Wednesday, December 5, 2018

New Release — The Homecoming by Kit Prate

Rory Saunders has experienced a crushing divorce. After sixteen years of marriage, her life is in disarray.

She knows she is running away when she leaves the city behind her; running to what she hopes will be a new beginning. Moving to a new house, a place in the country, she seeks to recapture the happiness of her childhood, and perhaps some of her childhood dreams.

The last thing she wants or expects is another broken heart. She is through with that part of her life; through with secrets, disappointment, and painful deception.

Then Devlin Culhane strolls into her life. He reminds her of the handsome loners who decorate the covers of the western romances she reads for pleasure; tall, tanned and blond, ever the hero.

But even a hero can have secrets…


     Rory Saunders had made up her mind. She was going to do it. It didn’t matter if it was slightly less than a month until Christmas, or that everywhere she went some pillow-stuffed Santa was ho-ho-hoing on every street corner or at the entrance to every store. And if she heard even so much as one more pop version of Hark, the Herald Angels Sing… What was it about the idiot merchants out there that made them start the Christmas push just a week after Halloween? Or pop “artists” who thought they could improve traditional Christmas carols by performing them like they were punk rock compositions? It was depressing.
     It was also her first Christmas alone since the divorce.
     Rory Saunders was going to kill herself.


  1. THE HOMECOMING looks like such a wonderful story, Kit. I can't wait to read it. All the best to you!

  2. This sounds like another good holiday story. I'm stocking up for the next storm ;) Best to you.

  3. Kit,

    What an exciting and intriguing teaser. I'm hooked. I have to find out what Rory does.

    All the best to you and this book.
