Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Release -- KENDRA’S SEARCH The Barlow Wives: Book Four by Agnes Alexander

When Kendra Fullerton’s father declares he’s moving the family from Philadelphia to far-away England, she and her younger sister, Francine, rebel. They escape by taking a long journey of their own—to Wyoming! Kendra knows her father has carried on a long-time affair with her best friend’s mother—could she and her best friend, Patrice, actually be half-sisters? Now, Kendra and Francine head to Wyoming for a visit with Patrice to search for the truth. But nearing her destination, a train wreck introduces her—in a most embarrassing way—to a handsome, but confirmed, bachelor, Garrrison Barlow.
To make matters worse, she learns that Garrison’s twin brother is married to Patrice—and he’s not about to let her forget what happened.  But Kendra cannot deny the instant attraction she feels sparking between Garrison and herself—in spite of their unorthodox first meeting.
Only a few days into Kendra’s visit, Kendra’s mother arrives from New York with an ominous man, Oliver Quizenberry, who she is determined Kendra will marry.
Kendra has no intention of wedding the strange man her mother is forcing on her. Though Garrison tries to remain steadfastly uninvolved emotionally, he is determined to protect Kendra. But Quizenberry hides a sordid and dangerous past none of them suspect. As his nefarious plans unfold, Kendra understands that Quizenberry poses a deadly threat to her entire family, especially her father, who is being held prisoner. Will Kendra find the answers she needs in time to thwart Quizenberry’s plot? Can Garrison protect the woman he’s fallen for? In an intricate web of deceit, what lies at the end of KENDRA’S SEARCH…


     Just as Kendra’s eyes closed and she was about to fall asleep, the train squealed, and the wheels screeched. The car began to sway and jerk. Women screamed, children cried, and men tried to brace themselves for an impact. Carpet bags, dinner baskets, blankets and humans flew into the isles and across seats and against windows.
     Sitting in the seat beside the aisle, Kendra glanced at her still sleeping sister scrunched down and wedged in the corner. Thinking Francine was safe, she tried to grab hold of something to keep herself from being flung out of the seat. She failed.
     In a matter of seconds, she ended on top of the handsome cowboy she’d seen board the train. Though she’d been intrigued by his looks, she didn’t see where he’d ended up sitting when he entered the car. She had wondered where he was. Now she knew he must have been seated somewhere behind her, because at this moment, he was in the floor near the back of the car. She was face down on top of him, and a woman twice her size was against her, wedging all three of them between a seat and the back door.



  1. Agnes, what a wonderful story! I confess, I didn't see HOW IN THE WORLD you were going to make this work for anyone, but I knew you would, and you did! LOL I'm loving this Barlow Brides series. Congratulations on your new release!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. My grandson tells me I can work my plots out because my mind is warped. He says he knows this is true because he gets the same trait from me. Sometimes I wonder if he's right. I loved writing this series and will be sorry to move on from the Barlows when Yolonda's story comes out. Thanks for all your help!

  2. What an intriguing way to meet the hero! I'm loving your excerpt, Agnes. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you, Becky. I really enjoyed working out Kendra and Garrison's story. It was a fun tale to write.

  3. Now this is a very interesting line. I wish you every success, Agnes with this new and exciting release.


    1. Thanks, Sarah. Publication day is always exciting for a writer, as you well know. I've enjoyed your books and it's always nice to hear form another NC writer.

  4. You've got a whole lot of action going in your story summary and the excerpt gallops right along with it. This is my kind of book and I look forward to reading it. Congratulations, Agnes.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I do yours. The Barlow family has been fun to write about, and it's going to be hard to move on to something else when the series is finished. (I'm still looking forward to you 3rd "Moon" book. Do you have any idea when it'll be out?). Thanks again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congratulations on the release of KENDRE'S SECRET. It sounds like an intriguing story. I love one with unexpected twists and turns, and a dastardly villain. It sounds like this one provides both.

    1. Thank you, Patricia. It was a fun book to write. In fact, I've just finished the last in the Barlow Wives series and I'm going to miss them.

  7. Woo-Hoo! Another Barlow Wives installment. Congratulations!!!

    1. Thanks, Kay. As I've told others, I've enjoyed writing about the Barlows. I just finished the 5th and last book and I'm going to miss them.

  8. Congratulations on the release of KENDRA’S SEARCH. I wish you much success.

  9. Love the way you brought them together with a literal bang! Congratulations. It looks like a great book.

    1. Thank you C.A. It was an unusual meeting, but Garrison was the one brother most against marriage and I had to give him something different. Thanks for replying.

  10. Agnes, What a way to start this story out. Holy Cow! Love it. Kendra's Search is on my to be read list for sure. Sounds delightful, and intriguing to say the least. Lots and lots going on. Wishing you much success with this one, and I'm sure it will be.

  11. Thank you, Beverly. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sometimes a book seems to write its self and this one did it for me. Thanks again.
