Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Writing Historical Mysteries

By C.A. Asbrey

I was asked recently how to write a historical mystery, and even though I’m brand new at it I would imagine my approach is very much like everyone else’s. 

Firstly, there are all the usual issues people encounter when setting a story in the past. Linguistic anachronisms can beam out of the page to those who know their period like a neon sign in a dark alley. People have to behave as they would have in the social stratifications of the time, and you absolutely must know the tiny details of how people lived and dealt with the minutiae of life. There's no point in pricing something like bread at more than an average man would earn in a month. Nor does it help your story if you don't know the basics on how your characters work, live, or play in whatever century you select.

I was once jolted out of a book because an eighteenth century aristocratic woman had been named 'Holly'. That simply wouldn't happen in England in that time period. Some of the non-conformist churches had a habit of calling their children non-traditional names, but the upper classes never did. The maid could have been called 'Holly' but her mistress? Never.

Anachronisms are easily spotted

History throws up many problems you won't encounter writing any other kind of mystery. There are numerous pitfalls for the unwary. Not only do you have to build a believable universe, you have to put credible characters right in the middle of it and make them reveal the world you have carefully built by showing the readers their experiences. The reader needs to feel what they feel; the smell of the horseflesh, the clatter of the hooves, the sizzle of the cooking, and the creeping of the leeches.    

Then there's the speech patterns to think about. Local accents were stronger, with less exposure to strangers or the media to even them out. Slang and commonly used expressions can be quite impenetrable to modern ears. You can call someone a "dentiloquent bletcherous zounderkite" but you can make it clear what it means by the way people react to it.  Use slang and dialect lightly enough to create local colour, and leave the rest of the dialogue plain enough to be clearly understood. And bear in mind that what you think you hear may not be accurate at all. To this day there are thousands of Scots protesting that none us say 'verra' and never have; yet millions of people think it's an accurate interpretation of the Scottish accent because it appeared in a well-known series of books. If you come from a different culture check with a local. It's far too easy to get it wrong.  I certainly have and depend on good friends and editors to get it right.     

The answer is a simple as it is hard to achieve. Know as much as you possibly can about your subject, period, and characters. How did they do simple things like go to the toilet? Eat? Cook? WorK? What did they earn? What did the care about? Who did they defer to? How did they react to people who were different to them, or who failed to live by their social code? How did they wash and how often? Show this by having your characters do them in the story instead of writing descriptions about it. Also be careful that you don't disappear down the rabbit hole when researching. It can be fascinating and engrossing and I've often looked up at the clock to find a whole day has gone by before I've realized.        

Once you get over the problem of putting realistic characters in place and in period the mystery writer has another hill to climb. What is your mystery and how do you solve it? Of course we need to leave our path strewn with red herrings but they need to be historically possible too. What are the symptoms of poisoning and how did doctors test for them in your chosen period? How long would someone realistically take to die from a stab wound or a blow to the head? What weapons were available at that time and what evidence would they leave behind?

When you do your research make sure you know the source is absolutely credible and backed up by more than one source. The internet is full of inaccurate information and it's vital to ensure the veracity of any facts you come across.    

Just like any traditional mystery you need to assemble a cast of characters who include more than one credible perpetrator, more than one possible motive, and ensure that your detective in your chosen time period has the knowledge and the wherewithal to expose the murderer and prove the crime.
This whole post seems to throw up more questions than it answers, but there is an easy answer. Spend a lot of time getting under the skin of the people you write about and really know your subject. They say you should write what you know for good reason. When you have a good broad understanding of the period, do lots of research on each murder method, the evidence it would leave, and how that evidence would be interpreted in that era. There no point in choosing a poison which wasn't detectable at the time and bringing in forensics which didn't come in until later will definitely result in comments from readers.

At the end of the day you have to look at whether you are creating a historical treatise or telling a good story. To me the story is the most important thing, weaving all the historical detail through the tale until it's no more than background to the main action. Don’t beat yourself up too much about a slight inaccuracy. Even history books contain errors, so historical fiction can hold its head up high if it evokes a sense of period and place which serves the story. The story is fiction. The people (and sometimes even the place) are inventions.

