Thursday, July 23, 2020

New Release — His Unexpected Companion by Patti Sherry-Crews

Olivia Darling is her own woman—self-sufficient, intelligent, and wise to the ways of the world. She’s also beautiful enough to rile other women and garner unwanted attention from men, which could bring more danger down on her than living the outlaw life she’s taken to. Headed home to Colorado, she’s ready to put her past behind her—but what kind of reception will she get?

Kit Traver is headed home to Colorado, giving up his law practice back East to return to the place he loves—and the woman he intends to marry. His life neatly planned, this journey will give him the time he needs to be alone with nature before he takes on the responsibilities of practicing law again and being a married man.

When Kit and Olivia meet in Denver, it’s not the best first impression—for either of them. But, they are traveling the same trail, so it’s only natural they ride along together. It’s obvious to Kit that Olivia needs his protection—if only from herself!

But traveling together ignites a fire between them that can’t be ignored, especially once they arrive, only to discover that everything has changed while they’ve been away. With her father mysteriously murdered, Olivia has her hands full trying to keep the big ranchers from pushing her off her family’s small spread. Can Olivia and Kit make a home together? Will Kit walk away from his socialite family for the love of HIS UNEXPECTED COMPANION?


     “Madame, I’m sorry we cannot serve unaccompanied ladies in the restaurant. Perhaps you’d like dinner sent up to your room?” said the waiter, still speaking in a quiet voice.
     “I don’t think I would like that. Do you know how long the evening can be when you’re trapped in a room? Hmmm? Thought not. No, I’m going to sit at a table right here.”
     The waiter bent and said something so low, Kit couldn’t hear him. Henry was staring, his face frozen.
     “I have one particular talent. Do you want to know what that is?” She continued to the waiter, her voice louder now. 
     Kit and Henry exchanged wide-eyed looks. Faces turned as other diners honed in on the conversation taking place. And though he hadn’t been aware of it until it's deafening silence, the chatter of silverware on bone china ceased. The waiter must have asked her what her one talent was, because she answered with her voice very loud, now.
     “I can shout longer and louder than anyone else in my family. Came in handy when Ma wanted everyone called in from outdoors. Want to hear me? No? Thought not…” she leaned toward the man whispering in her ear. “Yes, get the manager, by all means. The service here is appalling.”
     Kit spun around again to get a glimpse of this trouble-making woman, who must surely be ashamed of herself. She stood tall and straight, her chin tilted upward. In the dim room, lit only by candles and gas lights on the walls, she shimmered from head to toe. 



  1. Congratulations, Patti. This looks like a story I could really get into. I wish you every succes!

  2. Thank you, Sarah! I did have fun with the main characters in this one.

  3. Patti, I loved this story of Kit and Olivia! OMG--they were so different and fun and unpredictable all the way through the book! I wonder what happens next for them in their lives...maybe a book 2 on the horizon? Congratulations on your new release today!

    1. Ohhhh, I hadn't thought of a follow up, but now you got me thinking. Thanks for all your support with this project. I love the cover. I was inspired by the true story of Ann Bassett and her fight against a cattle baron. When I posted a picture of Ann beside the cover Livia made, the similarity was striking! It could be the same woman. Olivia gifted Kit by restoring his lighter, happier self... and as I wrote them, that just developed and surprised me!

    2. They're such a great couple I hate to see them ride off into the sunset already! LOL

  4. Patti, I love unconventional women! Olivia sounds like a great heroine. Best of luck with your book.

    1. Thank you, Becky! Olivia was a fun character to create with her mixture of sweet, sassy, and resourceful.

  5. Congratulations, Patti, I absolutely LOVE this excerpt and love your heroine. I am so looking forward to reading this book.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth!Nobody tells Olivia what she can and cannot do. And just the tonic Kit didn't know he needed.

  6. An outlaw and a lawyer -- well, that's right up my alley. Ordering right now!

    1. Haha! Thank you! I hope you enjoy. It's a nice escape. btw, which are you? An outlaw or a lawyer? Or both!?

    2. My PR book Courting Anna was about a female lawyer and the reforming outlaw she defends and then falls in love with. I refer to myself as a recovering attorney -- I went to law school but I'm an English professor now and much happier!

  7. Many congratulations on your new release. I adore your heroine already, and to put her with a lawyer is genius. You're sure to have a success on your hands with this one.

    1. Thank you very much! Once they work things out, Kit and Olivia make a good team.

  8. Patti,

    Ooh... sounds like a wild ride. Congratulations!

  9. Thank you, Kaye!It was a fun one to write.

  10. Sounds like a couple of interesting characters. I love a woman who is not afraid to stand up for herself. Congratulations on the release of HIS UNEXPECTED COMPANION. I hope to get to it sooner than later.

  11. Patti, OH, but this sounds like a fun read. She sounds like an awesome heroine. Can’t wait to how this unfolds. Got this on my Must Read list. Wishing you the best & much success with your new release.

    1. Olivia was inspired by a real life woman, Ann Bassett, who was truly a colorful character ahead of her time...or any time! Thanks for stopping by, Bev.

  12. Well done Patti. As you know, I loved this story. A definite hit!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! I appreciate you being an early reader and I'm glad I was able to entertain you!
