Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Author Interview: Cheryl Pierson

Hello, Cheryl. Please introduce yourself and tell us about Prairie Rose Publications. Where you’re not only a writer, you’re also….

Cheryl: Hi Patti! I’m so glad to be here. Livia and I both wear many different hats at Prairie Rose Publications. I’m the Editor-in-Chief and co-owner of the company but I also do most of the promoting of new releases, and I’m responsible for acquisitions, contracts, and so on. I’m also constantly trying to think up new ideas for authors to contribute to—boxed sets, anthologies, and “lines” to write for. And as you mentioned, I’m also a writer myself in several different genres. When we started Prairie Rose over 4 years ago, we started out as a company only for women who wrote historical romances. But we quickly realized we needed to add some imprints when submissions of all kinds began rolling in. So in addition to our main Prairie Rose Publications imprint, which is also our company name, we added our two imprints for young readers, middle grade, YA, and NA—Painted Pony Books (historical stories) and tornado Alley Publications (contemporary, sci-fi, and fantasy); our Fire Star Press imprint is for contemporary romance, mysteries, sci-fi, and fantasy for adults, and we also have an inspirational imprint, Prayers and Promises Publications. Sundown Press is the imprint which includes westerns as well as some other genres such as self-help, writing, cookbooks, and so on.

I admire your writing style. You’re very precise: besides the obvious things a writer does such as use dialog and action to tell your story, you’re able to drop in concise, well-crafted phrases that draw us in emotionally. Could you tell us something about your journey as a writer? How much comes naturally and how much have you learned from studying the craft of writing?

Cheryl: Thank you so much for the very kind words! I have read books and studied the craft of writing, of course, and even have taught several creative writing classes and workshops for many years. But probably the bulk of what I do in my writing “just comes naturally”, and I thank God for that. Stephen King says anyone can be taught to write. While that might be true, there is a definitive quality that separates those “wow” stories from “eh” stories. And I don’t believe THAT factor can be “taught” – it just has to be there.  I don’t believe it’s something that can be learned—it’s a part of a person’s imagination, their make-up, and really, the fiber of their personality. I think it helped being raised practically as an only child, with much-older sisters who were out of the house by the time I was 8. I have a lot of “make believe” scenarios I kept in my mind and wrote from the time I was able to string words together. So I just naturally imagine what my characters would say, think, do or feel throughout the story, and I try to tell it in their voice.

I notice that the heroine in Fire Eyes and your daughter share something: the name Jessica. I like to bury bits of my life in my stories for my own amusement. Is this something you do?

Cheryl: Actually, I don’t really do it on purpose, but I’ve surprised myself by what I’ve “revealed” in my characters that came from my life. When I was writing Fire Eyes, my daughter was a teenager. When she and my son were younger we talked one day about wishing we had our Indian names since we have Cherokee and Choctaw blood in our family. My daughter said if she could pick her Indian name, it would be Fire Eyes—so it naturally followed that her name would also be Jessica in the story.  (My son was about 6 at the time—he said he wanted to be Eagle Talon, which I thought was pretty thoughtful for a 6-year-old! LOL)

One thing that struck me while reading Fire Eyes is that there is no clear boundary between good and bad guys. For example, the Indians fade in and out of the narrative and sometimes they’re menacing, and sometimes the reader is relieved to see them. And although the villain of the story is a horrible person, one of the most moving scenes to me is one where an outlaw faces his own death. Not to give too much away, but I was right there with him looking up at what would be his last autumn sky. I think you and I grew up watching the same westerns. Do you think there’s been a shift in recent times how iconic figures of westerns (Indians, outlaws, sheriffs, etc.) are portrayed?

Cheryl: I definitely see a shift, Patti. Things were much more defined “back in the day” of the westerns we used to watch on TV, even to the point of the black hats/white hats to show who was good and who wasn’t. But we know that people are usually not one dimensional. Most times, they have more to them than just being “bad” to the core—but there are exceptions.

I know the scene you’re talking about. That was gut-wrenching to write, even though I knew he was a villain. But he also had memories, a family, a mother…he wasn’t ALWAYS bad. I watched an old re-run of Tales of Wells Fargo a couple of nights ago where the sheriff was actually the bad guy—and I remember thinking, “Wow, what a twist for the times that show was filmed.” But I do think as we are increasingly more aware of psychology and reasons for why people behave the way they do, the “shift” has become more prominent in the stories we write. I should add that I do believe there are people who are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities.

You wear many hats as both editor, writer, publisher. Is there a routine you follow? What does your ideal day look like? Do you have a dedicated work space?


