks, Cheryl. I'm so glad you loved them and believed in me to publish all three stories and Livia giving me such beautiful covers. You two make quite a team. I so love the euphoria of having a book released. I'm smiling all over my face.

  3. Congratulations on your book birthday, Elizabeth!

  4. Congratulations! The complexity of subplot, romance and intrigue...

    1. Thanks, James. It always amazes me when out of nowhere a secondary character makes his wants known. When I wrote the first book, there were no thoughts of this storyline developing into a trilogy.

  5. Many congratulations on your new release, Elizabeth!

    1. Thank you, Christine. I hope the readers will like it.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Patti. And thank you for your help in giving me some marketing advice. Very much appreciated.

  7. I know I'm going to love this story, Elizabeth. Congratulations on its release and the wonderful review by Michelle Reed. I know you gotta be flying high today. I have it on my Kindle. It just came today.

  8. Awww, thank you, Sarah. You're always so supportive. I am so grateful that Michelle gave me such a great review, actually on all three books. And yup, I'm flying higher than the Canada goose flock honking their way south, a sure sign winter's breath isn't far away. I'd love to hear back from you when you've read Molly's story. It was so much fun writing it.

  9. Oh, but this one sounds like another winner. I've enjoyed all of your stories, and this one is a must. Looking forward to reading Beneath A Desperato Moon, and wishing you much success. Congrats on another sure hit. Nice cover too. Stay safe and happy.

    1. I could swear I had replied to you, Beverly, but I must not have hit publish. Or I'm so used to hitting enter and here one has to hit publish. Too much excitement yesterday and today I couldn't sleep in, either. You made my day even brighter with your kind words, that you've enjoyed all my stories. This book was so much fun to write, and went up quite a notch in heat, but I have to be true to my characters As a writer, you know how that goes with your characters have a mind of their own. Sometimes my characters surprise me. And the cover....oh my, it captures Molly's feelings perfectly. That Livia is a genius. Thanks so much for stopping by, Beverly.

  10. Elizabeth,

    Congratulations! Release day is such a great day, no matter how many books an author has previously published. I really love that your heroine smacked the guy with a chamber pot. hahaha

    1. Thanks, Kaye, you're absolutely right. I've been grinning all over my face ever since I saw the cover. I better hurry up and produce another book to keep that wonderful feeling flowing. As for the chamber pot....too bad it was empty LOL. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Sorry I'm late in responding. I've been kind of under the weather and publication slipped up on me. I'm ordering it now because I love those 'Moon' books.

    1. I'm sorry you've been under the weather, Agnes, and so I'm sending energy vibes and get well wishes to you. I'm so happy that you love my 'Moon' books. I'm sad to see them end....or not.,...
