Friday, August 23, 2019

DOG DAYS OF AUGUST by Cheryl Pierson

Hey everyone! I do have some book news but it's too soon to share it,  BOO HOO--so I'll share some updates on my sweet boys you might want to see. We just passed a milestone in our family! We've had Sweet Seminole Sammy for one whole year as of the 18th of August! (Yes, I gave him and his furry brother Max both a small dish of vanilla ice cream to celebrate, but no party hats for fear of them being eaten, too!) Here's the first day we brought Sammy home to live with us, August 18, 2018--he was (they thought) about 6 months old. He'd been adopted and brought back because he dug holes in the adoptive family's yard. What a lucky day for US, because he is the perfect dog for our home! Here he is at the shelter before we brought him home with us.

And here he is on his little bed--it's amazing to see how "small" he was compared to NOW. No way he could even fit in that bed a year later!

Here are my two babies in March of this year--Sammy is about a year older than Max, and this was taken on Max's first day with us, March 11, 2019. Sammy was thrilled from the beginning, and he has been such a protective big brother ever since Max came to live with us. We got them both from the same shelter, but they never knew each other before, as Max came much later after Sammy was gone. This was taken in March of 2019, when Sammy had been with us about 7 months, and Max was a tiny puppy--only about 10 weeks old. He was so uncertain and afraid, but Sammy took him under his wing and made him feel right at home!

Here they are this past week and look how both of them have grown! They are best buddies and love each other dearly.
They spend almost every minute together and wouldn't know what to do without one another at this point. They are such a joy and so much fun to have in our family--always up to something (and not always something good--they are a lot like kids!)

Judging how Max has grown, I think he's going to be taller than Sammy, but I believe Sammy will always be more muscular. They didn't know what breeds either of them were, but it doesn't matter. Their hearts are pure gold, and their breed is LOVE!

This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of them. I took this just a few weeks ago. Max has gathered all their toys around him on the floor, looking up so proudly, and Sammy is on the couch beside me with the look that says, "Oh, brother. See what I have to put up with?" But he wouldn't have it any other way! 

Do you have a pet you cherish with all your heart? Let's hear about them! I am such an animal lover, and I know many of you all are, too!


  1. What lovely dogs! Love the pic of them by the pool.
    I always wanted a dog as a kid. I had goldfish and they were great fun to watch. Now I love watching the little birds and various bumblebees in our garden. One year we even had a little brown rabbit and a tiny black woodmouse in the garden but sadly they didn't stay. I've love to encourage a hedgehog, but no luck so far.

    1. Lindsay, I always wanted a dog when I was growing up, too. My sisters, who were 10 and 12 when I was born, had already had two dogs and both of them had gotten hit by cars, so I think that's why Mom and Dad didn't like the idea of me getting a dog, plus the fact that back then there were no places to board them when you went on vacation or even went away for the weekend. I did have cats, though, because they were more self-sufficient. So I'm making up for lost time with my dogs! Your garden sounds so lovely. I wish I was more talented with gardening, but I don't have that "gene" -- my parents were both wonderful at it and both my sisters, too, but ...sigh, I can't grow a thing.

  2. Aww.... What a sweet story. And sweet pups! So glad you adopted them Cheryl. Hugs

    1. Julie, I know you adopted your sweet boy from a shelter, too! I wish I could take every one of those babies home with me. They are all in need of a good home! Hugs back atcha!

  3. What great additions to your family! And they are lucky to have found a wonderful forever home. My two kitties are also rescues.

    1. Ann, there are so many cats at that little shelter, too. The shelter we went to is in my hometown of Seminole, OK--just a small town, and small shelter, and the people there are so good with the animals. They really do care. So when they put out a plea for the need for food or cleaning supplies, etc., I always respond, even if it's just with a little bit of money, and I can't pass up the chance to donate when they have those special medical cases that need surgery or heartworm treatment, etc.

  4. I love all the pics you've shown here, Cheryl, and the one by the pool started a conversation in my head: Sammy: what do you think? Should we jump in? Max: you go first. Sammy: no you go first....