One of the best examples of the story mattering more than detail in fiction comes from a famous anecdote. After his success with “A Streetcar Named Desire” on Broadway, Tennessee Williams had occasion to return to New Orleans where he was accosted by a woman who chided him for his description of the streetcar lines. She told him if Blanche DuBois took the streetcars as described in his play, she wouldn’t end up on Elysian Fields Avenue. “They simply don’t run that way,” she said.

Williams replied, “Well, they should.”

The Innocents (The Innocents Mystery Series Book 1) by C.A. Asbrey @prairierosepubs #historicalmystery #theinnocentsmysteries

 ''The Innocents", by C.A. Asbreypublished by Prairie Rose Press is now available to buy.

Pinkerton Detective Abigail MacKay is a master of disguises—and of new crime-solving technology! But she’ll have to move fast to stay a step ahead of Nat Quinn and Jake Conroy.

Nat and Jake are the ringleaders of The Innocents, a western gang that specializes in holding up trains carrying payrolls—and Nat is pretty savvy when it comes to using the new sciences of 1868 in committing his crimes.

Charismatic Nat and handsome Jake are on the run, and they’ve always gotten away before—before Abi. But when Abi is caught by another band of outlaws during the chase, there’s no other choice for Nat and Jake but to save her life. Abi owes them, and she agrees to help them bring in the murderer of a family friend.

The web of criminal activity grows more entangled with each passing day, but Nat, Jake, and Abi are united in their efforts to find the murderer. Once that happens, all bets are off, and Abi will be turning Nat and Jake over to the law. But can she do it? She finds herself falling for Nat, but is that growing attraction real? Or is he just using her to learn more about the Pinkertons’ methods? Abi always gets her man—but she may have met her match in her “best enemies”—THE INNOCENTS.


     “So, you want to pretend you’re a Pinkerton? As a female?” His eyes darkened. “I’ve questioned one before, although he didn’t know who I was. They’re trained real well on being both sides of interrogations. You don’t want to do this. Not as a woman. He had a real hard time. You’ll have it even harder.”
     She sat staring ahead once more, her face impassive and stony.
     “You’ve nothing to say?”
     Her eyes flashed. “Beating the hell out of me won’t change anything but my view of you.”
     Nat reached out and entwined a hard fist in her hair and dragged her backward until the chair balanced on the back legs. He brought his face close to hers, his hot breath burning into her cheek.  “Think harder, lady. This isn’t a game. Who are you?”
     Abigail felt the dragging pain at the back of her head as shards of pain lanced across her scalp. He held her, balanced between his painful grip and a clattering fall to the floor but her stubborn nature wouldn’t let her acquiesce.
     “Others will come after you, no matter what you do to me.” She darted her eyes to meet his, unable to move her pinioned head. “I won’t be the last.”
Blog - C.A Asbrey - all things obscure and strange in the Victorian period 
The Innocents Mystery Series group 

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mysteryscrivener/

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/author/caasbrey 


  1. Christine, I loved that story about Tennessee Williams. LOL How many times would we LOVE to say something like that to our critics and that be the end of it? LOL As the old saying goes, "Everyone's a critic..." And I think a big reason is, a lot of people don't stop and think that this IS fiction, and as authors we do try our best to 'get it right' but there will inevitably be mistakes. It happens. Though we study and research our time period, location, etc. as you say, some things will slip through simply because no one can be an authority on every single thing.

    I love your series and am looking forward to many more stories from you about The Innocents. You've created wonderful characters and mysteries for them to be involved in. I'm always in awe of people who write mysteries because my brain can't even begin to work like that--so when I read a mystery, I'm ALWAYS surprised!

    Great post-I enjoyed it!

  2. Thank you so much, Cheryl. You are so kind, and definitely one of the invaluable trusted sources for checking American English and colloquialisms. What would I do without you? Yes, I think we can be forgiven for the odd error. Accuracy can confound expectations too. Something was pointed out to me as an anachronism which was spot on and inspired my blog post on the English spoken by Gaels and the phrases they used which later entered English. I do love that story about Tennessee Williams too. It made me laugh.

