Sunday, March 8, 2020

Book review: Hidden Trails by Cheryl Pierson



2016 WESTERN FICTIONEERS PEACEMAKER AWARD FINALIST. Levi Connor has never run from anything in his life, and he doesn’t intend to start now. After killing the two bandits who’d followed him into Indian Territory, he finds himself wounded and riding through a blinding February snowstorm. With no purpose ahead of him and no past to guide him, he discovers a reason to exist—the beautiful mixed-blood girl who takes him in and heals him.

Valentine Reneau lives in fear that her father will find her someday in the heart of Indian Territory and force her to return to Mississippi to take her mother’s place—in every way. She knows her time has run out when a stranger shows up on her land with two hired guns—and the devil in his plans.

With some unlikely help, Valentine must try to escape the slave’s fate that her mother left behind so many years before. Will Levi kill for a woman he barely knows? The chips are down, the guns blaze, and everything finally comes clear along these HIDDEN TRAILS…but who’ll be left alive?

My review:

Hidden Trails is a charmingly sweet and adventure-filled western story that gives you something to think about while you enjoy the tale.

I loved Levi's stubbornness, his determination to do the right thing, and his natural protective instincts that take center stage once he encounters Val.

I loved Valentine's strength, her tenacity, and her confidence in herself and her worth.  She wasn't going to back down from a fight, nor was she going to allow herself to be trod upon.

If you're looking for a winter themed western that packs a punch and still gives you sweet, this is a story to enjoy.

Purchase links:


  1. Perfect description of a great book. Of course I enjoy what Cheryl writes, so I may be a bit prejudiced. *Smile* Doris

  2. A well-deserved accolade. Congratulations!I wish you every success with it.

  3. What a wonderful review...and I know it's well deserved, Cheryl. I had to smile when I read the hero is wounded. Of course he's wounded because this is a Cheryl Pierson story and she puts her heroes through hell. And there's never been a whimpy heroine in any of her stories. Congratulations on this fine review, Cheryl!

  4. HAHAHAA! Y'all made me laugh. Here it is a week later and i'm just now seeing this--what a great surprise! I've been under the weather and trying to get ready for some new bedroom furniture to be delivered so this one sailed by me at the time, but OH HOW NICE. I really needed this, Michelle!

    Doris, thank you so much I'm glad to know you enjoy my "little stories" as my mom called them. LOL

    Christine, thank you. This one is an oldie but a goodie. I really enjoyed it, and it did well at the Western Fictioneer Peacemaker Awards as a finalist!

    Sarah, thank you. Yes, you know me too well. The hero always is wounded somewhere! LOL Thanks so much for stopping by!

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