Wednesday, August 8, 2018

THE COMANCHERO'S BRIDE by Kaye Spencer – August #blogabookscene #PrairieRosePubs #westernromance

Blog-a-Book-Scene is a monthly themed blogging endeavor from a group of authors who love to share excerpts from their stories. Find us on Twitter with the hashtag #blogabookscene and #PrairieRosePubs.

The theme for August is Alone Again, Naturally. The scene below is from my western romance novel, The Comanchero’s Bride.

Isabel jerked awake. She lay still, listening, but all she heard was the incessant wind worrying the brush and buffalo grass. Heart pounding, she looked to the horses. They stared away from camp, heads high, nostril flared. It hadn’t been her imagination. Whatever had startled them had awakened her. Hurrying to them, she quieted them, listening and watching just as they were. Then the sound came again—the unmistakable crack of distant gunfire. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she knew Mingo was at the heart of the gunfire.

She spent a few minutes soothing the horses while waiting to hear more gunfire, but no sound came. Walking away from camp with the shotgun cradled in the bend of her elbow, she found a slight rise where she could view the land without sky-lining herself. As far as she could see, there was nothing but empty, endless prairie. No sign of Mingo. No sign of another human being. She felt suddenly small and alone, a tiny speck on the vast Texas prairie.

Returning to camp, she prayed nothing had happened to Mingo. She refused to believe he was dead; they’d come too far to fail now, but tears welled from deep inside, and she swallowed hard, clenching her teeth in determination to choke back the crippling fear rising in her heart.

Think. Don’t be a ninny. There’s no reason to assume he won’t return. It’s not dark yet. There’s still time.

But her instincts told her otherwise. He’d been too apprehensive earlier, edgy. Only now did she realize how much he’d downplayed his worry for her sake. Their words before he left, the way he’d lingered with her in his arms, but most of all, the last look he’d taken before he’d ridden away, she now understood were all he had to give her. He went out to kill Grayson with the belief he wasn’t coming back…

The Comanchero’s Bride is available on

You will also find The Comanchero’s Bride in this boxed set of six western romance novels, Under a Western Sky, which is also available on in digital format or for KindleUnlimited. Click HERE


September's Blog-a-Book-Scene theme is Critters and Creatures.

Until then,

Kaye Spencer

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  1. I have this boxed set and I'm looking forward to reading your story in it. I read some of these stories when they came out as singles. This boxed set is such a bargain I just couldn't resist buying it.
    All the best to you, Kaye.

  2. The scene just makes your heart ache. What a story. Doris

  3. What a scene! I remember reading this passage in your story and being so worried for Isabel and Mingo. This story was full of twists and turns and Mingo is a hot hero! Well done, Kaye.

  4. Sarah,

    Thank you, Sarah. I appreciate your kind words.

  5. Doris,

    *hugs* Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Patti,

    I worried for Isabel and Mingo, too. lol Thanks for stopping in.

  7. Kaye when I read this scene I was worried sick. Even though I knew you HAD to make things come out right...GULP...I hoped...I thought... Still, I was right there with Isabel and thinking those thoughts, remembering him holding her a little longer than he might have otherwise, not saying the words that might worry her...SIGH. He is soooo hot.

  8. Cheryl,

    Mingo was always Antonio Banderas in my imagination. *dreamy*

    1. I kind of thought so...I thought the same thing when I was reading it... SIGH.