  3. Great post, C.A. -- historical research is double-edged sword, because sometimes what is accurate isn't what a reader expects. Of course, a writer shouldn't be sloppy and never look up basic facts of the era they're writing. I didn't know that about 'verra'. Are you Scottish? But I think that speaks to the conundrum writers of Scottish historicals must face, whether to use 'verra' or not. If readers expect it now, it's probably can't be avoided lol.

    1. Yes, I am Scottish and have been fascinated by all three of the Scottish languages all my life. I'd say don't use it. I am always happy to help with genuine idiosyncrasies any time you want. We don't say it and never have. We say 'verr-ay' with rolled rs. There isn't an accent or linguistic difficulty in pronouncing the word properly as the ending fits well with the sounds already used in Gaelic and old Scots. I've been laughing with Scottish people online for years now. Just think of the word ceilidh - it's pronounced 'Kay-lay' - the same ending. We use that sound all the time. It's a tough one if you think your readers expect it, but maybe I can give you better colloquialism?

    2. Of course, I admit that I'm biased! Thank for commenting, Kirsty and I genuinely mean that offer to add local colour if you need it.

    3. Thanks for the offer. I don't write Scottish historicals, but I do love to read them. :-) I have to admit that 'verra' has never bothered me to read them, but then I didn't know it was incorrect. We learn something new everyday. :-) My husband is of Scottish ancestry, so we visited several years ago (to find the church where his grandparents were married in Blantyre) and I loved it when we landed at he airport. The customs agent welcomed us from the U.S. by saying, "Smashing." We traveled as far north as Inverness (love it up there), then flew to the Orkney Islands. Such a beautiful country. I really want to return!

    4. How lovely. I hope you do get back.

  4. Excellent points you made. Writing history, while exciting can and is challenging. Many pieces become accepted as true by the reader when the reality is proven to be something completely different. The question becomes, do you follow the myth to keep readers happy or tell the truth as you have found it to be. Sometimes a compromise is needed. As an example, many believe that women doctors had a horrible time, but in reality, once the floodgates opened, there were quite a few who had no problems and were accepted into their communities with little or no resistance. The average reader wouldn't know that, so....

    Thanks for an enjoyable and informative post. Doris

    1. Thanks for commenting. Yes, it's a minefield to pick through. Great information about the women doctors. A great tale will out, I think, and carry the reader with it.

  5. You've hit on every issue that authors have to tackle when writing historical fiction. I love the research aspect and agree you can often come across conflicting facts, so I do like to double and triple check. I also like to study images on Pinterest and make boards for myself to refer to. And, I agree, sometimes a word or item is so unfamiliar to the modern reader, it can pull them out of the story and send them running to the dictionary, factual or not, so I try and steer clear of those. Trying to get the language right can be a challenge in the same way. Great excerpt! Hats off to you for writing mysteries. I'd like to one day, but as you say, they present their own set of challenges. Good luck with all your projects.

    1. Thank you. I'm equally in awe of people who write romance. How you keep the passion going is a challenge for me!

  6. Christine,
    "...historical fiction can hold its head up high if it evokes a sense of period and place which serves the story. The story is fiction..." I have troubles in this area with my stories. I spend entirely too much research time agonizing over the smallest historical details to make sure I have them correct. An example is train schedules. I'm working on letting go of my need to be this specific in my stories. Your article served as a nudge to remind me that I don't have to be exact (...but I want to be... *sigh*).

    Writing mysteries and series books would be the challenge for me. While I enjoy reading them, I don't have that particular type of creative imagination to keep the stories going or, conversely, not give away all the clues too soon. *grin* Writing my way toward the happy ever after is how my imagination works.

    1. Oh, Kaye! I share that weakness to go off hunting the obscure. I am with you there. I have a knowledge of train schedules any rail enthusiast might envy.I get it. Thank you for commenting.

  7. I love historical mysteries. I've been writing them for 35 years. You've explained it beautifully. Research, stick to your time period, and tell a good story. You've done all of these very well with your INNOCENTS series. I'm looking forward to the next book.
