Thursday, November 8, 2018

New Release — Innocent Bystander (The Innocents Mystery Series Book 3) by C.A. Asbrey

Pinkerton Agent Abigail MacKay’s willful sister, Madeleine, is going to be the death of her yet. That is, if Madeleine doesn’t get herself killed first! After running off to marry a widower whose wives mysteriously die—leaving behind a great deal of money each time—spoiled, beautiful Madeleine is unaware of the danger she’s in. Though no doctor has been able to establish a cause of death for any of the women, Abigail is sure they were murdered—and that her younger sister is going to be next. The only person who can help her save Maddie is the charismatic criminal, Nat Quinn—and Abi left him cooling his heels in jail at their last meeting.
As Fate would have it, Nat and his partner, Jake Conroy, were the last to see Madeleine before she disappeared. She happened to be on a train The Innocents held up—but she was alive and well when they parted ways. And Madeleine is the least of Nat’s worries, now that he’s discovered that Abigail has lied to him about one very important thing—she’s married!
When Abi risks all to ride into the outlaws’ deadly hideout and ask for help, there’s no doubt she’ll get it—but nothing’s free in Ghost Canyon; here, everything has a price. With a new understanding in their relationship, Nat agrees to help her prove David Bartholemew is a cold-blooded killer before he can murder Maddie.
With Jake in charge of Madeleine’s welfare, all hell breaks loose when two competing reporters get involved in the case, along with an old nemesis of Nat’s coming into the mix. One thing is certain: David Bartholemew is a murderer. But how is he doing it? In a race against time, will Nat and Abi be able to figure it out before Jake runs out of ways to protect Maddie from her evil husband? Or will each of them become an INNOCENT BYSTANDER?
A vacant-looking man with prominent yellow teeth walked into her field of vision, striding beyond the blinding sun and dragged her roughly from the horse. She had expected to be searched and had ruthlessly bound her body with bandages to try to flatten and conceal her breasts, but the man merely patted down her sides before turning his attentions to her jacket. He pulled out the pistol which had been loosely placed in her pocket and slapped his way down her legs. She was instantly glad she had foregone the Derringer she usually wore at her ankle. A concealed weapon was too risky.
“He’s clean.”
“Well, boy. It seems like you’re gonna get your wish, but if you’ve been messin’ with us and you ain’t Quinn’s kin, you’re gonna regret it. He don’t like to be messed with.”
Abigail felt her arms grabbed as she was roughly turned around and her carefully dirtied hands were bound behind her back, the rope biting deeply into her skin as it was pulled tight. They must have seen her wince as it provoked a chorus of laughter which rang in her ears.
“Looks like this life’s a bit too rough for you, sonny.”
 A thick, smelly bag was thrust over her head, obliterating the world, before she was lifted back onto her little colt and she felt herself led off to face the rest of the gang.



  1. Wow! You really have the conflict and subplots going on in this blue beard kind of story. I'm worried about Abigail's younger sister for certain. There's certainly plenty of things to cause conflict between Abi and Nat...and then there's that partner, Jake. Hmmm, now what's gonna happen there?

    Innocent Bystander looks like a page turner to me, C. A.! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I'm really glad people can now read these all together.

  2. Oh, how I love this series! I especially love how you've made Nat and Jake both heroes and I love that Abi is such a strong person--it will take someone like her to hold a man worth his salt! LOL

    Congratulations on your release, Christine! I truly do love this entire series.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl and Livia, for all your support in helping me get these books out there.


    I know that you know how absolutely over-the-top stinkn' excited I am for Innocent Bystander to be released!! You had my attention and fan-girlin' squees since the potato incident in book one and it's only gotten better as the story keeps going.

    I loved how you wrapped so many layers and plots and twists and such fun and beauty into this story! And reading that excerpt so makes me want to start from the beginning and get lost in it all again!

    (deep breath, okay, coolin' the fan-girl squees! lol)

    1. Oh, and a special thank you to you, Michelle for your wonderful reviews and support!

    2. Oh, and a special thank you to you, Michelle for your wonderful reviews and support!

  4. C.A.. WOW! Another in this series. Innocent Bystander is on my TBR list for sure. A girl's gotta love these hunks and it's so much fun with all the push and pull that goes on in your stories. Wishing you much success with Innocent Bystander as I know it will be. Great characters and I adore series because I just keep getting better acquainted with those I left in the last book. And Livia did an awesome cover once again. Love it.

    1. Thank you. I had loads of fun writing them. It's amazing to get them into print and have people enjoy them.

  5. From the get go and the sneak peeks at your books, I knew there was something very special about you and the characters you created! It's been great to watch the response. Now upward and onward to great things. Looking forward in the New Year to see you at a book signing her in the US. I'll bring the wine. :)

    1. Oh, it'd be great to get over there. Thank you so much for your support and for pointing out my work to Livia and Cheryl. You were my turning point!
