Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Book reviews: Medieval Christmas tales!

This book review is a little different, as I'm highlighting just a few stories from two of PRP's medieval Christmas anthologies.

First up is One Winter Knight.


Hear ye, hear ye! Looking for medieval romance? Tales of knights and their ladies abound in ONE WINTER KNIGHT, a wonderful collection of medieval holiday novellas for your reading pleasure!

You’ll be held spellbound by this boxed set of captivating stories from some of today’s top medieval authors, as well as some rising stars in this up-and-coming genre. Lindsay Townsend, Deborah Macgillivray, Cynthia Breeding, Keena Kincaid, Cheryl Pierson, Beverly Wells, Patti Sherry-Crews, and Linda Carroll-Bradd have woven eight excellent Yuletide tales of love lost and found that are sure to keep you reading far into the night. Laced with holiday traditions and the excitement of a bold, dangerous era, Prairie Rose Publications is proud to offer yet another wonderful boxed set of medieval Christmas tales for your reading pleasure.

This collection of novellas makes a wonderful holiday gift for hours of entertaining reading—for others, or for yourself! These stories are certain to keep you enthralled as you read on to find out how these knights and ladies find their very own “happily-ever-after” endings ONE WINTER KNIGHT…

My reviews:

My Forever Love by Cheryl Pierson
Logan and Noelle's story warmed me up on a cold winter's night! They were selected for each other in an arranged marriage that both initially faught against. But then after meeting, Logan fell in love with her, while Noelle wasn't aware of everything going on around her. Sweetness and excitement carry through to their happily ever after.

To Play with Cats by Patti Sherry-Crews
Giggle and swoons!! I was needing something different to knock me out of a book funk and PSC's To Play with Cats story did the trick perfectly!

First, we have a sweet and adorable heroine who reminds me alot of me... Especially in her mobility skills. Lol

Then we have the big, strong, manly hero who needed some time to get his head straightened out (what good hero doesn't have some flaw... Lol), but who still could make me swoon.

Wrap them up snug in a castle with a little bit of drama and excitement and you have a sweet Christmas happily-ever-after for a knight and his lady love.

Then there's One Yuletide Knight.



Find a comfortable easy chair in front of the fire and grab your copy of ONE YULETIDE KNIGHT from the authors at Prairie Rose Publications! Travel back to medieval times to celebrate Yuletide with these dashing knights and their spirited ladies in a wonderfully romantic boxed set of stories you won’t want to put down! Lose yourself in this collection of eight exciting stories of medieval days penned especially for this most joyful time of year.

With exciting tales by talented authors such as Deborah Macgillivray, Lindsay Townsend, Keena Kincaid, Cynthia Breeding, Angela Raines, Patti Sherry-Crews, Beverly Wells, and Dawn Thompson, you’ll find it hard to put this collection down until you’ve read to the very end!

Don’t miss these adventures of holiday romance spiced with medieval danger in ONE YULETIDE KNIGHT!

My reviews:

A Marriage Made in Hell by Deborah Macgillivray
Omgoodness!! This novella just BLEW ME AWAY! After I got into the swing of how Deborah uses her words to build the atmosphere of her story, I was totally immersed into Grantham and Lesslyn's story and didn't want to leave. Add in the fact that it was a short story, but yet I was able to connect to the characters, that just made this story all the better!

What started seemingly as a innocent "swap places" decision turned into something meant-to-be but figuring out the who and what to get to their HEA was quite the trip!

Grantham swept me away with just how manly he was and how he claimed and settled into his new role. Lesslyn was endearing in how she approached her new life and sweetly fell for her man. They were the perfect compliment for the other.

This was the first book I've read from Deborah Macgillivray, and it won't be my last! I definitely need more of her stories in my life! 

The Protector by Patti Sherry-Crews
A surprising amount of intrigue and twists are packed into this cute story where everyone has secrets and their own agendas. Tempers flare and stubbornness digs in amidst a swiftly growing admiration that turns into a sweet love.

Juliana finds herself frustrated with having to deal with Sir William, especially when he verbally manhandles her into something she thinks is ridiculous. Will is just following orders trying to protect her, but he can't seem to keep his attention off more fun things to do with her - even when she's stashed away safe.... maybe....

I loved watching their banter and how they connect even though they're often at odds with each other. This is a fun story if you enjoy a heroine who's determined and spunky and gives just as good as she gets.

Purchase Links:


  1. Thank you, Michelle, for delving into the distant past with us! These are two wonderful anthologies and I was honored to be in them. By the way, I read a number of other medieval stories before attempting To Play With Cats and PRP collection, One Hot Knight, was the best I read and I highly recommend it. I've always loved studying this period of history and my year abroad in Wales where there are more castles than anywhere else in Great Britain, cemented it all in my head. I loved all my characters in To Play with Cats and the Protector. I hope I left the reader wondering who was the protector in The Protector, because although Sir William was a swoon-worthy knight, the ladies were well able to take care of themselves, right?

    1. Hey Patti!

      Okay, so a bucket list dream of mine is to go castle exploring in Europe someday! :) We'll see when/if it happens. I'd love the history and "romance" behind it -- and then enjoy my first world conveniences greatly after visiting! lol

      One Hot Knight is on my tbr pile! I'm looking forward to getting to experience it for myself!

      I adored your stories so much! Of the two, I think To Play With Cats was my fav just because, I could TOTALLY see myself as Catty and I adored their connection. But I will agree with you on The Protector - Juliana was a force to be reckoned with! :)

  2. Michelle, thank you so much for reviewing these two books--I loved every story in both of them. It's fun to step outside the comfort zone sometimes and write something that you aren't used to writing--but boy, you have to really do your homework! Thank goodness I had my good friend Deborah Macgillivray who writes the very best medieval tales and has done so for so long that it's second nature to her to look mine over and tell me if I'd made any mistakes. And I had made a big one I didn't even realize that I had to change immediately--they were eating potatoes! LOL Bad Cheryl.

    Anyhow, these are all fun stories and great to just escape with!

    1. Cheryl - it was SO MUCH FUN to get to go way back in time (farther than I'm used to) and get out of my usual comfort zone as well as a reader. So glad you had backup in Deborah - although I'd have no idea potatoes weren't a common food then!

      I'm looking forward to circling back to these collections and reading more of the stories there! So many, but not as much time! :)
