Monday, March 16, 2020

Authors and Readers, Let's Discuss . . . . a.k.a. a Dream Come True

OK, the honest truth -- for this month, I was planning on a blog post about Wichita, Kansas' Old Cowtown Museum.  I've done a phone interview with Niki Conard, a living historian and photographer who does amazing work as a volunteer there, and I have her fabulous photos to share with you.  But with shifting all of our university functions online over this past week, and with my city shutting down all around me, the timing just seemed wrong.  I hope you'll all look forward to our vicarious visit to Old Cowtown, next month.

I LOVED Kaye Spencer's post last week, on why she writes historicals, and the discussion that it generated.  So for this month, I thought I'd leave you with this, and hope you'll all chime in with your own thoughts.

A few weeks ago, I had lunch with a friend at work.  I knew she'd bought a copy of Courting Anna, but we hadn't spoken about it yet.  And she said the most amazing thing!  "I've been having dreams about your book, about the characters.  And I really want to know what happens to them next."  I've had some lovely feedback on the book, but hearing that my characters had come so alive to her that she was DREAMING about them?  Literally, dare I say it, a dream come true. 

So, Prairie Rose authors, what is the nicest thing someone's said about one of your books or characters?   And Prairie Rose readers, tell us about a book or character that you can't stop thinking about?

Until next time, here's a taste of Niki's photography, some from Old Cowtown, and some from other sites around the West:   Images of Anna's world, thanks to Red Rock of Wichita    Many more to come!

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Twitter: @CateSimon3


  1. What a compliment! Imagine having your readers dreaming about your characters. Well done you. And great pictures too.

    1. I was delighted beyond belief. But what about you? I've seen some of the lovely things your readers have said -- what stands out?

    2. Oh, I'm just chuffed if anyone likes my work at all! It makes my day.

  2. That is a wonderful compliment! Congratulations! One of my favorite comments from a reader was that THE LEGACY transported her to another time where she found a temporary escape from her own problems while worrying about the protagonist's problems.

  3. I am so thrilled that you received that kind of feedback. It is a dream come true. For myself, I rarely talk to my friends about my books. I will say, out of the blue, a friend told me she liked my story best in one of the Medieval anthologies I written a story for. It made my day. Doris

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm so new at the whole being published thing that my friends and colleagues are excited for me. (Also, 'til I figure out how to market more efficiently, they're a fairly large part of my audience for my one book . . . ;-) ) That is lovely, that your friend said that.

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