    1. LOL! There would be no debate. Sammy is older and Max always follows his lead on things. Max was afraid of the pool cleaner but one day, Sammy started chasing the water when it got close to the edge and was shooting water into the yard, and since then, Max is a lot better about his fear of it. Max is only about 8 months old now, and Sammy's a whole year older, so Max is still learning, and he's kind of shy. Sammy has not a shy bone in his body, but he is the most loving dog ever. Thankfully, neither one of them has ever jumped in the pool. Embry fell in once when he was a puppy and never wanted to get in again. Glad you stopped by and enjoyed these pics.

  5. Cheryl,

    Your pictures are so sweet.

    I have two dogs and sooooooo many cats. I have a cat door and a dog door at my back porch, and my yard is fenced. My furbabies have a safe habitat. The cats venture out of the fenced area, but in the 21 years I've lived in this house, not a single cat has been injured on the street.

    I've always had house pets, and I learned from an early age that any animal I come across that needs 'help' deserves my help. lol My parents were avid animal rescuers.

    My two dogs are rescue dogs. Mike is a mini Australian Shepherd. He's 13. My oldest son gifted Mike to me when he was a puppy. He was the runt of the litter that no one wanted and he was on his way to the shelter. My son flew with Mike from California to Colorado to give him to me. My other dog is Charlie. He's a Dachshund (11 yrs old). He lived with the elderly lady across the street. When she went into a nursing home, I adopted Charlie. He's been with me for 8 years.

    And cats... They accumulate... lol

    1. Kaye, I know you have a very loving and giving heart with animals of all kinds! I've so often thought about people who end up unexpectedly going into the nursing home and what becomes of their animals. So many families don't want to be bothered, when that would be the one thing that would ease that person's mind more than anything else. Or people who have a terrible fatal disease and know they're dying...I saw a story about a man in TX that had something like 18 dogs. He found out he only had a year to live and started trying to find homes for them. He was down to 13 when an organization stepped in to help and found homes for all but 2 or 3 of them, and then in the end, rescues took them, so they all had a good place to be when he died. I like your statement that any animal you come across that needs help deserves your help. That's so kind! I feel the same way. Lots of good people in this world, and you are one of them!

  6. They look like they talk to each other and meditate together there at the pool. Well, I think they're just gorgeous. They certainly have grown BIG!
    I am so glad you chose rescue dogs. They deserve a chance at life in a good home where they are so loved. These babies are never going to have to worry about anything again. Life is good now.
    My baby is a rescue from the Golden Retriever Rescue of Charlotte. Lily is my second Golden from them. I love that they do extensive checks on people who apply to adopt because I feel those dogs are definitely going into safe and loving homes where their people will know how to take care of them.
    Since I lost my cat Liberty last year (17 yr. old), I have been fighting the urge to rescue another cat, but I am uncertain about doing it because I am afraid, if it ever escaped into the yard, one of the neighbor dogs would harm it and I couldn't stand the thought of it. I'm still wrestling with it. I wish I owned that 30 acre farm I use to have and I could get certified as a rescue so I could take in abandoned and mistreated animals. I love them all so much.
    I am so happy that you welcomed rescued dogs into your home and that you have grown to love them. I know you still miss Embry, but he's probably happy to know you saw fit to take in and love some of his brethren.

    1. Sarah, I wish you had that farm too! But what an undertaking. I wish more for my lost youth and the knowledge I have NOW to have had THEN. LOL I know you miss Liberty desperately--17 years is a long time, and they say losing an animal is just as hard as losing a family member (human)-- I believe that! Yes, I miss Embry, too, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him, but I know he would have wanted us to rescue other animals. Life in a shelter is only marginally better than life on the streets in that they at least have food and shelter, but so many kill shelters in this country! That's what I would love to see be done away with, and the laws changed to enforce neutering and get rid of puppy mills.

      I love that Max and Sammy just sit and stare out at the pool I wonder what they are thinking when they do that. LOL Thanks for coming by, Sarah, and for being a 'rescue sister' of mine!

  7. Max has grown so fast. They make a good pair.

    1. Max really has grown! And Sammy is one big muscle. LOL You can hardly budge him. But Max has a skittish streak in him for some reason--I'm not sure why--he's been that way since we brought him home back in March as a little puppy. :((( Hopefully that will fade away as he gets older and learns he has nothing to fear from anyone here. We love them both to pieces.

  8. Aw, lovely dogs, and so cute as puppies. We want to get a little dog when I can walk a bit better, and this just makes me want one now!