Cheryl: Oh, gosh. Wouldn’t a routine be wonderful? LOL But I’m also a wife, mom and proud grandparent of a big ol’ huge Great Pyrenees dog! And so, family comes first, especially the fur-baby (hubby and I are grandparents with custody—our daughter had to move to a place with no fence when Embry was about 2, so he’s lived with us permanently for the last 7 years). I try to get a jump on the books that will be coming out soon on the schedule so I’m never feeling anxious about getting them edited in time—and it leaves a little breathing room in case an emergency comes up. In the winter, I’m usually in my office or in the living room in front of the fireplace! I have different projects on my laptop than what’s on my desktop (I have learned it’s best that way!) LOL

I’m so glad to be here, and glad you enjoyed Fire Eyes so much, Patti.  Thanks again for having me!

Excerpt from Fire Eyes:

THE SET UP: Jessica Monroe is living alone with her adopted daughter in the eastern part of Indian Territory. Her husband has been murdered by Andrew Fallon’s border raiders. Now, the Choctaws have brought her a U.S. Deputy Marshal who has been badly wounded by the same band of outlaws, in the hope that she will be able to save his life. Here’s what happens:
“You waitin’ on a…invitation?” A faint smile touched his battered mouth. “I’m fresh out.”
Jessica reached for the tin star. Her fingers closed around the uneven edges of it. No. She couldn’t wait any longer. “What’s your name?” Her voice came out jagged, like the metal she touched.
His bruised eyes slitted as he studied her a moment. “Turner. Kaedon Turner.”
Jessica sighed. “Well, Kaedon Turner, you’ve probably been a lot better places in your life than this. Take a deep breath, and try not to move.”
He gave a wry chuckle, letting his eyes drift completely closed. “Do it fast. I’ll be okay.”
She nodded, even though she knew he couldn’t see her. “Ready?”
“Go ahead.”
Even knowing what was coming, his voice sounded smoother than hers, she thought. She wrapped her hand tightly around the metal and pulled up fast, as he’d asked.
As the metal slid through his flesh, Kaed’s left hand moved convulsively, his fingers gripping the quilt. He was unable to hold back the soft hint of an agonized groan as he turned away from her. He swore as the thick steel pin cleared his skin, freeing the chambray shirt and cotton undershirt beneath it, blood spraying as his teeth closed solidly over his bottom lip.
Jessica lifted the material away, biting back her own curse as she surveyed the damage they’d done to him. His chest was a mass of purple bruises, uneven gashes, and burns. Her stomach turned over. She was not squeamish. But this—
It was just like what they’d done to Billy, before they’d killed him. Billy, the last man the Choctaws had dumped on her porch. Billy Monroe, the man she’d come to loathe during their one brief year of marriage.
She took a washrag from the nightstand and wet it in the nearby basin. Wordlessly, she placed her cool palm against Kaedon Turner’s stubbled, bruised cheek, turning his head toward her so she could clean his face and neck.
She knew instinctively he was the kind of man who would never stand for this if it wasn’t necessary. The kind of man who was unaccustomed to a woman’s comforting caress. The kind of man who would never complain, no matter how badly wounded he was.
“Fallon.” His voice was rough.
Jessica stopped her movements and watched him. “What about him?”
His brows drew together, as if he were trying to formulate what he wanted to say. “Is he…dead?”
What should she tell him?
The truth.
“I—don’t know.”
“Damn it.”
“You were losing a lot of blood out there,” Jessica said, determined to turn his thoughts from Fallon to the present. She ran the wet cloth lightly across the long split in his right cheek.
His breathing was controlled, even. “I took a bullet.” He said it quietly, almost conversationally.
Jessica stopped moving. “Where?”

Fire Eyes in also available in the collection Under a Western Sky


  1. Big thanks to Patti for this interview--I always love your questions, Patti! I'm so glad we are in UNDER A WESTERN SKY together and you know I can't say enough good about MARGARITA AND THE HIRED GUN--what a story! Thanks again for the interview and the very kind words!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad to be in the set. I've really enjoyed getting to know all of you better and how other authors work never ceases to fascinate me. On a personal note, these interviews were a good way to start out my stint as 4th Tuesday of every month. I woke up this morning thinking this is my last interview! Now I'll have to find other things to talk about. You've all been great!

    2. Patty, I love these interviews you're doing! There are so many good questions you ask and I really enjoyed answering them and getting to tell people about some things I don't normally get to talk about in interviews. LOL Thanks for doing this--you do an excellent job.

  2. I'm always amazed at what you accomplish, Cheryl. Like you, I always had some story brewing in my mind as a child, and even now the characters keep yapping at me. LOL.

    Great interview and I wish you all the best in the coming years with PRP and more stories, please. (I felt a bit like Oliver Twist with that plea. *Smile*) Doris

    1. Hi Doris! Thanks so much for your kind words and your unfailing support. That means the world to me! Yes, sometimes those characters just won't leave us alone and we have no choice but to DO WHAT THEY ASK and give them their stories! LOL

      Thanks so much for stopping by today!

  3. Wonderful interview, Patti! Cheryl (and Livia) are incredible in how much they accomplish as publishers AND writers. Very impressive. I love the photo of Embry!! What a sweetie. And I LOVED Fire Eyes. Such a romantic great read.

