Thursday, September 13, 2018

New Release -- Banking on Temperance (Cotillion Ball Saga Book 3) by Becky Lower

When beautiful Temperance Jones and her mother enter Basil Fitzpatrick’s St. Louis bank, the handsome ladies’ man believes he’ll only be conducting a monetary transaction for the down-on-their-luck Jones family.  But Fate intervenes, and that first meeting becomes so much more to both Temperance and Basil.
 Dying of consumption, Preacher Jones extracts a promise from his daughter Temperance that she will do whatever it takes to get the rest of the large family to Oregon. With the threat of civil war looming, he wants to see his sons safely away from conflict.
With Basil’s help, the Jones family begins to put down roots, and the faraway dream of traveling on to Oregon loses its luster for everyone but Temperance.  She knows she must go on, no matter what—if not for her promise to her father, then to protect her own heart from Basil—for she has loved him since the moment they met.
Is Basil ready for a permanent commitment? To love Temperance would mean taking on the burden of providing for her mother and siblings, as well—a tall order for a man who, up to now, has only looked out for himself. Drawn to the tiny spitfire like a magnet, Basil must decide if he’ll let Temperance travel the Oregon Trail with another man, or will he gladly spend the rest of his life BANKING ON TEMPERANCE?


     “I may have a solution, at least temporarily.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “My brother-in-law, Joseph, has an old soddy house on his family’s property and he’s willing to let you use it at no cost. It’s very crude and small, and needs some repair, but it will at least provide some shelter for your husband. Would you care to see it?”
     Martha’s eyes filled with tears. “It would be a god-send, however crude. Of course, I want to see it.”
     “All right, then. After the bank closes today, I’ll take you there. Joseph’s family has a horse farm and it so happens several of his stock are in the livery right now. We can borrow one of them and ride out together. There’s no sense in moving the wagon until you make certain you can live there.”
     Basil and Martha strode back to the wagon where the children were standing. Martha stood in front of them as she addressed Basil. “Blessings upon you, sir. Our family is sure fortunate we met you the minute we pulled into town. I’ll see you this afternoon.”
     “For the sake of propriety, it may be best if Temperance joins us, too. I’ll bring an extra horse.”
     The stricken look on Temperance’s face brought a grin to Basil’s. This was going to be fun.


  1. Congratulations Becky! I see by the excerpt there is going to be an enticing situation and a little deviltry. LOL All the best.

  2. Becky, I love this series so much! You've created such a memorable cast of characters, and intertwined them so well in each of the books--I always look forward to the next one, and the next one... Great stories!

  3. Thanks, ladies, for your comments, and for breathing new life into this series. I love the Fitzpatrick family so much, it was hard to finish the collection and move on.

  4. Great last line on that excerpt. Congratulations on your new release. It looks wonderful.

  5. Becky,

    Congratulations! Release day (including re-release day) is exciting. PRP is a great place to be published. Best of luck to you with your series in its new home.

  6. Congratulations, Becky, on the release!!

  7. Another winner, Becky. Congratulations! Doris
