Thursday, November 7, 2019

New Release — Theda's Deception by Agnes Alexander

When her gambler husband, Farley, is killed, Theda Plunkett takes his winnings and leaves town to find a new life. Along with her newfound friend, Nellie Mae Culpepper, the two decide to head west for a new start.

But the train they’re traveling on is involved in a serious accident, killing one of their traveling companions—another woman who is also named Theda. Theda Morrison, the dead woman, was on her way to a teaching position in Montana—and Theda Plunkett decides to take her place, assuming her identity.

“Miz Morrison” and Nellie Mae arrive in Thornbrook Flats, Montana, to a mixed welcome. In a few short days, they’ve settled in and know this is a good place for them to make their home—but someone else has other plans for them. Theda and the town sheriff, Leif Cavanaugh, barely start a relationship when Theda’s life is threatened by an unknown person, and her house ransacked. But why?

Theda must make the wrenching decision to move on from the only happiness she’s known, and a future with the decent man she’s falling in love with—her past is sure to catch up with her. But can she outrun the person who is determined to see her dead? And will Leif be able to find her before she’s killed? Can Leif still love a woman who has kept so many secrets? Or will THEDA’S DECEPTION ruin their last chance at happiness?


     “I won’t bother you but a minute or two Miz Plunkett. I know you’re in mourning.” Her voice was apologetic.
     Theda closed the door behind her and motioned to one of the two chairs in the room. “Please, sit down.”
      Nellie Mae sat and began fumbling in the pocket of her faded dress. She came out with a wad of crumpled money and handed it toward Theda. “This here is most of what your husband won afore he was shot. I figure it’s yours now.”
      Theda stared at her. “I don’t understand.”
     Nellie Mae looked puzzled. “What do you want me to say?”
     “Just tell me what happened and why you’re saying this is my money.”
    “Well, whenever Plunkett was shot, they yelled for me cause I’m purty good at patching up somebody with a bullet wound, but I seen right away there weren’t nothing I could do for him ‘cause he was already dead. When he fell, he knocked over the table and the money on it was around him on the floor. I heard somebody say the money belonged to the man who shot Farley Leroy Plunkett, and he kept saying it was his, cause Plunkett had cheated him. He might have got the money if’n somebody hadn’t shoved him against the table with the lamp on it. The cloth on the table caught fire, and afore they could put it out, the whole place was catching fire. I gathered up the money and put it in my pocket, so I could bring it to you. I follered you here from the funeral since out there in the graveyard weren’t no place to bother you and give it to you.”



  1. Great story, Agnes, as always! Congratulations on this new release! Very well done!

    1. Thank you Cheryl. You know how much I love you and PRP. I was so happy that a book with you turned out to be my 50th.

  2. Congratulations, Agnes! I wish you great success.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I was pleased with the way it turned out.

  3. I like the cover for your story, Agnes. The pose hints that Theda is not only a survivor, but a fighter and despite all odds, will find her HEA. That's why I love romance books the best and this one looks like a winner for you. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Nobody does any better than Livia when it comes to covers. There is so much about stolen identities today, that I began to wonder how it would play out in the 1800s. Hope I did the story justice.

  4. Loving the concept and the excerpt is very enticing. Good luck with your new release.

    1. Thank you. As I said to Elizabeth, I wondered what could happen about a stolen identity in the 1800s. I had a good time writing this one.

  5. Best of luck with your new release, Agnes! It sounds like a winner with lots of twists and intrigue.Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Patti. I love taking a problem we face today such as identity theft and putting a different spin on it. I hope people like the way I handled it,

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Agnes, I always enjoy your stories and this one sounds like a lively, fun one. And the cover is stunning. WIshing you much success as I know it will be. I'm looking forward to a great read.

  8. I love that scene. What characters you've created. Look foward to reading the story. Doris