    1. Kristy, thanks so much for coming by--I know you are busy with so many irons in the fire! Embry is our big ol' baby. I used to laugh at my sister-in-law for cooking hamburger meat for her sweet Irish setter, Beauty, and now I do the very same thing when Embry is not wanting to eat anything. He'll be 10 in January and just isn't as willing to eat like he use to be.

      I'm so glad you loved Fire Eyes so much. It's really one of my very favorite stories, and means so much to me as it was my first published novel. Thanks for coming, Kristy!

  4. Great interview. I don't know how you do it all. I struggle juggling life and writing! This is a very compelling excerpt. In just a few lines you told us so much about the personality of both characters.

    1. Christine, I juggle a LOT. LOL Thanks so much for your comment about the excerpt. These characters were so "alive" in my head for so long, I felt almost like they were real people.

  5. Great interview, and Patti highlighted a great story. I'm amazed at what Cheryl and Livia do and feel blessed to be part of the "family."

    1. Thanks Di, and we're so glad to have you with us, too! AND...speaking of which...YOU HAVE A NEW RELEASE TODAY!

      FORGOTTEN SON is one of my fave stories of yours, Di. I was so worried about your characters and wondering how in the world everything could be set straight. Glad to say YOU DID IT AGAIN! Congratulations on your latest MEN OF MAINE story!

  6. Great interview, Cheryl. Of course, I expected no less from you because you amaze me at all you do. Makes me tired just thinking about it. I'm just thankful you and Livia started PRP and I became one of you authors. I wish you much success with everything and please keep time aside to write. I love your books.

    1. Agnes, it makes me tired to think of it too. LOL I'm a great one for making lists and marking off the things I've done. Lately, I've not been too good at "listing" for whatever reason, so I've gotta get back to it and give myself some ORDER in life. LOL We are so glad to have you with us, too, Agnes. I love your stories so much. Always something new and interesting to get us turning those pages! Thanks so much for your very kind words!

  7. Cheryl,
    Learning the story behind the story of "Jessica" and "Fire Eyes" was such a touching insight. As Patti said, hiding those little "Easter eggs" about ourselves in our stories may not mean anything to the reader, but it sure gives an author a secret warm fuzzy know they are included. Fire Eyes was the first of your books I read, and it's a keeper to reread.

    1. Aw, thanks, Kaye. I am really partial to it because when it first came out, the publisher was not interested in any secondary story line (with the marshals) -- only in what happened to Kaed and Jessica. I had to cut so much out. I vowed if/when I got my rights back I was definitely going to add it right back in, and when I got my right back and went with another publisher, that's exactly what I did. I agree with you--it's fun to know the little "ins and outs" of our stories--I'm not sure a lot of readers would care, but it gives us a good feeling to know all those tidbits. LOL I'm so glad you enjoyed Fire Eyes so much!

  8. Nice interview. I think you and Livia both need "Wonder Woman" shirts.

    1. Thanks, Kit! LOL I agree--at least I know Livia needs one of those shirts, for sure! I'm in great company with her.

  9. Fire Eyes was the first book of yours I ever read and I loved it so much I became a fan instantly. You know how much I loved the villain in this story...a really crazy character. I'm still waiting on the story of Daisy and Travis. LOL
    I loved the picture of Embry who seems to take up half the room. How did you arrive at the name Embry? How old is he now?
    I enjoyed this interview, Cheryl.

    1. Hi Sarah! I know you loved Fallon! LOL I loved him, too (in that evil way we love to hate our villains). LOL I know...I have got to write Travis's story. I mentioned him as a young boy in Gabriel's Law...then he showed up as a young man in Fire Eyes. He needs his own story!

      Embry was a rescue puppy. His mom (we surmised) was brought to the shelter pregnant, because they knew that the puppies were 1/2 Great Pyrenees and 1/2 Anatolian Shepherd. There were 9 or 10 of them, and when Jessica and Casey went to pick one out Embry just picked THEM out. LOL He was the cutest thing when he was little. The shelter staff named the puppies when they were born long before they were ready to leave their mama. They were all named for characters in the "Twilight" saga which was HUGE at that time. Embry was one of the more minor characters. We just liked that name and kept it. He's 9 now, will be 10 in January. Doesn't get around so great anymore, but he's happy to just lay in the floor (where you have to contort your body to get around him) and love us and "guard" against squirrels, big birds, and car noises! LOL

      Thanks for stopping by Sarah. I appreciate your support, dear friend!

  10. Nice interview! Working with you and Livia at PRP is amazing. And even though the work is overwhelming sometimes, I'm astonished that you actually ever get anything new written. But I'm grateful.

    1. Jacquie, we are so glad to be doing what we do. And we have an AMAZING group of authors to work with! Livia and I both have been carving out a bit more time for writing this year and hopefully even more next year. We love that part of it, too! LOL Thanks so much for your support and for coming by today. I know you just had a NEW RELEASE too! Honey rides again!

  11. poppin' in here a week late to just say --- this is AWESOME. :)
