Thursday, July 18, 2019

New Release — A Widow’s Salvation (Cotillion Ball Saga Book 8) by Becky Lower

New York City, 1862—

Beautiful Pepper Fitzpatrick Brown’s heart is broken when her husband, Michael, is killed on the bloody battlefield at Manassas. One of the first casualties of the Civil War, Michael’s death has left Pepper raising three small boys on her own—and trying to live without the man she believed she’d grow old with. Honoring Michael’s memory, she volunteers at the MacDougall Army Hospital in the Bronx, doing whatever she can to help the wounded.

The drab existence of handsome Colonel Elijah Williams, head surgeon at the Army hospital, has narrowed to nothing but the bloody war and the horrendous wounds he treats day after day. He carries a secret—a nightmare that holds him in its gory grip each time he falls asleep, reminding him of what awaits him in his waking hours. But when Pepper Brown walks into his life, everything changes—for both of them. 

Is Elijah ready to take on a ready-made family and the responsibilities that come with it? Can Pepper let go of her grief and embrace love once again? In a war-torn country that has suffered so much loss, Elijah and Pepper might stand a fighting chance at finding happiness together if they can save what’s left of their hearts!


     Hours later, Elijah shrugged his shoulders and stretched his back. The last of this batch of men was done. They’d all come through surgery. Now if infection stayed away, and the flies, they might have a chance. He washed his hands, cleaning the remaining blood from them, and splashed water on his face. He finally left the operating room, hoping to spend a few moments in his office.
     He immediately ran into the lovely countenance of Mrs. Brown. She waited outside the operating room, seemingly for him. But her dress was lavender, not green-sprigged.
     “Why are you still here?” He smiled at her. “Not that I’m complaining, but you’ve been here for hours.”
     “I’m not still here. I went home yesterday, took care of my children, slept, and now I’m back again.”
     He blinked and raised a suspicious eyebrow. “You mean it’s been more than twenty-four hours since we last spoke?” At her nod, he continued. “I confess I lose all track of time when I’m in the operating room. Well, welcome back, Mrs. Brown. That explains the change in your dress. As I remember, you had on a green-sprigged gown when I last was in your presence.”
     She ran her hands over her gown and glanced at the floor before lifting her eyes again. She seemed surprised by the comment. Even though she was a widow, had no one told her recently she was lovely?



  1. Congratulations, Becky on this new addition to the Cotillion Ball Saga. I like this story line of a widow and a doctor working in a military hospital--it doesn't get more depressing than that. But then you bring the light into the story when these two characters meet. This is gonna be an interesting story for certain.
    All the best, Becky!

    1. Thank you, Sarah. This was a hard story to write, because it began in such a dark place. And Pepper is a mother to three small boys, something I didn't have the pleasure of experiencing. Such a challenge to write...

  2. Becky, every time I read one of these stories I think, "Oh, that is my favorite one!" Then...I read the next one. LOL You have done a great job with these stories and characters. I really did love this one (I think I say that about every one, though, don't I?) LOL! Congratulations on your re-release! That is a killer cover.

    1. Livia does such a great job with the covers. It's truly a collaborative effort and she gets my vision every time.

  3. Oh, I love a story of people rebuilding their lives after tragedy. Congratulations on your latest release.

    1. Thanks, CA. The Civil War period had more than its share of tragedy, that's for certain.

  4. Oh Becky, I've loved this entire series and so look forward to another. And as always Livia did a wonderful job with the lovely cover. I enjoy the Civil War period and especially if it includes medical. Keep them coming. Again, wishing you much success with this one.

    1. Thank you, Beverly. Your support of this series means a lot. This one was interesting since I never guessed the Civil War greatly contributed to the use of prosthetics. Research for my stories always leads me in such wonderful directions.

  5. That's the beauty of research, Becky, when you discover a tidbit that gets you thinking and wondering how you can incorporate it into a story. I've been fascinated with the Civil War since seeng GWTW as a child and it remains one of my fave movies and books. I'm a big M.A.S.H. fan and the series have given a good idea what surgeons go through. You have set up the beginning of a wonderful story and I wish you much success with it.
