Thursday, June 18, 2020

New Release -- The Claim: A Stryker Legacy Novel by Ann Markim

Erik Stryker is determined to make his mark in the world on his own, by establishing a brewing and distilling business in the Yukon. After striking gold in 1896, Erik continues to mine but spends his time and energy pursuing his dream--expanding his beloved spirits business.

Katie Garrick is a beautiful young actress and singer from San Francisco who arrives in the Klondike alone, expecting to marry the unscrupulous suitor who has sent for her--but she is not the only bride-to-be he's sent for! Now, Katie's choices are limited--become a prostitute to survive, or work on the mining claim for Erik's partner and his wife.

As Katie and Erik work together in the harsh conditions, they discover a respect and passion for each other as challenging as the life they have built on the claim. But when Katie can finally afford to return to her beloved San Francisco, will Erik be able to give up all he's worked for? Is love worth the sacrifice of a dream?


Cedar Falls, Iowa, April, 1896
     “Moder! Moder!” Erik Stryker called as he roamed through her large house. Energy surged through his every step.
     His mother hurried down the stairs. Beneath her housedress, her feet were bare. Her blond hair had been plaited into a long braid, which she hadn’t yet wound into a knot at the back of her head.
     “Erik, what is it?”
     “I’m leaving for the Alaska Territory on Friday.”
     She stared at him with wide eyes, then blinked. “What?”
     “Albert Duncan’s uncle has been prospecting near the Yukon River for nearly five years. Albert and I have been corresponding with him about the possibility of selling beer to trading posts and saloons in the area.” The words tumbled out of Erik’s mouth. “And now he has discovered gold!”



  1. Ann, I really enjoyed your new book, THE CLAIM. I'm glad that Erik is headed for a happy life and it's been fun to watch him grow up and go out on his own with such confidence! Love your characters!

  2. Thank you, Cheryl. This was a fun story to write because the research for it was so interesting.

  3. Ann,

    Congratulations on your new release. I'm always curious about where story ideas come from. What is the story behind this story? What sparked this story idea?

    1. In 1985, I visited the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park in Skagway, Alaska. I was fascinated. When I decided to write Erik's story, I began researching the history of the area and I was hooked. Returned to Alaska and also northwest Canada in 2017 for further research. Love the area.

  4. Oh, what a conundrum for Katie! Many congratulations on your new book. With a hook like that it's sure to be a great success.

  5. Thanks so much. I appreciate your good wishes.

  6. Congratulations on your new release! You had me at the setting in the Yukon...but then you threw in a brewery and distillery! It sounds like a great read. I envy you visiting Skagway, a place I'd love to visit. Good Luck!

  7. Ann, What a hook! I love all your stories, and this one sounds awesome. My husband and I have wanted to go to Alaska for ages, and it's still on our bucket list--hopefully someday--I write as I get older and older. Absolutely love the cover. Congratulations on this release, sure to be a big hit.

  8. Congratulations, Ann! Sounds intriguing. Excellent cover.

  9. I'd tried to comment the other day, but blogger was being stubborn. Congratulations and what a read this will be. Doris

  10. From the blurb and the excerpt, this book sure does look like an exciting adventure, Ann. I wish you every success with your new release. The cover made me shiver from the cold weather it depicted.

    1. Thanks for the comment. A lot of the story takes place in the cold, so Livia's cover has conveyed that well.
