Wednesday, November 1, 2017

SWEET TEXAS CHRISTMAS--Giving a FREE Copy to a Commenter

Say goodbye to October. It was fun and all, but say hello to November. Here comes winter and all those really wonderful holidays.

This year my story, A CHRISTMAS VISITOR, is part of the Prairie Rose Publications Christmas anthology SWEET TEXAS CHRISTMAS. I couldn't be in last year's and I missed that excitement and fun. I love to read anthologies, especially Christmas stories.

So here's a little something about this year's anthology for Christmas. Oh, by the way, there are recipes in the back that were mentioned in the stories. YUM!

And I am giving away a FREE copy in PDF or Kindle Mobi to a commenter.

  SWEET TEXAS CHRISTMAS is an anthology of sweet historical western romances that take place in the state of Texas written by veteran western romance writers: Stacey Coverstone, Sarah J. McNeal, Cheryl Pierson, and Marie Piper.

(my contribution) A Christmas Visitor
Prairie Rose Publications
Releases November 2, 2017

He left her…Now he’s back…But not for long…

Sterling Thoroughgood was Matilda Barton’s first and only love, but he left her three years ago to seek his fortune in Wyoming. And now he’s come back with a puzzle box as a gift with a secret inside. But as far as Matilda’s concerned, it’s three years too late.

Is love lost forever or does the mysterious puzzle box hold the key to happiness?


“Don’t you even think about stepping up on this porch, Sterling Alexander Thoroughgood, or I’ll shoot a hole in you big enough for a team of horses to jump through.” The woman wearing a faded blue calico dress aimed the shotgun straight at his heart…and sometimes his liver since she wasn’t holding the shotgun all that steady.

Sterling raised his hands in the air. His bare hands were practically numb from the cold. He glanced up at the slate gray sky. Snow’s comin’. Then he grinned at the woman holding the shotgun. “Merry Christmas to you, too, Matilda.”

She dipped the shotgun for just a moment, but raised it again as if on a second thought. “What do you want here after being gone for three years? Did you break some hearts up in Wyoming? Maybe you have some fathers and brothers gunning for you and you thought you’d come running back here to hide.”

Well, there it was. He’d hurt her when he left and she wasn’t about to let him forget it.

Sarah J. McNeal is a multi-published author of several genres including time travel, paranormal, western and historical fiction. She is a retired ER and Critical Care nurse who lives in North Carolina with her four-legged children, Lily, the Golden Retriever and Liberty, the cat. Besides her devotion to writing, she also has a great love of music and plays several instruments including violin, bagpipes, guitar and harmonica. Her books and short stories may be found at Prairie Rose Publications and its imprints Painted Pony Books, Sundown Press and Fire Star Press. She welcomes you to her website and social media:


  1. This sounds like a lovely anthology. Adding to my list.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Debby, I think the authors put a good mix of western historical stories for Christmas into this anthology--and don't forget there are RECIPES in it connected to each story.
      Thank you so much for dropping by.

  2. Sarah, I have the best job in the world--getting to read so many great stories all the time! And this anthology really is packed with some excellent Christmas tales and RECIPES! I really enjoyed A CHRISTMAS VISITOR. I was wondering how in the world you were going to resolve that--but I should have known you'd find a way and it would be spectacular!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for all your kind words. I'm a plotter, so I had to work out how I was going to get them out of the fix they were in--two stubborn characters certainly challenge the writer. However;I say, make those dang characters work for their happiness.
      I'm looking forward to reading everyone's contribution--and their recipes, too.
      Thanks for taking the time to come by, especially since I know how busy you are doing all that editing. How do you ever keep from going cross-eyed from reading story after story? LOL All I know is that I sure am grateful you love your job.
      Thanks for everything...

  3. I look forward to reading your story and others. Best wishes on the success of this book.

  4. Thank you, Zina. I'm reading it myself--see what my buddy authors wrote.
    Thank you for coming by.

  5. Where have I been? I just now saw this. Use your SOTW blog to showcase it!

    1. Thank you, Celia, I will do just that when I write up my SOTW blog. Thank you so much for coming over.

  6. The winner of the SWEET TEXAS CHRISTMAS anthology is Zina Abbott. Congratulations, Zina. Please send me your email address to starcriter at yahoo dot com and tell me if you want the anthology in PDF or Kindle mobi. Thank you for your comment and your support.

  7. I want to thank everyone who came to my blog and commented. I really do appreciate you.

  8. I missed this the other day so here I am saying congratulations to all of you authors. These stories sound wonderful and just the thing to sit back and relax with over the holidays. Looking forward to this one for sure.

  9. There's not a better way to spend the holidays at quiet times than to read a selection of great Christmas stories llike these.

    1. Thank you, Bev. I like Christmas stories, too, especially romance in the old west.
      I'm certain the other authors appreciate your kind words as well.
      Thank you so much for coming, Bev.
