Thursday, September 19, 2019

New Release - Montana Heartbeat by Vella Munn

What kind of man will make a worthy husband? Beautiful Carrie Berrymen knows it’s not the half-wild Crow Indian who’s just saved her life! With wolves circling the prized longhorn calf and its mother, Carrie finds herself without a weapon. In the Montana wilds, Strong Eagle is the only protection she or the small, but all-important herd of runaway cattle has—and she must depend on the Crow warrior, like it or not.
Strong Eagle can’t deny the instant attraction he feels for the young woman who has taken on so much responsibility for her family’s well-being. The settlers are changing Montana—and not for the better. Though Strong Eagle admires Carrie’s courage and determination, he knows there can be no future for them—not with the differences in the ways of their people.
But as their younger brothers find common ground, Carrie and Strong Eagle learn that, though their worlds are different, they are becoming more alike than they ever thought. With the mountains in their blood, can they share the language of love in the same MONTANA HEARTBEAT?


     “Come back. Please.” Don’t desert me. “You must under­stand how much I need you, how much trouble you’ve gotten yourself into.”
     No. The stupid horse didn’t care about retribution as a result of her actions. Didn’t care about the human she’d aban­doned.
     Carrie was touching her shoulder when movement to her left and a fair distance away caught her attention. Her throat closed. Dread pulled her into its depths. Fighting for calm, she realized she wasn’t looking at a wolf after all. Instead—
     A man. On horseback. Coming her way.
     A saddleless horse and a man who was naked from the waist up. Wearing jeans and boots.
     An Indian.
     Someone help me, please!



  1. Vella, I loved this story of yours. I was wondering up to the very last how in the world they were going to be able to have the HEA they so richly deserved! You did an awesome job! Congratulations on your new release, MONTANA HEARTBEAT!

  2. Congratulations on your new release. The best part of historical romances are the barriers the writers find to put between true love. The best part of being a reader is watching the characters overcome them. You've really given them almost insurmountable problems. The excerpt is great. Can you imagine being in her situation? Gulp...

  3. Vella, Love the cover. And what an excerpt! I so love writing and reading against all odds--love finds a way, and this premise sounds fantastic. Congratulations and wishing you much success, though I know this will be a very big one for sure. It's on my TBR list.

  4. Wonderful story line, Vella. This story is going to be such a success. Loved the beautiful cover, too! Congratulations! I wish you the very best...

  5. Someone help me please too! It’s an attractive male Indian. I love reading this type of story. Congrats! Sounds awesome!
