Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Alexa Bailey intends to celebrate her one-year divorce milestone at the luxurious Riverwind Hotel in Dallas. Instead, she’s plunged into a deadly hostage situation at the hands of a rogue faction of the Irish Republican Army led by madman Kieran McShane. The roof of the hotel is her only escape from the seething danger below.

Johnny Logan is an undercover cop assigned to protect the visiting British Prime Minister. When McShane takes over the Riverwind, all hell breaks loose and Johnny is badly wounded before he manages to escape to the roof.

But the relative safety of the equipment building offers only temporary sanctuary for Johnny and Alexa, and they soon realize even in that remote haven, they’re not alone. With a small hostile army occupying the Riverwind, and the lives of the hostages hanging in the balance, the only thing they can do is try to keep McShane guessing until help comes.

Has love come too late for Alexa and Johnny? The clock is ticking, and time is running out. In a wager that means life or death for them all, Johnny pits himself against McShane in a “winner-take-all” battle high above the city. Will he be able to save the handful of hostages who are depending on him to CAPTURE THE NIGHT?

Well, they have been through hell and back but it's not over yet. It's time for the final showdown between Johnny Logan, undercover police officer, and Kieran McShane, the cruel leader of the terrorist group that's taken over the hotel. McShane has the hostages at his mercy...or does he?

Johnny lay very still, looking up at the night sky. The stars tumbled across the velvet darkness like diamonds tossed from some lucky gambler’s hand. Two hours, he thought, by the position of those stars, since Billings had died. Been pushed.

Alexa’s arm came across his chest in a gentle caress, and he turned his head to kiss the back of her fingers near his shoulder. She wasn’t awake, he knew, but he wanted to show her every moment of tenderness allowed them on this, their last night together.

He tried to force his mind to relax. He knew he needed to sleep. But hell, by dawn he may be dead. It seemed a waste to sleep these last hours away.

“Are you awake?” Alexa whispered.

He smiled, realizing how much he’d wanted her awake with him, wondering if he’d made it happen by the strength of his thoughts. He didn’t try to turn his head to look at her. Right now, he wasn’t sure he could. He was spent.

“Yeah. Just thinking, Lex. Just wishing we had a way of—capturing this night and holding onto it forever—until it came out right for us.”

He felt her smile against his shirt. “Johnny, I—I want you to know something.” She came up on her elbow, looking down at him. “I’m not sorry for being here—wrong place, wrong time I guess, most people would say. But it was the right time for me—for us.” She seemed almost shy, looking away from his gaze. “I was married all those years to a man I thought I knew. Thought I loved. But I never knew what love meant until twenty-four hours ago.” She shook her head, an ironic smile curving her full lips. “Twenty-four years I searched for it, Johnny. And in twenty-four hours, I found exactly what I’d missed—with you.” Her brow furrowed and she glanced at him, then looked away again, as if the bright mirror of her love in his eyes was too much to bear.

“I love you.” She gave a self-deprecatory chuckle. “And I feel like I’m sixteen again.” She moistened her lips, glancing up at him. “I have nothing to lose at this point by being completely honest, do I?”

Johnny’s mouth slanted upward. “Alexa…you have nothing to lose with me—ever.”

The wind teased her hair, blowing strands of it across her face. “I’ve never felt this way before. Earlier—when we—” she stopped, searching for the words she needed.

“Honesty, Alexa…” Johnny murmured. “You can say anything to me.”

She nodded. “I know.” She sighed. “It was…the first time I ever wanted anyone so much.”

She lowered her head, a tear dropping to wet his shirt. “So, anyhow,” she sniffed, wiping her eyes as she tried to smile, “I wanted you to know that no matter what happens—I love you. I know, now, what that means. You showed me, Johnny.”

His heart pounded against his chest. “Are you tryin’ to tell me something?”

"We don’t know what’s going to happen. And, even if we do make it out of here alive, you may decide I’m not—what you want—”

Johnny shook his head. “Stop it, Lex. I need you to be strong right now. For me, and with me. I know Richard hurt you, but you’ve got to battle through that.”

He brought his hands up to cup her face, but she still wouldn’t look at him. “Know that I love you, whether it’s here or ten years from now. On this roof or—or in the grocery store’s frozen foods aisle.”

She smiled.

“I’ll never let you go, Alexa—never. So, you better get used to seeing my face every morning when you wake up.” He lifted her chin with a finger, leaning up to kiss her, ignoring the shot of fire that streaked through his side. She smiled, finally—a real smile—and it was all worth it. Then, she put her mouth to his, and he knew he’d do anything he had to do to keep her with him—once they got out of this.

Have you ever been in a situation you had no control over? How did you get through it? I've never been through a hostage situation or kidnapping, thank GOODNESS, but I can only imagine how terrifying it must be! I'm giving away a free digital copy of CAPTURE THE NIGHT to a commenter, here are the buy links in case you can't wait to see if you won!




  1. Congratulations on another great story with a beautiful cover.

    1. Thanks Sarah! I had meant to schedule this for tomorrow but messed it up and it came out way early so I had to move it back and go in and put it up manually tonight. LOL So I'm late answering your comment! I'm thrilled with these new covers!

  2. early is okay when it's an eye-feast cover a wonderful book!!

    1. My copies came today--OMG, soooo gorgeous. I'm so glad to have discovered Vikkas--he's perfect for these covers.

  3. Hot cover, dreamy hero, and a delicious, sexy setting. You had me in the first paragraph.

    1. Maggie, thank you so much. Your opinion means the world to me, and I appreciate you coming over and commenting! Hugs, my friend!

  4. Very sexy cover. And tantalizing excerpt. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Ann! Livia did a great job with the cover (as always!) And it never hurts to have Vikkas on the front of a book, for sure!

  5. Love that cover! The excerpt sounds great, too!

    1. Morgan, thank you so much. Livia worked her magic again for me, and I love it too. Thanks for the very kind words. I'm so glad you came over!

  6. Cheryl, that cover is WOW! The excerpt is certain to grab many readers. I loved this story before and and it's so great to see it revivied. Wishing you much success.

    1. Thanks, Bev! I'm so glad you read it and enjoyed it. I really do love these characters!

  7. Wow, exciting story, Cheryl! Love the tenderness of the couple in the cover. Wish you great sucess with it

    1. Thank you, Lindsay! I know--I loved that look that is passing between them. Knew it was the perfect image for this cover. Thanks for stopping by!


    Morgan if you will e-mail me at I will see that you get your prize!

    Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

  9. I had no idea you had a new book coming out.What a pleasant surprise to read this after me being out of commission for a week. I love a sexy read and this one promises delivery. Congrats and on a great cover, as well.

    1. Well, I WISH it was a new book! LOL No, it's just a re-vamped new cover that Livia did for me. I'm re-doing all my contemporary covers and updating them. So I got a great new cover for this one and for BEYOND THE FIRE, and will soon have one for SWEET DANGER! YAY! Hope you are feeling better!
