Thursday, July 16, 2020

New Release -- Innocent to the Last (The Innocents Mystery Series Book 6) by C.A. Asbrey

Nat, Abigail, and Jake are hot on the trail of the mysterious man behind the scenes who orchestrated the murder of baby Ava. Determined to bring her killer to justice, they are prepared to do whatever they must, no matter where the clues lead. Rebecca, an attractive newspaper woman investigating the same deadly gang of criminals brings complications into the mix for their plans—and for Jake’s heart.

With a slew of hired killers on their tails, the stars align when they bump into Nat and Jake’s old gang, The Innocents, in the midst of a train robbery. They strike a reluctant deal with The Innocents to take refuge in their old hideout at Ghost Canyon—at a price. Abi’s ability to break into a new type of armored car, one containing a rumored “golden boy” statue, gains them their refuge and buys them some very limited time.

When the hired killers show up at Ghost Canyon, there’s hell to pay with the surprise attack Nat has devised. If Jake survives, will he be able to find peace—and love—with his heart’s desire, at last? Can Nat and Abi deliver retribution for the death of their young daughter?

In a story filled with surprise villains, unexpected love, and gut-wrenching action, these twists and turns keep Nat, Abi, and Jake INNOCENT TO THE LAST…


     Rebecca turned over and punched her pillow. Why couldn’t she sleep? There was something worming into the back of her brain, but she couldn’t quite scratch the itch. All of a sudden, she saw herself standing in her office today, waving that check in the face of those damned men. The Farmers & Stockworkers National Bank in St. Louis. That was Meagher’s bank. What was it her father had always told her? If you want to bring someone down, look at where the money came from. She knew Meagher probably paid his henchmen in cash, but whoever he was in thrall to would pay by more sophisticated methods. And Becky Kershaw now had his bank details. She pushed herself upright and ran a distracted hand through her silken blonde hair. The bank. How could she see their records?
     She’d never done anything for the newspaper other than general office and printing work. Her father had acted as the reporter, and when they merged, Fernsby had taken that over. Her role never changed. She knew nothing about how to investigate a powerful man.
     Not for the first time, she wished she knew more about how journalists got private information like bank details. Nobody had ever taught her how. She couldn’t get a job in the bank. They usually only employed men. Rebecca dropped back down, running scenarios and fantasies through her mind, all of them ending with Meagher’s corruption proven by her work. How great would it be to bring down the mayor? It might at least give her some kind of future with another newspaper. And she really needed one. Meagher would arrange an accident if she stayed in Greenville. She had to leave tomorrow, at the latest.
     Schemes and plans percolated until she drifted off to sleep. By the time dawn lit the world she had convinced herself that there was no downside to her grand idea. Even if she was caught holding up the bank, a court appearance would throw enough attention at Meagher to make it worthwhile. She could declare her accusations and get them reported in the press that way. Besides. She wasn’t going to get caught—even if she was, she wasn’t actually stealing any money. All she needed was the name and address of the man paying Meagher.
     What could go wrong?



  1. Congratulations on your latest release, C.A.! And a wonderful series!

    1. Thanks so much, Lindsay. It feels good to have the whole series out there.

  2. Already 30% in! Sad to say goodbye to these characters but a wonderful final outing for them!

    1. Oh, I really hope you're enjoying it! Thank you so much, Cate

  3. Thank you so much to Cheryl and Livia for all your wonderful support, and words of encouragement, as I dipped my toes into the world of writing. Thanks too, to Kit. I truly couldn't have done it without you.

  4. Christine, I have loved this series so much, and this was a wonderful close to it. But...IS it a close? I wonder...Hmmm...LOL Congratulations on a fabulous body of work with this series and big congrats on this new release! XO

    We are so glad to have you with us at PRP!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, I know what you mean. They do seem to have a life of their own. I have no intention of writing more, but I'll never say never. They may come back to annoy me until I do.

    2. I can see it now -- years have passed, lives have changed, but then . . . q neighbor is found dead under suspicious circumstances, and Abi finds herself unable to just let things rest in The Innocents: The Return. (Er, or not.)

  5. Congratulations! A whole series is something to crow about. Good luck, Christine!

    1. Thank you, Patti. I must admit. It does feel good to have completed them. I hope people will read them altogether now, so they can see the journey the characters make.

  6. I have been hooked on mysteries since I read the Trixie Beldon books, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, the Dana sisters and onto Perry Mason. I'm so looking forward to binge reading this series--they sound so wonderful and I love characters cropping up from previous stories. Big congratulations, Christine.

    1. Thank you so much. I really hope you enjoy them!
