Sunday, May 27, 2018

Book review: The Comanchero's Bride by Kaye Spencer



Beautiful heiress Elizabeth Bradford White is exiled to Texas with family friends until she “comes to her senses” and agrees to marry the prominent politico her parents have chosen for her. Grayson Beal is certainly not the man of her dreams—she finds him so revolting she welcomes her exile and makes a new life for herself in south Texas.

When she is approached at a fiesta by dark-eyed, handsome Mingo Valderas, she knows her heart will never be her own again. But Mingo has a checkered past—a reputation as a Comanchero, and a man who is as fast with his knives as he is with his gun. An ex-outlaw with many secrets, Elizabeth gives her trust to him, and their whirlwind courtship begins.

But Grayson Beal will stop at nothing to claim Elizabeth and her inheritance, along with the political influence her parents have. In a deadly cross-country race for her freedom, only one man stands between her and the monster who follows her. Fueled by their love and dreams of a future together, Elizabeth and Mingo stay one step ahead of Beal…but will that be enough?

My review:

Consuming intensity.

The Comanchero's Bride quickly kidnapped my attention and pulled me into a consuming intense story.

Elizabeth found her real self and thrived beautifully when she was banished to Texas as a punishment for not following the path laid out by her parents. Her tenacity and loyalty and all-encompassing beauty from inside out endeared her to me.

Mingo, while being a well-off Mexican rancher/landowner, kept his bad-boy, dangerous, fiercely powerful air about him. He was a man with many secrets and a past that created a very special, worthy, and captivating hero. His love and focus and devotion to Elizabeth melted my heart over and over again.

Their journey to their hea was intense. So many trials I didn't expect to see, so many heart-stuttering and shattering moments that tangled me up. Add in a bad-guy story line so rabid I had to pause and remind myself that I would get a happily-ever-after (because... well... read the story and you'll find out!). But intertwined within the pages is an enduring love story that makes you believe that love can conquer all.

P.S.  This is all I could imagine during that one dance scene.... Enjoy!


  1. OMG, I just about broke out in a sweat reading your review, Michelle. Kaye, congrats! Looks like I'll have to buy this one. :)

    1. Haha

      *slides a glass of ice water down the counter like a smooth charmer sending a shot glass down the bar, and turns the fan on high.*

      Youre welcome. And yes, it's a definite must read. .. Just hold on tight!!

    2. Jacquie,

      The villain and his henchmen are amalgamations of several male supervisors I endured over the years. It was a cathartic endeavor to write them. I must admit that the hero, Mingo, was definitely modeled after Antonio Banderas. The heroine, Elizabeth, is a woman of means who throws that to the wind in order to follow her heart.

    3. Michelle,

      Ooh... your *aside* comment is great. *wink* And thanks for reviewing TCB and posting here. *hugs*

    4. Kaye -- *wink* back at ya. It was an absolute pleasure to fall in love with Mingo and Elizabeth and be a part of their journey. And to have those moments dancing with Mingo? Most definitely appreciated!

      And I've decided that those male supervisors must have been truly evil because I wasn't joking when I said that your bad-guy story line was freaking me out and I was starting to wonder how on earth that form of evil could ever be defeated. (shivers)

  2. Hi, Michelle and Kaye. Another great review of a great book! I really loved reading the story of Mingo (he's so dashing!) and Elizabeth. The history of that part of Texas has so many tales to tell with the mixing and clashing of different cultures, which made this book so interesting to me aside from the romance. And the villain was relentless, was he?! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water! Love the Zorro clip!

    1. Patti,

      I like your comparison of the villain and the shark metaphor. There's definitely 'teeth' in his villainy.

    2. Patti,

      Yes, I loved how Kaye swept me away to the historic past of Texas. I'm in awe of y'all who can take history and breath new life into it - and then even educate us readers without us realizing we're getting a history lesson on top of a beautiful story.


  3. Kaye, you know how much I love, love, love Mingo and Elizabeth's story. I got so caught up in it, there were many times I had to go back and re-read it to make sure I'd actually edited anything that needed it instead of just READING it. LOL Love the Marty Robbins song influence, too.

    Michelle, I love this clip. Always loved this movie so much, and I have to admit, when I read this story, Antonio Banderas kept coming to mind. Kaye did her job very well! LOL

    1. Cheryl,

      Ahh... Marty Robbins. His gunfighter ballads have an enduring influence in my stories.

    2. haha -- I can't remember exactly how Mingo was described in the book because no matter what Kaye said, I saw Antonio Banderas. (shrug). Not that it was any sort of insult, I'm sure! lol

      And those are the best books to edit -- because you know the story is that darn good!

  4. What a wonderful review! This certainly makes me want to jump right in and get this. It sounds amazing. Congratulations, Kaye.

    1. C.A.

      The Comanchero's Bride was published in 2016, and it's now in the company of five other Prairie Rose Publications' novels in the boxed set Under a Western Sky.

    2. haha -- I'd say you should definitely read it, CA -- but only as long as Jake's story is getting fleshed out too!! lol! Not that I'm demanding or anything, but I have some happily-ever-afters I'm anxiously awaiting on from you! lol

  5. Loved this book and am glad it's on my Kindle so I can read it again. Ah, yes. I'm in love with Mingo and am so glad Elizabeth fell in love with him, too. Great review, Michelle.
