Monday, March 11, 2019

Recipe Swap--Because it's cold outside!

As I sit writing this blog post, the snow has stopped, the wind is rising and the temperature is dropping. This weather makes me long for a fire, my fuzzy blanket and a big bowl of chili. So, in
acknowledgment of my cravings, let’s talk comfort food.

Complete this sentence:  A cold, snowy day is a perfect time to make—

We may all get some good ideas for dinner this week.

In “Her Christmas Wish” Katie makes Will’s favorite Irish Christmas Cake. In the anthology, “Wishing for a Cowboy,” I included a recipe for Old-Fashioned Pound Cake. And, trust me, it’s delicious! Hmm, maybe that’s what I should make…

Available Now from Prairie Rose Publications--WILD TEXAS HEARTS


  1. Tracy, I love the idea of Katie making Will's favourite cake, so romantic.
    My food for cold days - stew and dumplings

    1. Hi, Lindsay. It was the point in the story when she admitted to herself she could forgive him. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Tracy,

    I like stories that include and/or make references to recipes appropriate for the time period. There's an intimacy about recipes that makes a story just a bit more personal for me, as the reader.

    This is how I would complete your sentence: A cold, snowy day is a perfect time to brew up a batch of mulled wine.

    1. Mulled wine, Kaye! Yummy. Now I'm going to be craving it.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. ...lasagna and a bottle of red wine.

  4. Potato soup or chicken and dumplings. (Before I couldn't eat potatoes or dumplings. sigh) Doris

  5. I'm with you, Tracy. It's gotta be chili!

  6. It's cold here too. That chili looks amazing.
