Sunday, February 24, 2019

Book review: Den of Thieves by Patti Sherry-Crews



When his identical twin brother is arrested, the Pinkerton Detective Agency enlists Wynne Palmatier to go undercover and impersonate his outlaw brother, Ennis. His mission is to infiltrate his brother’s gang. Ennis tells Wynne everything he needs to know. Except for one thing: there are two women with the outlaws, and one of them is his wife.

 Lucy House is still paying for the day she strayed away from decency. Now the handsome outlaw she ran away with has lost his appeal and she longs to get away from this life. As the danger mounts, can Wynne and Lucy escape this den of thieves?

My Review:

So...... I thought I knew what this book was about. I've seen the research Patti Sherry-Crews had been sharing on the PRP blog, I've read the blurb, I had gotten little teases/hints in some side conversations.... and yet.... I wasn't truly prepared for the mind games and twists and surprises that weaved the story together!

If you're into the sort of thing where you thrive on not knowing anything about a story... just dive right on into the story and stop reading here.  Otherwise here's just a little more for you - besides the encouragement to just keep turning the pages, be prepared, there's some drama and twists and curious moments ahead!

Wynne is not the usual kind of hero I'm drawn to... he's quieter, a little hesitant, a bit more unsure of himself.  Then again, going undercover as your estranged brother into a outlaw gang where you're on your own, totally out of your element, and dependent upon your outlaw brother telling the truth about everything... and then you encounter some pretty major surprises, one has every right to feel off-kilter.  And while overall his personality is on the quieter, gentler side, there's moments where he digs deep and finds an inner strength that I think surprised even him at first.  I enjoyed watching his character growth and how he built his confidence in himself.  I think he was the perfect kind of man Lucy was needing in her life.

Lucy.... oh my, that girl!  She was an unexpected sweet surprise!  Her mix of soft and strong drew me to her, even as my heart was breaking for her and cheering her on at the same time.  She made some choices that set her on a very tough path, and despite the heavy struggles, she found ways to thrive and survive.   When it all was said and done, she definitely needed a man like Wynne in her life to fully bloom.

I was delightfully surprised at how empathetic I felt and attached I became to some side characters... I don't want to spoil anything, just know you may also find yourself rootin' for some of them as well!  Maybe it's because I like a bit of a bad boy.... ;)

Anyways, this was another awesome story by Patti Sherry-Crews that I enjoyed opening the cover and falling into.

*leaves the room whistling an old Alan Jackson song...
still you wonder...
who's cheatin' who
and who's bein' true
and who don't even care anymore
makes you wonder
who's doin' right
with someone tonight...
who's horse is stabled next door.


Purchase Links:



  1. Congratulations, Patti on this wonderful review. I also love the cover...gorgeous!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi, Sarah! There's nothing like new release day and seeing your name on the cover, right? Thanks for your encouraging words.

  2. Ha! That Alan Jackson song sums it up! When I was researching my series on the women of the Wild Bunch, I had to make a lovers flow chart for myself at one point to help me keep track of their, shall we say, fluid relationships.
    This story was first inspired by while reading about the outlaw hideout along the Outlaw Trail like Hole-in-the-Wall. I read that attempts by the Pinkerton agency to send uncover agents in to try infiltrate the gangs were all unsuccessful. Then I couldn't find any specific accounts on that intriguing bit of info. So, I thought what if...
    And I'm glad you ended up having sympathy for certain unsympathetic characters as was my intent! Without giving too much away, that was also inspired by real life. I love Sundance and Etta and always wondered if they went on to live a happy life under different names. There are so many accounts of people claiming to have encounters in later life with them, none of them probably true. There was one claiming Etta was his aunt and when they visited her, they slipped her money and said "Don't let that good-for-nothing get his hands on his or he'll gamble it away." Enough said. What if Etta and Sundance....
    Thanks, Michelle, I always appreciate the way you throw yourself into a story.

    1. This was a unique escape for me, and I enjoyed being 'thrown' into it! haha!

      and yeah, I keep thinking that no matter the ups/downs, the real life Etta and Sundance managed to make their own hea.
